Topic: Blog Tours
Today we take a brief peek into Money and Manifesting, the latest release by Dyan Garris.
The very first thing to understand about money is that we do not "make" money. We create and open pathways to the flow of the energy of money. Money is energy. In and of itself it has no power. The power it has is our perception that it has power and this is what fuels the energy of money. These perceptions stem from illusions, perspectives, and deep seated belief systems.
If we understand these concepts as a basis, then we can begin to understand that we need to learn to open pathways of energy flow. Part of that process is learning how energy works, how we can utilize that energy, and subsequently learn to manifest.
What makes this book different is that you will learn how to actually transform energy and learn how to integrate energy and align the mind, body, and spirit so that the things you are manifesting can actually occur. This is called synchronicity.
The magic of synchronicity can't happen if your will isn't aligned with universal will because we cannot manifest from a place of ego, which is the place of wants, needs and desires. This is the place where the mind decides what it wants irrespective of what the spirit came to do.
And synchronicity can't happen if you don't integrate and implement the learning. Reading about how to manifest is one thing. Thinking positive thoughts is another thing. But actually implementing, and clearing a pathway for the energy to travel on and then integrating, is quite another matter.
The energy of money resides in the root chakra. In order to manifest anything we need to understand the chakra system, why it's a factor, and learn how to balance and clear our chakras and chakra system. You will learn how to do that here as well. It is not difficult. But it is integral to the process of manifesting anything.
And we will be breaking down the illusion of money as it relates to self worth. Money as we know it is basically pieces of paper. Those that have learned to equate their intrinsic value and ultimate "success" with money should seriously consider when they became pieces of paper.
These illusions and perspectives have to do with learned patterns and belief systems; and here you will learn about these things, where they originated from and what to do about them.
We will go beyond positive thinking and "you are what you attract" and "you are what you think about." While those things are certainly true, just knowing about those or engaging in positive thinking doesn't take you to the next steps.
Positive thinking and affirmations do not necessarily lead you to learning how to actually create money flow in your life. You have to integrate the positive thoughts into your belief system as truth. They have to take true form in the chakra system and replace the old patterns. This is what we can then build foundation on, and subsequently an amazing new house.
You wll learn to integrate the energy of mind, body, and spirit and thus be able to attract and create anything you choose, not just money.
I wrote the book the way I did for a reason. This is so that while you're reading it you're engaging left brain, right brain, and the different chakras as well. The book itself is an exercise in integration. And the characters each have blocks to manifesting. In one way or another they are each in their own way of getting what they want.
Everything is a reflection, and if you can see yourself reflected here even in one small aspect, you will then have the keys to unlocking the doors of manifesting. All it takes is the knowledg of how to connect the dots, the ability to turn the key in the lock, and the willingness to step through the doors.