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Friday, 3 October 2008
An Interview With Jo Linsdell about Writers and Authors
Topic: Author Interview

What is Writers and Authors?

A place for people in the writing industry to gather and share experiences, tips and advice. Not to mention promote their latest work and discuss various topics related to the writing industry. Included in this blog you will also find; links to sites for writers, competitions and contests, interviews, writer and book event listings and more...


Why ‘relaunch'?

My baby son was born in December 2007 after a difficult pregnancy, so I've been away for a while. Having to spend 8 months on bed rest meant I had a lot of time on my hands, which I used to work on my various writing related projects. The Writers and Authors site was a big success and my plan is to make it even better now I'm back online. To make sure everyone gets the chance to take part and see the great opportunities on the site I thought it was a good idea to have a big relaunch party to celebrate and spread the word.


What changes have been made to the site?

The new format will be as follows:

Mondays: Opportunities for writers. This will include paying markets, competitions, online courses etc...

Tuesdays: Featured Authors. This  will include author interviews and samples of their writing.

Wednesdays: Publishers, editors, etc... This section will include interviews with publishers, editors, etc... and explain how the industry works and give helpful advice on the more technical aspects of the writing industry e.g. what they look for, how to query, etc...

Thursdays: Book reviews. This will include reviews about any type of book. I'm particularly looking for reviews about self help for writers books (and related) but will also post reviews about fiction, poetry and basically anything else.

Fridays: Upcoming events. This section will include dates and details about conferences and other events for writers online. Also author chats online, virtual tours etc...

How can people get involved?

For those of you interested in being interviewed for the 'Featured Author' section please send me an email ( giving some details about yourself and your writing. Please also include your website address.
The same applies for publishers, editors, etc...

As you can see, I also want to include a section with book reviews. You are welcome to review any type of book (e.g. self help for writers or a fiction or poetry book). In fact I'll be all the happier to have a good mix. If your new to writing reviews and want some pointers check out for some tips. Please send your review in the body of the email to with 'Book Review' in the subject line.

How can people support Writers and Authors?

Nominations (e.g. Writers Digest 101 best sites- any others are good too J), blog postings, interviews, putting a link on their sites, spreading the word to others.


Tell us about the Virtual Tour?

To relaunch this site in it's new format I'm organising a virtual tour starting from October 1st 2008. Anyone who is interested in hosting me for an interview or featuring the Writers and Authors website on theirs, please send me an email to the new address with virtual tour in the subject line. I will post a copy of the Virtual Tour calendar soon so you can keep track of the events.


Folks, don't forget that every commet gets you 12 pages of pumpkin-carving templates and an entry in the drawing for a Halloween craft and recipe book!

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:00 AM EDT
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Friday, 3 October 2008 - 7:21 AM EDT

Name: "Ron Berry"
Home Page:

Glad to see you back online Jo. I've put your website in my daily favorites. From the schedule you have posted here, I can see that everyone should check this daily as you have a lot of information that can help writers.

Friday, 3 October 2008 - 9:01 AM EDT

Name: "Marvin D Wilson"
Home Page:

Will definitely follow this tour. Good info! And sign me up for that drawing (smile)

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