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Sunday, 13 April 2008
Visiting With Dyan Garris
Topic: Blog Tours

I have the distinct honor of hosting Dyan Garris, author of Money and Manifesting, for the next few days.  Today we get a look at who Dyan Garris is and what her book is about.  Tomorrow we will explore inside with an excerpt.  Tuesday, I have a double treat for you--an interview with Dyan will be posted here and you are invited to stop in an talk with Dyan during a live chat in the evening (watch for details).  On Wednesday, I will share my review of Money and Manifesting.  Stop back often and please feel free to leave comments :-)



For many years Dyan Garris has been counseling clients in order to help them move forward in their lives. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. In addition, Dyan is also what is known as a voice recognition psychic and trance channel. This means that she can help her clients via telephone, which is how she conducted her readings throughout her career.

Dyan is the author, developer and artist of Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards. This is a thirty card deck of angel cards based upon scenes from A Healing Journey Guided Fantasy.  Each hand illustrated card has its own channeled message in rhythmic quatrain verse from the angels.  Free angel card readings are available on her main website. A journal is available separately as an integrative tool for use with the cards and a meditation journal is available for use with the CDs.

Dyan writes the Daily Channeled Message which posts on her website. Recently she authored The Book of Daily Channeled Messages which is a compilation of inspirational angelic messages to be used for daily guidance or as a bibliomancy tool.

Her book Voice of the Angels Cookbook - Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking is an adventure in opening one's creative centers and communicating with your food so it can transform from raw ingredients into what truly nourishes you on every level.

In 2005 she created a CD series of instrumental music and meditation for Automatic Chakra BalanceTM, self-healing, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit. Each CD is available separately, as well as together in a gift basket, and contains several tracks of relaxation music plus a guided meditation on the last track. The CDs have earned the National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval.

Her new CD of instrumental relaxation music "Release" was released in late September 2007. Dyan's music can be heard nationally and internationally on numerous radio stations. "Release" recently charted at #3 on Music Choice's cable TV music channel Soundscapes and is currently nominated for New Age Reporter's "Best Relaxation/Meditation Album of the Year" and "Best Cover Art." "Illusions" recently charted at #1.

 She is a frequent radio guest on the Jay Grayce show at Tribeca Radio in New York City and has been interviewed by numerous other radio hosts.  Recently, Mystic Pop Magazine interviewed her for their January/February issue. Living In Style TV featured her products in their 2007 holiday show.

Dyan Garris is the author of Voice of the Angels Spiritual Cards, The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking, and Fish Tale of Woe - Lost at Sea. In 2005 she created a series of music and meditation CDs for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance,TM and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit.

Media Inquiries: Margarita Miranda-Abate,


Money and Manifesting - Summary

By Dyan Garris

Money and Manifesting is more than a manual about how to apply the laws of attraction and think positively.  It teaches you the real secrets of manifesting.  Here you will learn what really stands in the way of manifesting, how to unblock the energy flow of money, and how to actually transform energy to get what you desire.

The Law of Attraction is part of what you need to know to manifest, but it is only one part of the process. We do not ultimately create anything with just the power of our minds.  While the power of the mind plays a very important part in manifesting, the very seat of creation is in our base chakra.

In the book Money and Manifesting you will learn how to unblock, activate, and integrate the energy of every chakra so you can effectively create exactly what you desire to create. For those that have tried in vain to implement the Law of Attraction, this book will help you understand exactly why this hasn't worked for you. And it will teach you exactly what you need to do to learn to manifest.

In addition to this, parts of the book are fictionalized. There is a good story here too that anyone can relate to. When we can relate, identify, and see ourselves reflected, we then have a platform for change.  The book is written this way so that while you are reading it, you are already actively engaging in the process of left brain/right brain integration. This is a first and necessary step to manifesting anything. When you're done reading, you've already had an exercise in integration and you're on your way to manifesting. You will feel an automatic shift.

 "It is not enough to think positively, repeat affirmations, and attract positive energy. We must implement and integrate this learning into our daily lives. This is the real secret of manifesting money. It is the real secret to manifesting anything." - Dyan Garris, author of Money and Manifesting.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:58 AM EDT
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Sunday, 13 April 2008 - 9:57 PM EDT

Name: "Dyan"
Home Page:

Hi Joyce. It's a pleasure to be here and I'm looking forward to all of the events you've scheduled around "Money and Manifesting." I look forward to them and to our chat on Tuesday. In the meantime I'm just stopping by to say "Hi" and let your readers know that if they have any questions about manifesting, I'll be checking your blog periodically throughout the week and I'm happy to answer them.


Sunday, 13 April 2008 - 10:06 PM EDT

Name: "Nikki Leigh"
Home Page:

Hi Joyce

I see Dyan just dropped by to say hi. She will check in each day in case anyone has questions. She's really good with answers :) Thank you for planning such a great group of posts for Dyan and I encourage your readers to visit with Dyan during your chat. She's got a wealth of information to share with others and many ways that we can improve the quality of own lives.

Nikki Leigh



Monday, 14 April 2008 - 1:50 AM EDT

Name: joyceanthony
Home Page:

Thanks for stopping by this week, Dyan.  I'm looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by Nikki :-)  This book is awesome--I know readers will love the interview tomorrow, Dyan!!


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