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Saturday, 18 October 2008
The Greatest Writer's Conference On Earth
Topic: Writing Ramblings

How much would you be willing to pay for a writer's conference that allowed you to attend workshops on everything from Faith in Fiction to Writing Sex?  What if it included being able to meet and mingle with eleven publishers that represented every genre this is?  Wait, there's more! How about if they threw in over sixty--yes sixty!--week-long forums where you could get hands-on experience in various writing areas and all your questions answered?  We're talking character building, writing your bio, comedy, world building, website creation and cheap or free book promotion--just to name a small number. 

Okay--we have over sixty WEEK-LONG classes and direct contact with publishers--let's add some more.  How about thirty-five hour-long chats where you get a chance for even greater understanding of the subject matter?  How much do you think all this would be worth if you also had a chance to tons of handouts and the transcripts from all the various one-hour classes--a well as the ability to access all sixty week-long forums and have the information to peruse as many times as you wished?

Okay, I know what you are thinking--Joyce has either gone completely delusional or is giving us a glimpse of a fantasy novel.  Neither--this actually exists and I've been able to attend three years now--without spending a penny or leaving the comfort of my home--no hotel bills or food expenses, no pet sitters or childcare required.

For the third October in a row, the Internet has been the home of The Muse Online Writing Conference--and it has steadily grown.  I finish the week exhausted from all the activity--but a good exhaustion it is.  I spend the following months going over all the material, letting the information sink in and aid me in my writing career.  I have made contacts and made friends.

The Muse Conference has all I described above--and every year there is more--and it is offered at no cost to those who attend (although I have no doubt any donations would be more than welcome!).  This conference was the brainchild of Lea Schizas, an incredible woman who puts endless time and energy into bringing everything together and seeing that it runs smoothly.  Where she finds all the energy is a mystery to all--we just know she has more than earned all our love, respect and thanks.  Why does she do it?  Maybe she'll stop by and leave a comment telling us why.  All I know for sure is she sure gives all the rest of us a wonderful role model to look up to.

Watch here for your chance to sign up for next year's Muse Online Conference--I can guarantee you will never miss another one willingly!!

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:55 AM EDT
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Saturday, 18 October 2008 - 3:39 AM EDT

Name: "Vivian"

Ah, Joyce, you beat me to it, posting about the Muse Online Writers Conference.

You are so correct about it being an amazing event. I didn't get to participate as much this year as I wished due to health problems, but what I got was helpful and usable.



Saturday, 18 October 2008 - 8:28 AM EDT

Name: "Ron Berry"
Home Page:

If you have even an inkling of wanting to write, this conference is a must! The forums are interactive in that you work with the person holding the forum. It's not just lectures. You'll learn things about the world of writing you didn't even know existed. What's your brand, your platform? This is the most intense, fact filled week on the net.

 I agree with Joyce, we owe Lea a big congratulations.

 The chats are set up such that no two overlap, or at least she tries to arrange it that way. Every year it gets bigger, and better. This is a must for anyone that wants to be a writer!

Thank you Joyce, for this post.

Saturday, 18 October 2008 - 12:15 PM EDT

Name: "Joylene"
Home Page:

You nailed it, Joyce. The conference covered "everything" important to today's writer. I've been around for 20 yrs and even an old gal like me learned plenty. 

 If they'd let me, I'd sign up for next year just to make sure I have a spot. 


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