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Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Rosemary Chaulk and Nissitissit Witch
Topic: Blog Tours

This is what Rosemary Chaulk has to say about Nissitissit Witch on her website:

NISSITISSIT WITCH has been quite a challenge on many levels and even approaching the surreal. One morning, as I prepared to go out and deliver the last few books of my first shipment, I got up to leave and knocked over a glass of water above the keyboard, and it ran down onto the keyboard. I wiped things up and turned the keyboard over to dry. When I came back home and turned my computer on, an email from my publicist was the first thing to come up. I opened it, read it and when I touched the keyboard to reply, the computer went nuts with programs and numbers flashing up on the screen. I did a hard shutdown and took the batteries out of the keyboard.

Now, the above incident seems insignificant, but the very same glass full of iced coffee was in the same spot a year ago when I started doing research. I had all the research in the spot where the keyboard was this morning. After reading the research a year ago, I uttered to myself, "I don't think there even was a witch." When I said it, the iced coffee spilled, ran down onto the area for the keyboard and completely surrounded the research materials going right up to the edge on all four sides touching the old newspapers, yet when I picked up the news clippings they were completely dry. Not a speck of iced coffee. First, I was stunned that somehow the coffee spilled, and I did not react quickly so the stuff sat there a moment. Then thinking the stack was completely ruined, I was upset as I had just borrowed the  stuff. Then I was amazed to find the stuff all completely dry. So, I said out load "Okay, you do exist."

From that day forward, I was mesmerized. I had a character in mind prior to doing research, and that character jumped right out of the research. She was a spot-on fit for the main character that I had envisioned, frighteningly close. From then on, the book consumed me. One Thursday afternoon, I began typing and then suddenly it was Tuesday morning, and I had typed almost four days straight and only stopping for fitful two-hour naps, which were filled with vivid dreams about North Village.

That's how it all happened, and how I find myself with books flying off the shelf as though self-propelled.  Seems I'm not alone in my interest of The Nissitissit Witch!

What People are saying

A book you can't put down, one minute you are sitting on the edge of your seat then you fall off, rest and befor eyou know it, you are still reading and its the next day. The chrarcters are so real and the eerie feeling you feel is so real. --Barbara

The mystery, history and the story of Sarah which comes to life, you can actually see it play out before your eyes and leave you craving for more. --Cheryl


See the Book Trailer!

Purchase Nissitissit Witch today:

ISBN: 98-1-4389-1713-9(SC)
ISBN: 978-1-4389-1714-6 *NC)

Pre Order now - books will be shipped Oct 5.
Mail check or money order to Rosemary Chaulk
PO Box 406
West Groton, MA 01472

Visit Rosemary today at

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:28 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 October 2008 1:35 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2008 - 7:08 AM EDT

Name: "Ron Berry"
Home Page:

I don' t think it's wise to not believe in witches, especially when driniking coffee! This looks fascinating. A very good interview.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008 - 1:53 PM EDT

Name: "zhadi"
Home Page:

What a cool story!  I'm thinking the 'there's more to heaven and earth' quote is appropriate here...

Wednesday, 1 October 2008 - 9:58 PM EDT

Name: rosechaulk
Home Page:

Thanks for the great comments. The book is worth reading. There are many different aspets to this book. It is not the run of the mill witch story.



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