Topic: Book Review
Price: 14.99
Author: Dyan Garris
I opened the pages of Money and Manifesting with an open mind but not many expectations. Having read quite a bit on manifesting throughout the years, I thought I'd be in for the usual "Think positive." and "Concentrate on what you want, and you will receive it." I was pleasantly surprised that this book packed a great deal more into its pages.
Dyan Garris explains not only what manifesting is, but goes into detail about why most people fail to achieve success with the run-of-the-mill postive-thinking behavior. She delves into what blocks energy and causes us to merely attract, rather than create what it is we want.
Money and Manifesting takes the reader through the individual chakras and explains how to know where our blocks are. Ms. Garris then walks the reader through the process of unblocking his or her chakras, enabling the reader to truly allow the creation energy to flow free.
I closed the book literally feeling the truth in the words I had read. A subject that many find confusing is made so clear there can be no way to go wrong if you follow the words. You will soon see your life changing for the positive as you implement the process written in this book.
Don't be put off by the small size of this book. Its pages hold within them the power to change lives and help readers realize dreams. Not many books hold as much power and truth as Money and Manifesting by Dyan Garris.