Topic: Blog Tours
Today's young adults are more discerning when it comes to reading material. Conor and the Crossworlds is a series that will keep the interest of girls and boys alike. Let's take a brief look at what the books are about.
Conor and the CrossworldsTM - Breaking the Barrier
Conor: an innocent ten year-old boy, not unlike other boys anywhere…
Purugama: immense, powerful, magical, a towering champion of the crossworlds…

During his adventure with Purugama, Conor and his huge mentor disturbed the integrity of the crossworlds corridors. Conor must accompany the Lord of the Crossworlds Champions, Maya, on a mission to repair them, with all of creation hanging in the balance…
Conor finds himself transported to the Glade of Champions, where he meets Maya, Eha, Ajur, Surmitang, and mighty Therion, all champions of the crossworlds. After learning about his mission, Conor departs with Maya to do battle with the warriors of the Circle of Evil, experiencing wondrous and terrifying surprises at every stop on his amazing journey…
Conor and the CrossworldsTM - Surviving an Altered World
Conor Jameson and Janine Cochran, two everyday high school students caught in a race to save an altered world…After divulging secrets about his past, something his mentors strictly warned him never to do, Conor’s world turns upside-down. He and Janine watch in horror as a powerful warrior sent by the Circle of Evil destroys their world and imprisons everyone they know, including the crossworlds champions and the creators…
Before fleeing the onslaught, the Lady of the Light appears before Conor and Janine. She explains that she and her kind deposited the five keys of the creators on different worlds just before the chaos began. If Conor and Janine can recover the keys, the crossworlds will be restored. There are others looking for the keys, however, those who will use any means to destroy the two teenagers and keep the crossworlds in disarray forever…
Visit to read about books four and five in this series and to learn about your chance to win in the upcoming search for the Keys.
The above three books are available at
Please come back tomorrow when I will be sharing a special guest post from Kevin Gerard.