Getting to Know Billie A. Williams
Topic: Author Interview
Billie A. Williams the person:
1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?
Caring, Giving, Fun
2. How do you think others would describe you?
Energetic, organized, hard working
3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.
Abuse – in all it’s ugly guises. I worked with domestic violence victims; I’ve seen what substance abuse can do. I abhor abuse to humans any age, any race, or religion, and to animals. I am passionate about preserving our environment, and living in peace and harmony with all creatures.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.
We have an adorable alley cat who my boss thought would fit in with us perfectly. Her name is Lady Slipper. She is a gray/nearly tortoiseshell with a long main like a lion, and medium length fur over the rest of her body. – I got her the same day as I received the contract for my book The Pink Lady Slipper – so now you now how she got her name. {grin}
5. What is your most precious memory?
The birth of my two daughters and my grandchildren.
6. What is your most embarrassing memory?
When I was in 3rd grade I was using the hand rings out in the recess area. You know like the gymnasts use. It had rained that day and there was a big mud puddle under the rings. I was swinging on them and I slipped and fell into the mud puddle below – landed on my behind, white jeans were a total disaster – when I went inside my teacher made me stand in front of the room near the radiator/heat register so that my pants could dry — it so happened that my sister’s class, a year older then me, used the room next for their reading class – so there I stood drying my pants – everyone teased that I must have wet them – it was horrid.
7. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?
If I had my druthers I would have been a singer/dancer – actress but then wouldn’t we all?
8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.
LOLOLOL She came, she saw, she left!
Billie A. Williams the writer:
9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?
I’m not sure that has occurred yet. I expected it to happen when I held my first book. Now, a couple dozen published books later, I’m still waiting for that feeling. Instead I expect to hear, who told her she was a writer.
10. What is going on with your writing these days?
I’m working on a couple novels, a cookbook, and another 3-act play. I started putting one of my own novels into a screen play but realize I don’t have time to do everything – so that is on hold.
11. What are your future goals for your writing?
Finish several of the ideas I have for novels and get an agent and a good publisher. My dream is to be on the top ten list of the New York Times bestsellers and to sell 100,000 copies of one of my books.
12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?
I write 3 long hand morning pages every day in my journal, then I do my gratitude journal, my affirmations, and my intentions journal. I read a bit in some writing related book – one of Julia Cameron’s currently, part of the Artist’s Way series—Then I write at least one chapter of my current WIP. Take a short break to check emails, go pick up the snail mail (it’s not delivered here) have lunch and write another chapter and answer emails. After dinner I may write again or I may just read.
13. Why do you write?
Why do I breathe? Paraphrasing Isaac Asimov— for without it I would die.
14. What writer most inspires you? Why?
There are just too many to list – the group of writers on the Word Mage group are definitely my inspiration – Angela Lansbury writing as Jessica Fletcher she reminds me of my mother, Debbie Macomber because she is so real and in touch with her fans, Jude Devereaux for the way she can describe things her words are beautiful and exact. Nora Roberts/JD Robb because she is so prolific, JK Rowlings for her success, Stephen King for his way with words and for knowing what is at the core of fear, Natalie Goldberg, Julia Cameron, for their motivational inspiration, oh the list will never end. Brenda Ueland, Marcia Goleb for their encouraging words, Francis Hodgson Burnett for touching the child’s heart in me, and that barely scratches the surface.
15. How do you define your writing?
My tag line says my “Accidental Sleuths solve crimes with wit, wisdom and chutzpah — I hope it is entertaining, informative, fun to read and that my nonfiction inspires and motivates and helps others.
16. In one sentence—what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
She really had a way with words.
Billie A. Williams the details:
17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?
18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?
From my website or at
19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?
Cozy Mystery
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-133-8
(print) 1-59088-901-0
Danielle fights for the right to raise her son after her husband is murdered. Her rich in-laws want to raise the child as their own. A vicious attack catapults her into a struggle for her and her unborn son's life.
CANDLELIGHT AND SHADOWS 01/05( sequel to the above) Romantic/Suspense/Mystery
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-364-0Mystery/Suspense
(print) 1-59088-676-3
Happiness eludes Danielle. Drugs murdered her husband, an explosion murdered her best friend. Can it get any worse? When her critically ill, premature son is kidnapped terror swallows her. She's afraid to ask what's next?
==========================SKULL MUSIC 06/05
Mystery Suspense
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-417-5(print) 1-59088-618-6
A serial killer harvests body parts from the victims; Xenotransplant Labs studies human & Dolphin brain wave patterns using college students as guinea pigs, Consider the possibilities. Charlie Wolfe must her life depends on it.
Young Adult Historical Adventure
ISBN (electronic) 1-59088-408-6(print) 1-59088-635-6
Fifteen year old Josh Avery has heard the horror stories about what Indians do to white people. Hurt, delirious he finds himself on a travois being transported across the Colorado Mountains of 1853 by Eagleman, he fears the worst.
ISBN 1-59088-424-8 (electronic) 1-59088-610-0 (print)
The Pink Lady Slipper is a beautiful but deadly, poisonous wild orchid. Orenda, Michigan (the setting) means magical powers and nothing is as it seems at The Pink Lady Slipper address of Zero Cemetery Lane
ISBN(electronic) 1-59088-488-4 (print)1-59088-705-0
Sequel to The Pink Lady Slipper. Our ex-rodeo clown, Trudy Moncha has her hands full as a blizzard traps her and her unconventional guests in the Bed & Breakfast. As murders begin she wonders if The Pink Lady Slipper will ever be shed of the yellow crime scene tape that decorates the rooms and the landscape since she began it's renovation. But, more importantly will there be anyone left to tell the tale of what happened to everyone during the blizzard that stranded everyone at The Pink Lady Slipper Bed & Breakfast.
Knapsack Secrets 01/08 “Mystery/SuspenseISBN 978-1-59705-306-8 (electronic) 978-1-59705-727-1 (print)==========================Woman of the Year one day, homeless, jobless and on the verge of a divorce in a matter of a couple days, as she finds out “the only difference between you and a homeless person is as small as one paycheck.” Audrey Fleta Hroc learns this all too soon and her adventure has just begun.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ghost Music of Vaudeville (November 2008) Mystery/SuspenseISBN 978-1-59705-310-5 (electronic) 978-1-59705-728-8 (print)The Keith Theatre is a historic landmark. The people who live in the apartments upstairs from it are legend, they have lived the vaudeville life as actors and actresses, stage hands and more. Now it all is scheduled to crumble under the bulldozers of the Callistrari family with revenge and greed on their mind. Charlie Wolfe and her young friend Tommy are not about to let this happen along with Piano Man (Rudy Poncigrau) they begin their quest to save the theater/historic landmark and a legend.The above titles are all available from Wings ePress, Inc. at or your favorite bookstore.===============================================Tung Umolomo, A Shutting of the Mouth 09/03South African AdventureISBN 1-4137-0092-6Print OnlyPublish America Writing Wide, Exercises in Creative WritingISBN 0-971096-3-3Print Only
Filbert Publishing in Search of an Author 06/01/07ISBN 1-932794-15-8Help to create compelling, believable, memorable characters. Forms, charts, interviews, and more for you to discover your unique characters to people your stories.Print OnlyFilbert PublishingOr your favorite bookstores Christmas Dream,ISBN 1-932993-0 Novel by Janet Elaine Smith adapted to Screen Play for Community Theater by Billie A Williams available from Star Publish, or your favorite bookstoreChristmas is ‘off limits’ for Susan Quincey and her preschool age son. A father he never knew was killed in Desert Storm. He dreams of a Christmas of happiness for hi Mom. He believes miracles can happen, especially at Christmas. Kevin Dockter and a certain Santa try to help—is it enough?============================= Self-Published in adobe PDF format and print order on line from or the authorv Feathers in the Wind (poetry)v Meanderings Most Museful (Poetry)v Adrift (Essays)v Magic Carpet Ride (Children’s Story)v Bed and Breakfast Murders Cookbook & Extras (List of recipes from The bed and breakfast series, bed and breakfasts and how to survive a blizzard)v Spice Up Your Writing! Write to Entice ISBN 978-0-6151-7533-1(available at your favorite bookstore also)
20. For new readers—what can they expect when they read your book(s)?
My mysteries are not cozy exactly but violence is not on screen. There are some twists and turns, I hope unexpected ones, and even if they aren’t exactly happily ever after living is never resolved and for now, everyone is happy.
In conclusion:
21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers—what would you like them to know about you and your writing?
Hearing from people who have read my work is one of the greatest joys of being a writer. I sincerely hope that anyone would feel comfortable in contacting me either by email or snail mail.
I would hope that if you have questions or comments about any of my work that you would feel free to contact me. If you would like to know more about me I would be happy to fill you in. If you would need a study guide for a book club or class room, please email me and I will send you one. If you would like a sampler, that is a compilation of all my fiction books first chapters in PDF format – send me an email. I’d be delighted to send you one. Do check my website —the freebies page where you can pick up many free things and it is always changing. Do you need someone to speak to your writing group? Your writing class? Or to be on your radio program? Drop me an email and we’ll see what we can work out, either online or in person.
You can reach me by snail mail by sending a letter to Billie A Williams, P O Box 134, Amberg, WI 54102
Come on in, sit a spell, we’ll leave the light on for you! And Enjoy a good book whoever the author is.
And last but not least thank you Joyce for this excellent opportunity to reach out and touch someone.
Posted by joyceanthony
at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 29 November 2007 12:19 AM EST