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Thursday, 19 February 2009
The Mind of a Genius by David Snowdon---A Review
Topic: Book Review

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Format: Paperback 288 pages

Date of publication: 11/16/2007

Publisher: Pentagon Books

ISBN: 9780955265013

"It" is an invention that is highly valued by everyone and his brother and the race is on to see who will be victorious in finding the invention.  David Snowdon has written an espionage novel that takes the reader on an international trip to locate a secret invention that was created by a genius and disappeared when he died.  Will Special Agent, Jason Clay be able to get the formula before it falls into the wrong hands?

David Snowdon has created a storyline and cast of characters that will have you guessing about what comes next throughout the entire book.  The plot takes so many unexpected twists and turns, the reader remains intrigued to the very end of the book.

I personally found myself slightly annoyed at the amount of detail used,  as I enjoy creating a lot of the visuals in my own mind.   Others may find the descriptions of clothing, background music and meal details an enhancing aspect of the book.  In spite of this, however, I found myself intrigued by what was happening and was able to overlook much of the detail and concentrate on the story.

Snowdon has the ability to create believable characters and has most certainly taken time to research the settings within his book.  I felt as though I was listening in from a corner table as I read.  I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone seeking an international spy thriller to fill a couple afternoons. Be prepared for surprises at every turn of the page.

On the Rainbow Scale of Excellence, The Mind of a Genius by David Snowdon rates four colors.


Posted by joyceanthony at 6:23 AM EST
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Thursday, 29 January 2009
The Sinner's Guide to Confession -A review
Topic: Book Review

We all hold secrets.  Sometimes they sit inside us and cause no harm, but often they eat away at us, causing  fear and pain.  We long to confess, but doing so seems completely out of the question--even to our best friends.

Phyllis Schieber examines these types of secrets in her novel The Sinner's Guide to Confession. Three friends who believe they know everything about the other, yet years go by and each woman holds within her a secret she finds impossible to share-or to let go of. 

What happens when you hold a secret that refuses to let you go?  Phyllis Schieber weaves a story that will make you stop and think of your own secrets and the consequences that might arise from keeping them hidden inside.  Her grasp of human emotion and interaction is excellent.  Each of these women handle things differently, but secrets tend to be the same no matter who holds them.

I would like to have seen more action in this book, but Phyllis Schieber tells a good story that will bring hours of leisurely pleasure to readers. You will find yourself looking deep inside and wondering about the secrets you hold.  The ending will both surprise you and yet make you feel like you should have seen it coming.

On the Rainbow Scale of Excellence, The Sinner's Guide to Confession earns five colors.


Win A Free Book from Phyllis Schieber – Its very easy to be entered in a drawing for a FREE book by Phyllis Schieber. Post comments on any blogs during the virtual tour and you will have a chance to win a book from Phyllis. One random person will win – but we are also asking visitors to share a secret and one secret will also win a free book. As a bonus the blog owner that hosted the winning comments will also win a book. Share some interesting stories and questions with Phyllis Schieber during her tour – and have a chance to win a book.
For full details about Phyllis Schieber's virtual tour, visit her tour home page -
Order Your Copy here -

Visit Phyllis Schieber or

Posted by joyceanthony at 3:28 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 29 January 2009 3:41 AM EST
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Sunday, 25 January 2009
Wake Up Your Life by Doris Roper -- A Review
Topic: Book Review

Before I get into my review of this book, I'd like to extend an apology to Doris and all my readers.  This should have been posted Saturday, but I was having connection trouble on and off and it is late :-(  It seems ice and cable lines don't always mix.  Now, to the review...


Life transitions are notoriously difficult for many women--lacking both self-confidence and financial independence, many stay in situations that are far less than ideal.  Doris Roper has created a book for that helps women through these transitions, building self-confidence as well as financial knowledge. 

Wake Up Your Life isn't your typical advice book, although there is plenty of that included!  Ms. Roper has included smart women quotes to encourage and illustrate her points.  She has added interactive exercises, both in dealing with the transitions and in self-evaluation.  Using down-to-Earth language, Doris Roper explains how and why each step is important, making it possible for the reader to more easily follow the steps.

I was impressed with the amount of information included in this book.  I felt it was worth the time and effort to read.  Personally being a strong, independent woman, I figured it would be a light read, but I found myself learning and discovered some things I never realized. 

This is a book to be read by every woman, no matter where you are on your life path.  Once you have worked through the exercises and reached the end, you will feel as though someone has gently taken your hand and led you through the darkness into a new light of self-confidence and independence.

This book definitely gets seven colors on the Rainbow Scale of Excellence--a Perfect Rainbow.


Posted by joyceanthony at 4:52 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 January 2009 4:53 AM EST
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Friday, 9 January 2009
Make Every Day Valentine's Day--Two Reviews and a Contest
Topic: Book Review

Dr. Ava's Tantric Workbook -- A Review

Anyone can have sex, but it takes a conscious effort to make love.  Tantric sex involves the equal exchange of male and female energy-a steady give and take that involves a couple's entire being.  According to Dr. Ava Cadell, tantric love can help a couple overcome pain in a relationship and help in overcoming such ailments as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

I took the time to fully digest what I was reading in this workbook. There are over one hundred short exercises--many just two minutes long--to help couples achieve the ultimate in sexual experience. Dr. Cadell speakes in a clear maner, making it easy to understand exactly how to perform each exercise.  There are numerous illustrations to further increase the reader's understanding.

The questionaire's included make it easy for a couple to evaluate their relationship both before and after the course. After each section, there is also an evaluation allowing the couple to "rate" each section.  Finally, Dr. Ava includes room for notes.

I found the section on chakras extremely interesting and easy to understand.  By seting forth exercises directed at all the senses, Dr. Ava Cadell makes it possible for a couple to make sexual encounters a whole-body experience, increasing the chances of mutual satisfaction.  Her tri-gasm theory is one I find both novel and intriguing.

On the rainbow scale of excellence, the Tantric workbook achieves seven colors-a perfect rainbow.


      Searching for the World's Best Lover

Contest sponsored by The winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day, 2009 and get a $2,000 scholarship or $1,000 cash.    



An inspiration of Love Guru Dr. Ava Cadell, founder of invites romantics to submit an entry listing why their lover is the best. Upon nominating the name they will immediately receive a FREE certificate for their partner attesting to this loving tribute. This is a perfect Valentine’s gift at no cost.


To help World’s Best Lover contenders warm up, all nominees will also receive a FREE e-book entitled 52 Sizzling Sex Secrets.


Deadline for submissions is on February 7th, 2009.


According to Dr. Ava, the event is inspired by the demand for coaching in love, relationships and intimacy through Loveology University® an online college of sexual knowledge where you can learn how to enrich your relationship and become a great lover. “Everyone knows how to have sex, but being romantic and making love is an art that can be learned,” says Dr. Ava.


For singles on Valentine’s Day Dr. Ava encourages them to give themselves the gift of knowledge on all aspects of relationships and love so that they can meet and keep a new relationship filled with all the healthy ingredients; friendship, respect, trust, communication and passion.


For couples on Valentine’s Day Dr. Ava recommends a Loveology gift certificate, the gift that keeps on giving and is guaranteed to refresh any relationship.


Live to love and feel more pleasure by making Loveology a way of life.

 Dr. Ava Cadell Loveology University®

E-mail: or call (310) 882-5438


52 Sizzling Sex Secrets-A Review

This ebook is definitely exactly what it claims to be-sizzling! There is one activity for each week of an entire year-and something for every couple.  The "secrets" do not need to be practiced in any particular order, so a couple can pick whatever appeals to them at any given moment.  After practicing these exercises, a couple is sure to find themselves full of inspiration that will lead them to explore more.

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:39 PM EST
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Thursday, 18 December 2008
How to Be a Sales Superstar - A Review
Topic: Book Review

How to Be a Sales Superstar

Author:  Mark Tewart

ISBN-13  978-0470300961




In his book, How to Be a Sales Superstar, Mark Tewart boldly states that everyone has within him or her the potential to stand out above the rest in sales.  He goes on to state that the traditional sales training rules are partially what holds most people back from achieving-the other half of the equation being psychological mindset.  Mr. Tewart then proceeds to go step-by-step into what a Sales Superstar needs to do in order to succeed.  He covers the essential people, life, marketing and sales skills necessary-explaining the why behind the reasoning, as well as showing you exactly what needs to be done. 

I approached this book as I do any book on sales--very skeptically. I learned years ago that the "salesman gene" was left out when I was created.  Before I finished the first chapter, however, I knew How to Be a Sales Superstar was different than any other book on the subject I had read.  By the time I finished the second chapter, my enthusiasm had grown considerably.

Mark Tewart first delves into the psychology behind the sales superstar mindset.  He gives you exercises designed to bring out your ideas of exactly what you want to achieve and why, explaining that you need to know this before you can effectively convince others they need what you have to sell.  He has you identify the roadblocks that have been holding you back and explains how you can rid yourself of these.

Next, Mr. Tewart takes you step-by-step through the sales process, from meeting and greeting a potential customer, through building a relationship and eventually through the sale and followup. He takes the time to break each step down into easy to remember steps that can be put into action now.

Upon finishing How To Be A Sales Superstar, I felt for the first time in my life that I could actually do this.  Mark Tewart's book infused me with enthusiasm and confidence and convinced me that sales is not a dirty word or a skill for only a select few.

I highly recommend How To Be A Sales Superstar to everyone, no matter what your occupation.  The skills in this book will work equally well whether you are selling a product, service or yourself.  If you believe you already know how to sell, this book will show you how to do so at a much higher level.  For those of you like me who feel you are missing the sales gene, you'll learn to activate that dormant gene and achieve success as a sales person.

On The Rainbow Scale of Excellence, I give How To Be A Sales Superstar a rating of seven colors--a perfect rainbow!

Posted by joyceanthony at 10:01 AM EST
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Saturday, 13 December 2008
The Green Stone of Healing Series
Topic: Book Review

I was recently introduced to CL Talmadge, author of The Green Stone of Healing series.  Tomorrow, I will be sharing with you my review of these books. Today, however, I would like to give you a brief idea of what this series is about and who CL Talmadge is.  Lastly, Helen, one of the major characters, stopped by to answer a few questions for me and I am pleased to share them with you. 

 The Series

The series features four generations of strong-willed female characters who inherit a mysterious green gem ultimately revealed to mend broken bones and broken hearts, protect against missiles, and render its wearers undetectable.

These stalwart protagonists learn to use their jewel to offer a healing, inclusive alternative to a government that persecutes those who do not look like or share the religious beliefs of its leaders.

Readers who become fond of these and other characters will be delighted to discover that they reincarnate, affirming that not even death can separate lovers and loved ones (or enemies).

Buy ebooks here.

Buy paperbacks here.

More information and book reviews.

Browse the first three books online, free!

About the Author

Under the byline Candace Talmadge, the author of the Green Stone of Healing® series is a columnist syndicated by North Star Writers Group

Her career as a professional writer began in 1976. She has written for numerous media that include Adweek, Business Week, the Dallas Times Herald, Forbes, the International Herald Tribune, The New York Times, and Reuters America.

She is familiar with the intimate link between spirituality, energy, and individual and collective healing. In 1999, she published a non-fiction book about emotional and spiritual healing resolution based on the Sunan method of working in the energy of human consciousness. In this book, she provides an expanded definition of energy that demonstrates the connection between matter, spirit, mind, and heart.

To write her fantasy series, the author delved into her own past lives and those of her family, friends, clients, and acquaintances. The fictionalized result is the series presented in this website.

The author resides in Texas with her partner and editor. Readers may contact her here.


A Talk With Helen

1.  Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?

Helen Elizabeth Andros. I am the first-generation protagonist of the Green Stone of Healing® epic fantasy series and I live in The Vision, Fallout, The Scorpions Strike, Outcast and future books in this series until my death in my late 60s.

2. Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.

My "foot-in-mouth" syndrome touches off a course of events that launches the entire multi-generational tale.

3.  How did you convince your author to put you in this book?  For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?

I started hanging out in my author's daydreams when she was just a teenager. Before she knew it, I was a full-blown character with a name, a mouth that gets her in trouble, and some major problems.

4.  Is your author easy to work with or controlling?

Mostly easy. I give her credit for portraying me the way I really am, especially since she admits that I am who she was in a past life and a big part of my essence lives on in her today.

5. Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?

His name is Lord Matthew Shinar. He is my best friend from my days at college and medical school. We would never have met except that we both attended the same institution of higher learning and studied medicine. I help restore him to health after he is gravely injured; later in the series he saves my granddaughter's life and ultimately pays with his own.

6.  Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?

Covered in my answer to the first question.

7. What would you like our readers to know about you?

I am tough-minded and tender-hearted, strong and vulnerable. I care passionately about justice and my tendency to speak without thinking constantly dumps me in scalding water. I have an earthy sense of sense of humor and a fragile sense of self-worth.

8. Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?

So much I don't know where to start. Maybe a little bit about learning to govern what I say. Maybe some more about being true to my own heart and taking a risk on love.

9.  Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?

In The Vision, I find out the identity of the father I never met or knew about, and as soon as we meet, out strong personalities clash. I never get the better of the argument, either.

10. Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?

Heavens! That would take another novel! All the stupid, thoughtless remarks I made to my commanding officer in front of his subordinates, undermining his authority when, in fact, I loved him. Arguing with a father I loved instantly when we could have spent time getting to know one another.

11. What was your main motivation?

Fear and a pervasive, corrosive sense of worthlessness.

12.  Introduce us to your main adversary?

Which one? I have an embarrassment of riches in that department. My most immediate and obvious adversary is Ezekiel Malachi, Supreme Lord of the Temple of Kronos-the theocrat who wants me dead because I am a half-breed. But as my story progresses through the books, a stealth adversary emerges whose actions against me and my loved ones nearly destroy my soul.

13.  Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?

No. My author is pretty good about letting me be me. I shock her sometimes with the things I say and do.

14.  Here's your chance to speak your mind.  What do you want to tell everybody?

Fear is inevitable where there is little or no self-love. Want to love others? Save the planet? Then start where you have sole authority and autonomy-within your own hearts and souls. Heal yourself and you will automatically heal others and the world. I was too afraid to take this sage advice from my alien mentor Maguari, but my author (myself in a different physical lifetime) has done so to a much greater extent and experienced life-altering healing.

15.  Please tell everyone where they can find out more about your story and where they can purchase it.

More about my story, plus an online bookshelf where anyone may browse the first three books of the series for free, is at

The Vision, Fallout, and The Scorpions Strike are for sale as paperbacks at all major online bookstores. Ebook versions are for sale at HealingStone Books,

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:23 AM EST
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Sunday, 30 November 2008
The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing-A Review
Topic: Book Review

The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing
by Mayra Calvani & Anne K. Edwards
Twilight Times Books
Trade Paperback/Ebook
188 pages

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List Price: $16.95 trade paperback


 Nailing Down The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing

Do you write book reviews, or wish you could but have no idea where or how to start?  Maybe you are an author or publisher and are wondering just how important book reviews are to your sales. The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing can answer all your questions.

The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing  isn't simply a how-to book.  The authors do give lists of what to do or not to do, but they go deeper.  This book covers such important aspects:  How to deal with writing a review of a book you don't like; How to handle publicists, authors and publishers and their demands; How to set up your own book review site and much more. There is even a section on what to do with the books you have received once you are finished with them.  The main focus is on the actual elements required for a professional book review--what to do, what not to do, and why.  The authors end the book with an impressive list of resources for those loooking to do reviews. This list covers not only places to find books to review, but also places to submit reviews.

I found The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing to be easy to read and understand, although there is so much information included I know I will return to it many more times for reference. The way it is formatted will make the future visits easier. The book is broken down in a way that makes finding just the information you need easy.

I really liked the way the authors set up the examples.  Instead of the usual, sample then explanation format you normally find, notes are made within the bodies of each example pointing out what concepts have been applied.  This helped in further cementing what you had learned.  The section on dealing with others associated with the book--authors, publishers, etc--was something I had not seen before and was very helpful.  The section on how to read critically was something I also found new and helpful.

While I personally like to see a more conversational tone used, the authors covered everything you could possibly need to know about writing book reviews. The language is simple, allowing for more effort to go into understanding the concepts involved.  I believe this book should be considered essential to any reference library.  It is one you will refer to again and again.

On the Rainbow Scale of Excellence, I give The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing six colors.

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:37 PM EST
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Friday, 28 November 2008
Zamora's Ultimate Challenge by Michele Scott -A Review
Topic: Book Review

Twelve-year old Carter and his younger brother, Mason, are typical boys.  The argue over their differences and enthusiastically share the things they have in common.  Their baby sister, Isabella, gets on both their nerves, especially when they are playing their favorite video game, Zadora's Ultimate Challenge.

Left for an hour without parental supervision, the two boys find themselves thrust into the game, where they must face their ultimate quest of finding their sister, who has been kidnapped by the evil Queen Zadora.  Given three "rules" by a sage-believe in yourself, believe in each other and trust the light from within--the brothers have three days to beat the game before the world is changed forever into a place of evil.

Michele Scott has crafted a story that will keep middle-grade readers on edge as the brothers fight a dragon, dodge dinosaur poop bombs and find help in the most unlikely places.  As they learn about their own strength and that of each other, readers will also learn lessons in self-esteem, family and that the ultimate weapon against evil is....well, you'll have to read the book to learn that :-)

Realistic character, fast-paced action and subtle lessons are all woven together by Michele Scott to create a book that will be enjoyed by readers for years to come.  I thoroughly enjoyed her ability to teach without seeming to do so.  Zamora's Ultimate Challenge is an uplifting read that will have kids feeling good about not only themselves, but those people closest to them-their family.   

On my Rainbow Scale of Excellence, I give Zadora's Ultimate Challenge a seven--a perfect rainbow!

Posted by joyceanthony at 5:13 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 28 November 2008 7:15 AM EST
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Thursday, 13 November 2008
Conor and the Crossworlds by Kevin Gerard--A Review and a Contest
Topic: Book Review

Before I get into today's post, I want to thank Kevin Gerard for visiting with us the past few days.  I have thoroughly enjoyed geting to know him and discovering his books.  Thank you, Kevin. 

Please continue reading this entire post to find out about a spectacular "treasure hunt" that will be taking place starting in January. 


In today's fast-paced world, it is often difficult to get kids to be still long enough to read.  Kevin Gerard has solved that problem wonderfully with his series of fantasy books, Conor and the Crossworlds.

The Crossworlds is a place similar to a corridor from which many parallel universes can be reached. Some of these worlds are inhabited by human-like creatures while others boast animal-like creatures with human qualities.  All the worlds are looked over by The Circle of Seven.  As with every instance of good, there must be a counterforce of evil and this comes about in the form of The Evil Circle.

We first meet Conor when he is ten and each of the books in this series see him a couple years older.  With the help and guidance of a large winged cougar, Conor is taken to the Crossworlds to help fight the evil that threatens to destroy all the worlds.  In his adventures, he learns not only about the world but also about himself and what he is capable of achieving.

Readers from 10 to 110 will find themselves instantly transported into the Crossworlds.  The characters are so realistic and well-developed, I found myself forgeting they were merely creations of Kevin Gerard.  This series is destined to give Harry Potter and the Warrior series a run for their money.

The books are written so that readers as young as ten can easily comprehend what is happening, yet adult readers will be entranced. This is truly a family series and would make a wonderful gift for all those readers on your gift lists, male or female.  I have already added it to my "to buy" list for my son's sixteenth birthday.


Kevin has buried five treasure chests with five different keys around the country. The clues to where the treasure chests are have appeared in the first three books and they will be followed by more clues online

( ). Whoever finds the treasure chests keeps the keys and wins other prizes.

Visit: to learn of the meaning of the five keys and then visit the above link for more information on the treasure hunt and a downloadable ebook from Kevin Gerard.

Finally (after leaving a kind thank you comment for Kevin) please visit one of the following links to get your own copies of the first three books in the Conor and the Crossworlds series.  Christmas shopping was never this easy!!!!

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:35 AM EST
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Searching for A Starry Night----A Review
Topic: Book Review

When Sam, her best friend and her mother undertake to catalogue the possessions of her deceased great aunt, the two younger girls are not particularly thrilled.  Who wants to spend warm summer days going through old jewelry and paintings hardly bigger than an average postage stamp?

The two girls soon discover that the paintings are more interesting than they had believed-and that there is a mystery just waiting to be solved. The miniature painting of Van Gogh's A Starry Night has been replaced by a not-so-great imitation and the two best friends set out to find the original.

Searching for a Starry Night is a YA mystery in which Christine Verstraete cobines her love of writing with her love of miniatures.  I found myself captivated by not only her realistic characters, but also the mystery. 

Ms. Verstraete teaches the reader some interesting facts about the world of miniature art and art in general, without the reader realizing they are learning.  I felt her excitement for the subject coming through her words.  Her exitement caused me to keep reading in order to learn more and to find out what happened to the original picture. This is one mystery I did not solve before the characters!

Christine Verstraete has writen a book I not only would not hesitate to give as a gift to young adult readers, but would consider presenting to adults as well.  Her characters are well-developed, her mystery intriguing and her writing style fresh and easy-flowing.  I look forward to more works from this wonderful author.

Posted by joyceanthony at 7:28 PM EST
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