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Tuesday, 15 April 2008
A Talk With Dyan Garris
Topic: Blog Tours
 Dyan Garris The Person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Compassionate, loving, happy.

2.  How do you think others would describe you?

Powerful, different, knowledgeable.

3.  Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Swimming and music.

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

Oh! I used to have a pet but had to give him away. He was so cute. He was a little Bichon. He was darling. I miss him every day.

5.  What is your most precious memory?

My most precious memory is of my son as a little boy. He was so sweet.

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

What a funny question! One evening, in a social setting, someone accidentally knocked me over into a large potted plant. I was dressed in an all silk skirted suit. I think you get the picture. Looking back, it was actually hilarious, but didn't feel that way at the time.


7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

 I'm a psychic and musician in addition to being an author, so I would be making music all of the time. Psychically, of course. 

8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Oh my! I've never thought about this.  I was hoping not to have an obituary.

Dyan Garris was a well known clairvoyant, author, and musician. Her books and music touched the lives of many. She is survived by three siblings, one son, and a very sweet husband. In lieu of flowers please say prayers for her soul and donate your time and energy to your favorite charity.

Dyan Garris The Writer:

9.  Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

When I first saw my intuitive cookbook in print, it was the most exciting moment. The feeling was indescribable.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

I just finished my book Money and Manifesting. I'm excited about it because it's different than what is out there and it's going to help a lot of people. Along with the information I fictionalized parts of the book so that the reader can have a left brain/right brain integration experience. Integration is a first step toward manifesting. And there is an enjoyable story there that everyone can relate to. If we can see ourselves reflected, we then have a platform for change. I wrote The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, Voice of the Angels Cookbook - Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking, Fish Tale of Woe-Lost at Sea, and two journals. One journal is for use with my Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards and the other journal is for use with the CD series of music and meditation for healing, relaxation, vibrational attunement, and Automatic Chakra Balance.TM

11.  What are your future goals for your writing?

I'm going to take a break from writing for now. I have spent the past two and a half years building a "toolbox" filled with spiritual tools that anyone at any place on their own healing journey can pick up and use for spiritual transformation. I have two more things to put into the toolbox and then it will be complete. One of those is a DVD and the other is one more music CD vibrating to the eighth chakra. I'm hoping to be done by July.

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

Not really. I don't really have a typical day with anything. I've learned to be flexible because anything can happen and it does.

13.  Why do you write?

I write to inform and teach and I like to be entertaining at the same time. I like to help people think, grow, change, and transform.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

I'm inspired by anyone who writes about the depths and resilience of the human spirit.

15.  How do you define your writing?

My writing is informative, instructional, deep, thought provoking, and entertaining.

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

I would want them to say there was valuable wisdom there.

Dyan Garris The Details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

The main website is That site has most everything that I offer on it. It's huge and interactive. There is always something going on there. I write a Daily Channeled Message there and there is a free angel card reading there as well. I have about fifteen sites, but the main sites for the music are http://www.newagecd/. And My blog is 

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Yes. Readers can reach me at

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

My book titles are:

Money and Manifesting

The Book of Daily Channeled Messages

Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards

Fish Tale of Woe - Lost at Sea

Voice of the Angels - The Journal

Voice of the Angels - The Meditation Journal

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

New readers can expect to learn something that will help them grow, change, and transform. And most importantly they will learn that there are no limitations. They will learn how to take what they have and integrate their mind, body, and spirit.

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

I've pretty much said it all. You are a very good interviewer, Joyce! I would just like to leave your readers with a few more things. For anyone who perceives themselves as stuck, you don't have to be. For anyone who believes they are limited, you aren't. Limitations are an illusion. You can do anything at all if you believe that you can. Open yourself to infinite possibilities. For anyone who wants to grow spiritually and connect with their true purpose, let me shine a light for you on your pathway. There is a reason for everything. Without the darkness, we cannot know the light. "Through love and light your answers dear, will truly be here soon. This illumination will shine clearly then, even by night's moon." © Dyan Garris, Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards, The Light card.

**ReminderL  Dyan Garris will be available during a live chat tonight from 8-10 EST at

 Please join us!!!

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:36 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 2:39 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - 10:48 AM EDT

Name: "Dyan"
Home Page:

Hi Joyce. I'm stopping by to say Hi and let you know that I'm looking forward to our live chat tonight. Thank you for the great interview!


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