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Saturday, 1 December 2007
Getting to Know Muriel Lindsay

Muriel Lindsay the Person

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Sensitive, playful, creative

2. How do you think others would describe you?

Adventurous, caring, creative

3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

The ocean and its creatures

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them

Ridley Yukon of the North - highly intelligent blue eyed half Border Collie/half Husky who can say the words (in English) "Hello Mama"; his best friend Annie, a full bred Husky with a heart of gold but who would kill to put food on the table if it came to that; 18 year old golden long hair cat named Harriett who is the Queen and is flourishing, and 2 year old hoot and a half, very smart, more dog than cat tho in a cat's body Percy, who loves the beach and chasing crabs .

5.  What is your most precious memory?

Certain dolphin encounters I have had

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

 I must have repressed it . . nothing comes to mind

7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

A nature photographer (which I do lots of anyhow)

8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Muriel Lindsay, the writer: She loved life and most of all the natural world. She felt at home with nature. She loved being physical and traveled the world exploring remote places to feel the energies of the ancient past and be informed by them. She fell in love with dolphins and whales and it was a lifelong love affair. There came a time when she could give back to them through writing and she chose to do that. They taught her and showed her things we all could use, and she shared it through the written and spoken word. The bond always remained something of a mystery but was a constant thread til the end of her days.

Muriel Lindsay the Writer

9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

 Writing has always been second nature. I never thought of it as an identity any more than I would call myself a "breather" because I have always breathed. It is just a natural thing to me and always has been.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

Three different projects are percolating and vying for position for me to attend to. I am allowing plenty of percolating before I seriously jump in. Also, I am still newly nursing (marketing) my book that came out in September.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing? 

To keep writing as long as the inspiration is there. As I said, I have three projects in the works, two of them half done and also a half done screen play.

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I write mostly in the white heat of inspiration (sometimes for hours on end) and then, once I have the bare bones, develop a rhythm of daily re-writes. My discipline is not based on an external clock but on an internal understanding of how to get the job done in my own unique way. Rigid schedules do not work for me so I have no "typical" day.

13.  Why do you write?

To find out what I know, think, feel and believe.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

I am a big fan of Tom Robbins. He is just brilliant and informed and irreverent in an enlightening way. And his creativity is off the roof. And Kurt Vonnegut. What can I say. . . he is a national treasure. He is not bitter or cynical even though he sees the "offness" of a culture gone awry so clearly And Carlos Eyles, who has written magnificently about being in love with the sea. He is like my underwater soul mate.

15.  How do you define your writing?

Conversational in tone. Simple. Heartful and easy for people to see me in it.

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

         You can tell she loved her subject matter and she certainly made it clear why she should.

Muriel Lindsay the Details

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

www.thedolphinpost (currently being re-done)

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Email:  or

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

The Chronicles of the Savannah River Dolphins (currently out). Books in progress are: Deep in the Delphic Wave (autobiographical); The Adventures of Toby, the Dolphin from Tybee (fictional children's book); From Easy With Love (screenplay); Big Brain Dying (a wake up call about sound pollution in the oceans).

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?  

Hopefully to look at things somewhat differently and to feel expanded in heart and mind.

In Conclusion

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

 In conclusion: Thank anyone for taking the time to check out what I have taken the time to share. That is a wonderful gift to me and I would hope what I share can be a gift to you. My main message is love the privilege of being alive and part of nature, and always take care of her. Play by her rules. She knows best.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 1 December 2007 10:47 PM EST
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Friday, 30 November 2007
Getting to Know Epstein LaRue
Epstein LaRue the person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?  

Multitasker, Compassionate, and DIYer.

2.  How do you think others would describe you? 

Energetic, Knowledgeable, & Helpful..

3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing. 

My nursing career and my family.

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them. 

Related to the fact that I travel full-time, I have no pets.

5.  What is your most precious memory? 

When my father was sick and in the hospital for seven months.  The trials and tribulations of that ordeal really changed not only my relationship with my husband, parents, but my nursing career.

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?   

Having to wear my nursing hat in school related to the fact that it always got bent in my car when I through it in with my books, and I still haven't figured out a good way to clean it.  Thank goodness, hats are only used in schools now J

7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?  

I'd still be a travel nurse.  Just wouldn't have a world following of my travels. 

8.      In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.  

Epstein LaRue passed away unexpectedly after a motor vehicle accident.  Born and raised in the Oklahoma Panhandle, she has been a resident of Pocatello, Idaho for the last 10 years.  She was not only a traveling nurse who touched many lives around the United States, but a great author who spread her happiness to other nurses.  Her passion for life and love was seen through her many romance novels. 

Epstein LaRue the writer:

 9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?  

That magical moment when I opened that first box of books.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days? 

I have started publishing a book every year instead of every two years.  I also have a monthly eZine and three websites that I am constantly updating.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing? 

To work smarter and not harder.  One of these days, I want to "retire" from floor nursing and go into nursing informatics as an independent home business.

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you? 

Nothing is typical in my life!  I usually write on my days off from the hospital.  At the end of the month, I usually found my self searching for interesting stories for my eZine.

13.  Why do you write? 

I started writing because I had a great story to tell how my husband and I got together online and beat the odds.  I continue to write because I enjoy educating nurses, recruiters, and others in the travel nursing field about what to expect and how we can work better together.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?   

The great writings of Florence Nightingale.  She was not only a great pioneer in nursing, but she dedicated her life to writing notes on how nursing really should be done to educate others.

15.  How do you define your writing? 

Epstein LaRue's writing is an extension of her love for live, people, and passion. 

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years? 

Epstein was a pioneer in the world of educating people about travel nursing.

Epstein LaRue the details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

  My websites are located at:,,  My blog is located at:  MySpace is located at:

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you? 

People can write to me at

19.    My book titles include:

a.       "Love At First Type:  An Online Romance, Based On A True Story"

b.      "Crazy Thoughts of Passion."

c.       "Highway Hypodermics:  Your Road Map To Travel Nursing"

d.      "Highway Hypodermics:  Travel Nursing 2007"

e.       "Crazy Thoughts of An Online Romance" (scheduled release of January 2008)

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)? 

I offer my readers plenty of choices from the contemporary romance of "Love at First Type" to the traditional romance of "Crazy Thoughts of Passion" to the truth about travel nursing in my "Highway Hypodermics" series.

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?  

In conclusion, I would like to thank all my loyal fans throughout the years for following me and writing to me.  I get emails everyday from readers with suggestions, comments and questions about my writing and my travel nursing career.  It is through my readers that my idea's blossom into a rose that can be shared throughout the world.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 30 November 2007 1:09 AM EST
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Thursday, 29 November 2007
Getting to Know Billie A. Williams
Topic: Author Interview
Billie A. Williams the person: 


1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?


Caring, Giving, Fun


2.  How do you think others would describe you?


Energetic, organized, hard working


3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.


Abuse – in  all it’s ugly guises. I worked with domestic violence victims; I’ve seen what substance abuse can do. I abhor abuse to humans any age, any race, or religion, and to animals. I am passionate about preserving our environment, and living in peace and harmony with all creatures.


4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.


We have an adorable alley cat who my boss thought would fit in with us perfectly. Her name is Lady Slipper. She is a gray/nearly tortoiseshell with a long main like a lion, and medium length fur over the rest of her body. – I got her the same day as I received the contract for my book The Pink Lady Slipper – so now you now how she got her name. {grin}


5.  What is your most precious memory?  


The birth of my two daughters and my grandchildren.


6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?


When I was in 3rd grade I was using the hand rings out in the recess area. You know like the gymnasts use. It had rained that day and there was a big mud puddle under the rings. I was swinging on them and I slipped and fell into the mud puddle below – landed on my behind, white jeans were a total disaster – when I went inside my teacher made me stand in front of the room near the radiator/heat register so that my pants could dry — it so happened that my sister’s class, a year older then me, used the room next for their reading class – so there I stood drying my pants – everyone teased that I must have wet them – it was horrid.


7.  If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?


If I had my druthers I would have been a singer/dancer – actress but then wouldn’t we all?


8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.


LOLOLOL She came, she saw, she left!

 Billie A. Williams the writer: 

 9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?


I’m not sure that has occurred yet. I expected it to happen when I held my first book. Now, a couple dozen published books later, I’m still waiting for that feeling. Instead I expect to hear, who told her she was a writer.


10.  What is going on with your writing these days?


I’m working on a couple novels, a cookbook, and another 3-act play. I started putting one of my own novels into a screen play but realize I don’t have time to do everything – so that is on hold.


11.  What are your future goals for your writing?


Finish several of the ideas I have for novels and get an agent and a good publisher. My dream is to be on the top ten list of the New York Times bestsellers and to sell 100,000 copies of one of my books.


12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?


I write 3 long hand morning pages every day in my journal, then I do my gratitude journal, my affirmations, and my intentions journal. I read a bit in some writing related book – one of Julia Cameron’s currently, part of the Artist’s Way series—Then I write at least one chapter of my current WIP. Take a short break to check emails, go pick up the snail mail (it’s not delivered here) have lunch and write another chapter and answer emails. After dinner I may write again or I may just read.


13.  Why do you write?


Why do I breathe?  Paraphrasing Isaac Asimov— for without it I would die.


14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?


There are just too many to list – the group of writers on the Word Mage group are definitely my inspiration – Angela Lansbury writing as Jessica Fletcher she reminds me of my mother, Debbie Macomber because she is so real and in touch with her fans, Jude Devereaux for the way she can describe things her words are beautiful and exact. Nora Roberts/JD Robb because she is so prolific, JK Rowlings for her success, Stephen King for his way with words and for knowing what is at the core of fear, Natalie Goldberg, Julia Cameron, for their motivational inspiration, oh the list will never end. Brenda Ueland, Marcia Goleb for their encouraging words, Francis Hodgson Burnett for touching the child’s heart in me, and that barely scratches the surface.


15.  How do you define your writing?


My tag line says my “Accidental Sleuths solve crimes with wit, wisdom and chutzpah — I hope it is entertaining, informative, fun to read and that my nonfiction inspires and motivates and helps others.


16.  In one sentence—what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?


She really had a way with words.

Billie A. Williams the details: 

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?


18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?


From my website or at


19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Cozy Mystery
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-133-8
(print) 1-59088-901-0                         
Danielle fights for the right to raise her son after her husband is murdered. Her rich in-laws want to raise the child as their own. A vicious attack catapults her into a struggle for her and her unborn son's life.
CANDLELIGHT AND SHADOWS 01/05( sequel to the above)
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-364-0
(print) 1-59088-676-3
Happiness eludes Danielle. Drugs murdered her husband, an explosion murdered her best friend. Can it get any worse? When her critically ill, premature son is kidnapped terror swallows her. She's afraid to ask what's next?
Mystery Suspense
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-417-5
(print) 1-59088-618-6
A serial killer harvests body parts from the victims; Xenotransplant Labs studies human & Dolphin brain wave patterns using college students as guinea pigs, Consider the possibilities. Charlie Wolfe must her life depends on it.
Young Adult Historical Adventure
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-408-6
(print) 1-59088-635-6
Fifteen year old Josh Avery has heard the horror stories about what Indians do to white people. Hurt, delirious he finds himself on a travois being transported across the
Colorado Mountains
of 1853 by Eagleman, he fears the worst.
ISBN 1-59088-424-8 (electronic)
 1-59088-610-0 (print)
The Pink Lady Slipper is a beautiful but deadly, poisonous wild orchid.
Orenda, Michigan (the setting) means magical powers and nothing is as it seems at The Pink Lady Slipper address of Zero Cemetery Lane

ISBN(electronic) 1-59088-488-4
Sequel to The Pink Lady Slipper. Our ex-rodeo clown, Trudy Moncha has her hands full as a blizzard traps her and her unconventional guests in the Bed & Breakfast. As murders begin she wonders if The Pink Lady Slipper will ever be shed of the yellow crime scene tape that decorates the rooms and the landscape since she began it's renovation. But, more importantly will there be anyone left to tell the tale of what happened to everyone during the blizzard that stranded everyone at The Pink Lady Slipper Bed & Breakfast.
Knapsack Secrets 01/08  “Mystery/Suspense
ISBN  978-1-59705-306-8 (electronic)           978-1-59705-727-1 (print)==========================Woman of the Year one day, homeless, jobless and on the verge of a divorce in a matter of a couple days, as she finds out “the only difference between you and a homeless person is as small as one paycheck.” Audrey Fleta Hroc learns this all too soon and her adventure has just begun.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ghost Music of Vaudeville (November 2008) Mystery/SuspenseISBN 978-1-59705-310-5 (electronic)          978-1-59705-728-8 (print)The Keith Theatre is a historic landmark. The people who live in the apartments upstairs from it are legend, they have lived the vaudeville life as actors and actresses, stage hands and more. Now it all is scheduled to crumble under the bulldozers of the Callistrari family with revenge and greed on their mind. Charlie Wolfe and her young friend Tommy are not about to let this happen along with Piano Man (Rudy Poncigrau) they begin their quest to save the theater/historic landmark and a legend.The above titles are all available from Wings ePress, Inc. at  or your favorite bookstore.===============================================Tung Umolomo, A Shutting of the Mouth 09/03South African AdventureISBN 1-4137-0092-6Print OnlyPublish America Writing Wide, Exercises in Creative WritingISBN 0-971096-3-3Print OnlyFilbert Publishing in Search of an Author 06/01/07ISBN 1-932794-15-8Help to create compelling, believable, memorable characters. Forms, charts, interviews, and more for you to discover your unique characters to people your stories.Print OnlyFilbert PublishingOr your favorite bookstores Christmas Dream,ISBN 1-932993-0 Novel by Janet Elaine Smith adapted to Screen Play for Community Theater by Billie A Williams available from  Star Publish, or your favorite bookstoreChristmas is ‘off limits’ for Susan Quincey and her preschool age son. A father he never knew was killed in Desert Storm. He dreams of a Christmas of happiness for hi Mom. He believes miracles can happen, especially at Christmas. Kevin Dockter and a certain Santa try to help—is it enough?=============================  Self-Published in adobe PDF format and print order on line from  or the authorv     Feathers in the Wind (poetry)v     Meanderings Most Museful (Poetry)v     Adrift (Essays)v     Magic Carpet Ride (Children’s Story)v     Bed and Breakfast Murders Cookbook & Extras (List of recipes from The bed and breakfast series, bed and breakfasts and how to survive a blizzard)v     Spice Up Your Writing! Write to Entice  ISBN 978-0-6151-7533-1(available at your favorite bookstore also) 

20.  For new readers—what can they expect when they read your book(s)?


My mysteries are not cozy exactly but violence is not on screen. There are some twists and turns, I hope unexpected ones, and even if they aren’t exactly happily ever after living is never  resolved and for now, everyone is happy.

 In conclusion: 

21.    Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers—what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

Hearing from people who have read my work is one of the greatest joys of being a writer. I sincerely hope that anyone would feel comfortable in contacting me either by email or snail mail.


I would hope that if you have questions or comments about any of my work that you would feel free to contact me. If you would like to know more about me I would be happy to fill you in. If you would need a study guide for a book club or class room, please email me and I will send you one. If you would like a sampler, that is a compilation of all my fiction books first chapters in PDF format – send me an email. I’d be delighted to send you one. Do check my website —the freebies page where you can pick up many free things and it is always changing.  Do you need someone to speak to your writing group?  Your writing class? Or to be on your radio program?  Drop me an email and we’ll see what we can work out, either online or in person.

You can reach me by snail mail by sending a letter to Billie A Williams, P O Box 134, Amberg, WI 54102

Come on in, sit a spell, we’ll leave the light on for you! And Enjoy a good book whoever the author is.


And last but not least thank you Joyce for this excellent opportunity to reach out and touch someone.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 29 November 2007 12:19 AM EST
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Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Getting to Know Phil Harris
Topic: Author Interview
  Philip Harris the person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?


 2.  How do you think others would describe you?


 3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.


 4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.


 5.  What is your most precious memory?


 6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?


 7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?


 8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.



Philip Harris the writer:

9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?


10.  What is going on with your writing these days?


11.  What are your future goals for your writing?


12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?


13.  Why do you write?


14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?


15.  How do you define your writing?


16. In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?


Philip Harris the details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

A comment can be left on my web site or they can email directly at

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?






20. For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?


In conclusion:

21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?



Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 November 2007 2:07 AM EST
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Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Getting to Know Theresa Chaze
Topic: Author Interview
Theresa Chaze the person:
1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?
Spiritual, loving, creative
2. How do you think others would describe you?
creative, tenacious, unique
3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.
My furkids--they are the loves of my life. My spirituality--being a Priestess and Ordained Minister, I wish to help heal the world and leave it a little better place.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.
Yes, I have ten furkids. Nearly all of them are rescue kitties so they are skittish with strangers.
Thor is nine; he has extra toes on all four paws. Keshia is part Manx, but she is sweet and adorable. Abigail originally belonged to a neighbor; however, the woman was totally irresponsible. It would be 25 below, I would come home late at night and she’d be curled up on my front porch. I created a comfy stop on the front porch and started taking care of her. That next spring she had two kittens under my shed. I named them Sissy and Sinbad. The day I adopted all three, a young calico showed up. I thought I found a home for her, but the woman turned out to be a flake, so I adopted her and named her Button. A couple of years later someone started dumping off cats. Of the eight, I adopted four and found homes for the rest. Timmie and Oliver were eleven weeks old. Pooh was about two and Baby was just a little younger. Baby was so malnourished that she had lost most of her fur and you could feel every bone in her spine. Pooh’s long hair was matted to the skin so he needed to be shaved. They are both now very healthy, happy and a little pudgy.
5. What is your most precious memory?
I have many memories that are very special to me. I find it is the simple moments that mean the most. We don’t have to wait for holiday or extraordinary events to have special memory. A dinner with a friend. Playing feathers on a stick with the kids. Taking time to watch a movie. They are all beautiful times that will come with me through out this life and the ones that follow.
6. What is your most embarrassing memory?
Gee, tough question. Looking back, I still don’t understand why I stood on my friend’s porch and screamed her name, instead of just reaching out and knocking on the door.
7. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?
I not only have a degree in Broadcasting/video production, but I have years of experience. I loved the work, but hated the politics of hurry up and wait.
8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.
She loved.
She healed.
She learned.
She made the world a little better place and then she moved on. 
Theresa Chaze the writer: 
9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?
After I wrote my first short story and I learned how magical creating other worlds and reality was. I liked how the story unfolded and the characters were able to grow. It gave me a good feeling to be able to share a little wisdom through the characters.
 10. What is going on with your writing these days?
I have a new project that is based on present and past life experiences. I have also started my own publishing house called Valkyrie Publishing. Instead of publishing other’s work, I help them do it for themselves so they are able to maintain control over the content and profits. I was scammed by two publishers. My goal is to help other authors avoid the mistakes I made. I also publish a free ezine called Messages From the Universe. It can be read on my site or there is a yahoo group that is used exclusively to receive the ezine.
11. What are your future goals for your writing?
I have a long list of projects. I want to finish the Dragon Clan Trilogy. I also a have series of children’s books. There are many more novels and several more screenplays.
12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?
Right now, I am doing 10-12 hour days, doing not only publicity for the current projects, but writing articles for the local newspaper, my blogs and for online magazines.
13. Why do you write?
It is who I am.
14. What writer most inspires you? Why?
Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey. I like their strong women who know how to not only take care of themselves, but how to share love and make a difference.
15. How do you define your writing?
It is a way to entertain and make people see their lives filled with new possibilities.
16. In one sentence—what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
She made me laugh, cry and question.  Mostly she made me afraid of the dust bunnies under my bed. 
Theresa Chaze the details:  
17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?
My website is My primary blog is
18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?
There is a button on my site, but you can also email me at
19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?
On my site is a free ebook called Sisters Mothers Daughter. It uses the fantasy genre to explore the complicated relationships between women.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is an ebook of shadows that not only give accurate information about the Wiccan and Pagan religions, but also original rituals for healing, protection, prosperity and love. It has information for the curious, the novice and the experienced worker. It can only be bought from my site.
Filled with magic, suspense and karmic justice the Dragon Clan Trilogy begins with Awakening the Dragon (978-0-9798406-0-9) with Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to find a safe home and fulfill her dream of opening an occult bookstore. The location for her store has been found. Only she has yet to find a home for herself and her three furkids. A reluctant real estate agent shows her a cottage in the woods that is perfect. It calls to Rachael and opens its doors to her. To her it feels like home. But it is more than a cottage, it is a spiritual nexus where three lay lines intersect; it is a natural energy vortex. It is also the scene of a brutal murder and the focal point to local cult's hatred. Making the cottage her home, Rachael finds herself becoming the catalyst to exposing the murderer, which brings her in the crosshairs of the cult’s violent hatred not only to protect their secret but because the she is another witch. To save herself and all she loves, she is forced to awaken her dragon spirit prematurely and unite it to the energy vortex. She knows what must be done. What she doesn't know if she can control the flames from within enough to save her from the flames without.
Dragon Domain (978-0-9798406-1-6) picks up the story several months and several miles down the road. Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to use their psychic gifts to find a missing child. They find the girl and made a new friend, Jane. Tired of rootless life, Cheyenne prays for a safe, stable home. With Jane's help, she find abandoned farm and decides to stay. Reluctantly, Celeste also remains. The threesome create a spiritual retreat that grows out of their shared wisdom, respect and sense of family. Cheyenne is happy for the first time since she awoke broken and bloody beneath the blinding desert son. Celeste had saved her then, but soon after Dominic appears on their doorstep, Celeste once again turns to the dark arts. Instead of a mother and friend, she becomes vicious enemy with knowledge of all her strengths and weaknesses. With the dragons' aid, she was barely able to ward off their initial attack. But with each dark soul Celeste and Dominic bind to them, their malevolence grows until they will not settle for less that destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone knows exactly how to steal your soul?
20. For new readers—what can they expect when they read your book(s)?
They can expect a good read with characters that they will not only enjoy but who will challenge the reader. They can expect to laugh, cry and a be scared. I like to find the suspense, mystery and romance in normal situations and events. By finding the unusual in the ordinary, you create a new awareness that expands the individual horizons and awareness.
In conclusion:
21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers—what would you like them to know about you and your writing?
Oprah once said there are only two emotions--love and fear. I have taken this a step further: if you come from fear, you can never have love, but if you come from love, you will always have it in your life. So many people fear what they don't understand so they hate. However, if they would only chose to face the fear by seeing past the differences they would learn that acceptance doesn't mean surrendering your own beliefs or way of life; it is opening your heart and you lives to others who will only make you spiritually richer. When we chose to respect ourselves and each other, we able to come together in peace, understanding and acceptance. Every day is a miracle if you chose to see it that way. Each moment is special. My favorite saying is, “Although you can't go back and make a brand new start, you can start from now and make a brand new end.” Everyone makes mistakes. It is the way we learn and grow as souls; what we do with our life’s challenges will reflect how our future path will be directed.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 November 2007 1:07 AM EST
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Monday, 26 November 2007
Getting to Know Janet Elaine Smith
Topic: Author Interview
  Janet Elaine Smith the person:

1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Fun, entertaining, friend

 2.  How do you think others would describe you?

Fun, faithful friend, helpful (I hope)

3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

My family, my friends, my faith (God)--not necessarily in that order

4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.

 None now, but we have had numerous dogs. Oh, and our youngest son once had a lizard named "Iggy-Uana."

 5.  What is your most precious memory?

Oh, my, that's a hard one. I think it was probably the day I left the US for my first "tour of duty" as a missionary in Venezuela. I was only 20 years old, and my mother's biggest argument to try to convince me not to go was that I wasn't even old enough to vote!

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

You think I'm going to tell? If it was that bad the first time, you'll just have to keep on guessing! I've had many of them.

 7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

Either a missionary (which I have been and still am, in addition to being a writer) or a nurse.

 8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

She loved life; she loved people; she loved to serve; she loved to entertain. While she helped thousands of people during her life, the thing that made her the happiest was when she could make someone laugh, often amid their pain.

Janet Elaine Smith the writer:

9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

I had had many magazine articles published, but I don't think it really sank in until I was in a local bookstore and I saw somebody buying one of my books from the shelf--and I didn't even know them! I felt like I had truly arrived!

10. What is going on with your writing these days?

Not as much as I'd like there to be. I am the Marketing Director for Star Publish, the Program Director for Passionate Internet Voices Radio, write for many magazines, and all of these things take time. My husband and I also run a charitable organization, Mission Socorro (see ) so we spend several hours every day helping less fortunate and troubled people. My dream anymore is to have three whole days with no interruptions when I could write on my books. That's my fun. I am working on Tuesday Nolan, though, the second book in my Women of the Week series. I'd like to have it out for Valentine's Day.

11. What are your future goals for your writing?

To make people feel good and be able to laugh at life. To complete 4 new books for 2008. Not much, right?

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

Typical? That's like asking me to describe "normal." I wouldn't know normal if it walked up and slapped me in the face! I do try to do some writing every day, but as I mentioned earlier, often that has to take the form of magazine articles. I don't understand why editors keeps wanting more articles for the next issue when I just finished the ones for the last issue! I do work best under pressure, though, I think.

13.  Why do you write?

I can't NOT write. I have all of these crazy people running around inside my head, just screaming to get out. I have no choice but to help them tell their tales--spin their yarns. Besides, writing is my release route, my way of escape. After dealing with people with problems all day long, I can create a world where everything ends up with a happily-ever-after scenario. I'm trying to figure out how to make real life do that too.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

Many of them. Mary Higgins Clark has been a great inspiration to me, and has taken the time to offer personal encouragement, even before I was published. Also, John Grisham. If I ever doubted that my life was interesting enough to write about, all I would have to do would be to read his books. He has chronicled my life. (See the "John Grisham and Me" page at )

15.  How do you define your writing?

I don't. I write in many different genres, sometimes even within one book. That is why POD publishing has been such a blessing to me. It lets me do what I want to do and tell the stories I want to tell the way I want to do them. I think too many people who strive to get published by the big publishers end up destroying their creativity by trying to make things fit in a neat little package. That doesn't work for me.

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

I remember Janet Elaine Smith's books--and I laugh!

Janet Elaine Smith the details:

17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog? is my main website. The one that caters only to my books is at . I have several others, too, but you'll just have to hunt for them There are links on my main website to all of them. Are you up to a treasure hunt for the day?
I have a blog at . Sometimes I even remember to blog on it!

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you? or a Contact place on any of my websites.

19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Are you serious? OK, here goes.



Par for the Course

In St. Patrick's Custody

Recipe for Murder

Old Habits Die Hard

Bank Roll: A Max Stryker Mystery

House Call to the Past

Monday Knight

My Dear Phebe

And We'll Call Her General Leigh


Dakota Printer

A Christmas Dream

A Lumberjack Christmas...Revisited

PromoPaks: Nearly Free Marketing Tips for Authors

Flood of the Millennium: The Real Heroes, the People

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

To have fun, to realize that true love can conquer all, and there is always a happy ending!

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

I write to have fun, both in what I write and what I read. I love it when I go back to one of my older books and I have forgotten certain things in it. When I laugh and when I cry as I read one of my books, I feel like it has worked.
If you are a writer, as well as a reader, the most important thing I can tell you is to never give up. Believe in yourself and what you write, and eventually somebody else will too!

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 November 2007 1:05 AM EST
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Sunday, 25 November 2007
Getting to Know Bradley J. Simpson
Topic: Author Interview
Bradley J. Simpson the person:
 1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?
Annoying, Caring, Dreamer
2.  How do you think others would describe you?
Geek, Annoying, Hyper
3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.
My family. I have walked dark roads that should never be crossed to earn the right to be happy.
4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.
Afraid not. Although I did have a cat when I lived with my parents.
5.  What is your most precious memory?
A sweet summer wind rustling through a forest.
6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?
Pants ripped out at work, I have a distinctive derrire.
 7.  If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?
I probably would have fallen into quiet misery. Writing brings my 'wild' talent under control.
 8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.
Eh, I feel too much negative energy in this question. I could probably write out a good one. However I am not in the mood to tempt fate at this time.
Bradley J. Simpson the writer:
9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?
When I stated revisin my first work. It dawned on me that I was relearning all those crazy grammar skills from grade school.
10.  What is going on with your writing these days?
I got lots of writing partners and a personal work that is deep and emotional. Beauty and the Beast type storyline.
11.  What are your future goals for your writing?
Lots of books! I will become a creative dynamo!
12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?
Lots of little bits at a time, Plenty of Brainstorming.
13.  Why do you write?
My muse will not be denied.
14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?
Michael Moorecock. The depth of his characters are endlessly fascinating.
15.  How do you define your writing?
Slightly humourous and always entertaining. =)
16.  In one sentence—what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
A well-loved classic. A must read. =)
Bradley J. Simpson the details:
17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?
Yahoo Group I own, or my myspace page.
18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?
Absoluetly. =)
19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?
Dreamsbane of Tamalor
20.  For new readers—what can they expect when they read your book(s)?
A fanciful escape from reality.
In conclusion:
21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers—what would you like them to know about you and your writing?
Well, I am 34 years old. I live in Michigan and I write primarily fantasy. I am planning on branching out into romantic fantasy in my next work. Dreamsbane will always be close to my heart, but it is onwards and upwards from here. My heart Stacy and my son Coale are always inspiring me to work harder to prove for our future. I want my son to be able to say, My daddy is a great writer! =)

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 November 2007 2:07 AM EST
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Saturday, 24 November 2007
Getting to Know Marvin Wilson
Topic: Author Interview
  Marvin the person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

One being human.

2.  How do you think others would describe you?

Jeez, I don't know. If I knew someone like me, I'd have to think he was an eccentric nut; capable of speaking everything from wise sayings to wisecracks, someone who can tell a good joke and also be a joke, too.

3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Music. I love listening to, writing, performing and recording music.

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

My wife is allergic to cats and can't put up with dogs in the house, so, no ... no pets. If I achieve my retirement goal of a large house on a lake on a wooded (min) 10 acres, I will have two large dogs with a doghouse large enough for me to visit with them during a good rainstorm.

5.  What is your most precious memory?

The home-birth of my second daughter, China, followed by the home-birth of my son, Blue Moon-Sky.

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

Having to admit, in my mid-fifties, that I was a broken down shell of my former self, lost and without my God, a hopeless narcotics addict, and having to turn myself in and submit to rehabilitation.

7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

Finding some other way to make a positive impact on our world. Maybe raise donor funds so I can run a free breakfast program in the inner city. Start a youth center for healthy fun, emotional and spiritual growth. Run a foster home.

8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Here lies Marvin D. Wilson, a man who loves God, family, friends, community and peoples of all nations. A spiritual being that enjoyed the human experience with all its lessons, tears and joys, he did what he could to promote peace; love and understanding between all people, and shared his thoughts on Divine Unity. If you get quiet and listen, you can still hear him singing.

Marvin the writer:

9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

That would be when my first book, I ROMANCED THE STONE was read during pre-publication by the editor assigned me by my pub house. Stone is a self-pub, so other than having to pass their basic quality requirements during the query/submission process; they had no invested interest in just how well the book would sell. She (the editor) raved about how well it was written, my writing "voice," the entertaining nature of the manuscript coupled with its depth of meaning. Editors are editors, of course, there was plenty of "fixing" to do, but no major re-writes. That, plus the endorsing reviews I got from other more established authors let me know I have the ability to write well. However, I still consider myself a rookie writer with a vast amount to learn about creating a truly first rate novel.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

I have a completed manuscript, a fictional novel titled OWEN FIDDLER that is currently in the submissions/acceptance process. It has gotten past the "gatekeeper" of three trad pubs, waiting on a final answer. It also has been accepted by a couple self-pubs, so if I don't get a traditional contract, I have the option of going that route. Should see it out one way or the other by midyear 2008. I am about half the way through writing a third novel and have begun sketching out a fourth.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing?

Well, number one, I want to get much better at my craft. The more I get into this industry, really dissect and understand what the great authors do and how well they do it; it can be humbling. There are plenty of masterful authors already, but I want to evolve into one counted among their ranks. That would be my working goal. My financial and recognition goal for my writing future is to have a national best-seller that brings me in enough money to write full time in my retirement years. My spiritual goal is that what I write will bring some enlightenment to the readership and add some to the measure of unselfish love between people.

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

There are days when I "have it," that zone where I can't write fast enough to keep up with the inspirations and ideas. Those days are often started at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning when I wake up with an idea and can't get back to sleep so I just fire up the computer and get at it. I sometimes irritate my wife because the keyboard is clicking so loudly it wakes her up. Except for e-mail checking breaks, eating and potty breaks, I can write for hours and hours. If I hit a lull, an impasse, I'll listen to some music, read a book or watch a good movie. Maybe go sit in a park and just meditate on nature if the weather is nice. If the weather is inclement, I will sit on my covered terrace and marvel at how many different and powerful ways the lake can look.

Days when I don't "have it," when the writing seems forced, not flowing at all, I spend a lot of time re-reading, editing and re-writing passages that could be better in what I wrote during the free-flowing frenzies. If nothing is working that day, I just blow it all off. I might work a bit on marketing/promo tools on the internet, do some networking, e-mailing, etc., and then go visit and play with my grandkids. And I always read books on those days, too.

13.  Why do you write?

God told me to.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

Hard to pick just one, but if you insist, I would say Richard Bach. We always consider those who agree with our own thoughts to be wise, but I consider his writings to have a lot of the same spiritual impetus behind them as I want mine to have. And his writing style, his voice, it's just uncanny. He can turn broken English into a poetry of prose. He breaks every rule in the book, yet gets away with it because the overall read is one that flows naturally. Great story lines and plots, real life characters, sometimes greater than life but always believable, tons of meaning to boot, he's just got it all going on.

15.  How do you define your writing?

Strong voice, very direct. Fairly simple and easy to read on the surface, entertaining, but with more depth of meaning just below the plot and story line if you want to look there.

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

He wrote engaging stories that entertained the reader and gave him or her pause to wonder and reflect on life, afterlife, the universe and the interconnectedness and meaning of it all.

Marvin The details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

You can purchase I ROMANCED THE STONE (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie) on  

You can read excerpts and learn more about it at: - on that site, you can order a signed copy directly from me thru PayPal.

For info and excerpts on my upcoming novel, OWEN FIDDLER, go to:

I also have a MySpace at:

And I have a blog site at:

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Yes, you can send me messages through either my websites or MySpace, and if you desire a more personal communication and request it, I will reply with an e-mail address.

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

I ROMANCED THE STONE (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie) is the only one out so far. Look in the near future for OWEN FIDDLER.

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

Expect a full range of emotions; sometimes you may be shocked, even disgusted, other times you will chuckle and laugh. Expect to have fun, but also expect your thoughts to be provoked, perhaps your beliefs to be challenged and/or questioned. My books are intended to generate healthy dialogue about spiritual matters in an engaging and entertaining way.

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

The best way to do that is to re-write here the Afterword from the upcoming book Owen Fiddler:

"There is an insidious and constitutional addiction that estranges mankind from interconnectedness and universal love. All other addictions, including the obvious; substance abuse, alcoholism, bad habits, gambling, pornography, etc., and the more subtle; anger, depression, needy relationships, eating disorders, thrill-seeking, power-seeking, amassing money for the sake of money only, and so on. They can all be traced back as symptoms to the primary disease, the one fundamental addiction that pervades our societies and has since the dawn of man and the fall from grace.

That basic addiction is the clinging to the delusional notion that the ‘self,' the ‘ego' is an isolated being, separated from and, in most cases, at odds with the universe; having to look out for its' self-preservation first, taking from the world and the others in it to satisfy its' personal desires and fulfill its' needs. The extent to which a human being can see through this delusional and errant state of mind is the measure of one's spiritual enlightenment. To put it simply, the more selfish we are, the further we are from God, and, conversely, the more selfless we become the more we draw closer to God.

This elemental axiom of the universe was the major impetus for the writing of this book. It is the author's intent and hope that the reader of this tale will have been entertained along the way, and that he/she will also have gained some spiritual insight and inspiration at its' conclusion."



Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 24 November 2007 12:43 AM EST
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Friday, 23 November 2007
Getting to Know Joyce Sterling Scarbrough
Topic: Author Interview

Joyce Sterling Scarbrough the person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Fair, unpretentious, passionate.

 2.  How do you think others would describe you?

Witty, intelligent, friendly

 3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

My husband

 4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

Our dogs are two mixed-breed orphans: a female named Puppy (horribly unimaginative, I know!) who is most definitely the "alpha dog," and Alex, whom my kids call Toe-short for Giganto. Don't ask me why they call him that, because he's about the size of our cat, a gorgeous long-haired black male named Tevian, who is hopelessly in love with Puppy. Seriously, sometimes they need to get a room! 

 5.  What is your most precious memory?

From my life before my kids were born, it's listening to my daddy tell me stories he made up before I fell asleep at night. After that, it's holding each of my three babies for the first time.

 6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

I guess it would be the time I was at the checkout in the grocery store and noticed the teenaged male cashier's eyes had grown to the size of half dollars and his face was the color of the plums he was ringing up. My youngest daughter-15 months old at the time-had gotten a tampon out of my purse and stuck it up her nose. (Yes, it fit. All my kids inherited impressive nostrils from their father!)  

 7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

I'd be in a mental hospital wondering who were all these people in my head screaming for me to write their stories.

 8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Joyce Sterling Scarbrough lived her life immensely grateful to God for blessing her with the multiple gifts He gave her, and she did her best to use them to make Him proud. 

Joyce Sterling Scarbrough the writer:

9.   Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

With my first book, TRUE BLUE FOREVER, all the ladies I worked with were reading it chapter by chapter as I wrote it. The first time I found a crowd waiting in my cubicle for me to come in so they could read the next chapter, not to mention arguing over who got to read it first, I knew I'd written something special.  

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

I have four agents reading sample chapters of my third novel, SYMMETRY, and I'm about halfway finished writing my fourth one.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing?

I want my books to be so widely read that my characters will become recognizable by just their first names. You know, like Scarlett, Rhett, Harry, and Sam-I-Am. :-)

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

My writing schedule depends on where I am in my plot. If I'm just getting started or tweaking, revising, or (God forbid!) stuck on how to get from one scene to the next, I try to write for at least an hour or so in the morning and another before I go to bed. If I'm writing a big scene or the climax of the book, I write every spare moment I can scrounge-on scraps of paper or napkins if necessary. I've even been known to fake an illness to get out of social obligations so I can write. (Don't tell my sister!)

13.  Why do you write?

I have stories that must be told.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

Stephen King is my favorite writer, and although I admire him for his talent, honesty and imagination, Harper Lee has to be the writer that inspires me the most. She wanted to write something that would strike a chord with the world, and she definitely succeeded. 

15.  How do you define your writing?

Fiction from the heart. All my books are essentially love stories, but they're also about lifelong friendship, family dynamics, rivalry, and how children's self-image is so greatly influenced by their parents.  

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

"Joyce Sterling Scarbrough's books can always be counted on to make you laugh, cry, yell, or sigh, and sometimes all four within the same chapter."  

Joyce Sterling Scarbrough the details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?

My Author's Den-http://www.authorsden/joycelscarbrough1

Blue Attitude-

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Through Author's Den or at

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?


20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

TRUE BLUE FOREVER is a coming-of-age story about four unforgettable teenagers growing up on the Alabama Gulf Coast in the late seventies. It's about first loves and first kisses, fierce rivalries, lifelong friends, sports, and super-cool muscle cars. Think "Friday Night Lights" meets "A Walk to Remember."

DIFFERENT ROADS is a much grittier story that features a heroine whose mother dies when she's six years old and leaves her with an abusive drunk of a father. She grows up to be a trash-talking hellion who takes crap off nobody, and she lives in fear of anyone finding out she's also a frightened little girl terrified of the dark. When she meets her male counterpart in college, sparks don't fly-flames do!

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

For as far back as I can remember, I've made up stories to entertain myself before falling asleep at night. Sometimes I'd get an idea during the day and could hardly wait until it was bedtime so I could watch the story play out in my head. When I was plotting my first novel, I realized it was the same process I'd been using to make up stories all those years. That's why both my books are written for pure entertainment, inspired by the spirit of the wonderful books I've loved all my life. Readers will see the influences of GONE WITH THE WIND, LITTLE WOMEN, and FOREVER AMBER, with shades of MY SWEET CHARLIE and FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. My books are definitely character driven, but there's enough action and conflict in them to appeal to readers of all ages and both sexes. To read sample chapters, go to my Author's Den and introduce yourself to Jeana, Mickey, Billy Joe, Wade, Cole, Jaycee, and Bud. I promise you won't forget them anytime soon.     

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 November 2007 12:19 AM EST
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Thursday, 22 November 2007
Getting to Know Ayn Hunt
Topic: Author Interview

Ayn Hunt The Person


1)  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Ambitious, practical, worrier


2) How do you think others would describe you?

Ambitious, understanding, dreamer


3) Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Literacy. I think every child should be taught how to read well, and to understand what he or she reads. Reading is not only essential to learning other skills, but for broadening our horizons as well. When we read our books, they should be able to take us to a special place far away from our problems. Without the ability to read, people are facing life with a sad disadvantage.


4) Do you have any pets? If so introduce us to them.

 I used to have a cat who I loved like a member of our family. She was with us for nearly 20 years. Then, last year, when I got another one, I found I’d become seriously allergic to cats and had to give her away.     

5) What is your most precious memory?


The moment the nurses put my new baby in my arms at the hospital. It was indescribable -- the peace, the joy, the contentment. 


6 What is your most embarrassing memory?

Getting hiccups when I got up to give a talk to a local Rotary Club group. I’ll never forget the expressions of those faces looking up at me. Fortunately, after a few minutes of me wanting to drop through the floor, one of the ladies near the podium gave me a glass of water, and I was able, somehow, to get through the rest of the speech without serious mishap.


7) If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

I’d probably be a teacher. I loved teaching part time, especially whenever I was assigned to an elementary school.


8) In two paragraphs or less, write your obituary.

Ayn Hunt-Amorelli: wife, mother and writer, who believed in aiming for the farthest star, knowing you will get at least half-way there.

Ayn Hunt The Writer: 

9) Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?

Despite having written non-fiction articles which were published occasionally throughout the years, it took the publication of my first novel, Unwilling Killers, to feel like a real writer. I was so excited, I couldn’t sleep nights. I kept waking up, thinking, “I really am a writer. I really am!” I walked around in a daze for weeks..


10) What is going on with your writing these days?


I’m in the middle of writing my fifth book. After my third novel, a Gothic featuring ghosts was published, I decided to stretch my creative wings and write a steamy Romance under Ayn Amorelli (my married name) By the time Contract Bride was published, I was hooked on the genre and immediately started another.


11) What are your future goals for your writing?


To write as many published books as I possibly can. To me, writing is cathartic, and helps keep me grounded.


12) Can you describe a typical writing day for you?


I usually get up around four in the morning and put on the coffee and take my shower while hubby is still asleep.  By around five or so, I sit down at my desk which is in one of our spare bedrooms and re-read what I’ve written the day before. I don’t aim for a set number of pages, but just keep going until 10:30 or 11, with a few short breaks, then fix lunch, which is my first meal of the day.  That’s followed by an hour-long nap and straightening up the house. Then I work on emails and write for another hour or so until it’s time to fix dinner. After dinner with hubby and spending some quality time with him, I check my emails again, then go to bed around 9:30 and read a few pages of whatever book I’m reading before I turn out the light. It sounds boring, I guess, but I love it. I need a lot of time by myself, creating my own little worlds, living through the characters which come alive for me.


13) Why do you write?


To keep sane, to keep grounded in a world where the news is often bad.


14) What writer most inspires you? Why?


There are too many writers to name. I love both Romances and Mysteries of all types equally.


15) How do you define your writing?


I concentrate on the psychological make-up of the characters I create. There’s very little graphic violence in my books, but a lot of suspense. I’m a pantzer, in that I never know what my characters are going to do next. That’s part of the fun of writing for me. Once I create them, they take on a life of their own, calling the shots, surprising me.


16) In one sentence – what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?


No matter what type of book she wrote, it was always exciting.


Ayn Hunt The Details 

17) Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?

My websites are and     `


18) Is there a place readers can reach you?


Sure. My websites or at


19)  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?


Unwilling Killers, Obsessed, The Haunting, which are all under my pen name of Ayn Hunt, and Contract Bride, under Ayn Amorelli. Unwilling Killers and Contract Bride are also sold at


20) For new readers – what can they expect when they read your books?


A lot of excitement with unexpected twists and turns. I write about ordinary people being placed in extraordinary situations which tests their limits to the max – in both Romances and Gothics.

 In conclusion: 

21) Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers – what would you like them to know about you and your writing?


I never write a book that I would not go out and buy. And I don’t follow trends. I write what excites me, living through my characters, seeing what they see, tasting what they taste, feeling the roller coaster of emotions ranging from the sublime to sheer terror or heart-braking failures. I laugh when they do and cry when they have done their best and their best wasn’t always good enough to save them.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 22 November 2007 2:23 AM EST
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