Topic: Writing Ramblings
Today I have an idea creation challenge for everyone!!! I want you to go to your bookshelf and choose a book. Got it? Okay, now turn to page 123 and, starting with the first full sentence, count down until you reach sentence 5. Now...write down sentences 5, 6 and 7.
You obviously know the context of the sentences, but view them as someone who did not know their origin would. What scenarious can you come up with?
As an example, I chose my own book, Storm. The 5, 6 and 7th sentences on page 123 are:
"Storm could see the mixture of wanting to believe him and feel comforted, yet the fear of being hurt was so strong. She pulled back and Storm didn't force the issue. She was like a wild animal that had been captured and tortured."
What scenarios do I see wih this? Let's look at the she:
a. a woman (Was she raped. beaten or just heartbroken? Is she a war victim? A homeless woman? A victim of an auto accident or natural disaster?)
b. a child (Is she lost? Has she been abused? Is she hurt? Was she raised by jungle animals?)
c. a animal (an orphaned bear? a lost dog? a feral cat? Was she hit by a car? Found in a cave? In a pet store?)
The possibilities are endless. Let your mind ask questions about these sentences. Allow it to form a story.
I would love to see the passages each of you chose. Please leave me a comment. Maybe your comment will light another's creativity. Maybe theirs will strike a spark in you!!!