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Monday, 3 November 2008
Getting to Know Christine Verstraete
Topic: Author Interview
Christine Verstraete the person:

1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Funny, short, dedicated

2. How do you think others would describe you?

Impatient, talented, obsessed

3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Miniatures, animals, family, friends, faith

4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.

Shania is my mixed malamute. A funny, fun dog that happens to "talk" a lot. Then there are finches and angelfish. I must be related to Dr. Dolittle.

5. What is your most precious memory?

Times spent with parents and as a family are always cherished.

6. What is your most embarrassing memory?

Which one? Ha!

7. If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

Probably waitressing or preferably making miniatures.

8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Glad I'm not too superstitious, but I'd prefer not to see myself dead yet.

Christine Verstraete the writer

9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

When I got my first newspaper job writing for Pioneer Press in northern Illinois. It's different once you're on staff.

10. What is going on with your writing these days?

I'm trying to finish an adult mystery (adult-oriented not the other kind, ha!), hoping to get some Sam short stories published and always exploring new ideas.

11. What are your future goals for your writing?

I'd like to get an agent and publish in other areas. We'll see.

12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I'm always writing. I write for newspapers, magazines, press releases, whoever will pay me. (Emails welcome!)

13. Why do you write?

I can't "not" write. I'm not good at much else, ha!

14. What writer most inspires you? Why?

I admire those writers who can put out book after book, story after story. I'm not always as "quick" a writer when it comes to fiction, but I do get there. Eventually.

15. How do you define your writing?

Steady. I try to be inventive and experiment with different styles or genres. I learn as I go.

16. In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

She was good.

Christine Verstraete the details:

17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?


Blog: Candid Canine

18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Book Place

19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

See or individual links.

* Searching For A Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery Quake/Echelon Press or

* Also read another adventure of Sam (from Searching For A Starry Night) in The Heat of the Moment Anthology, Echelon Press

* The Witch Tree at Fictionwise

* In Miniature Style, cd or ebook on miniatures with how to's at Reader's Eden

20. For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

To: A. learn something new (groan); B. Have Fun, (yay!) C. Be a little spooked (boo!) or D. All of the above.

In conclusion:

21. I love to write and share my interests. Readers get to enjoy a fun mystery and learn about miniatures and miniature painting in Searching For A Starry Night. Or they can see some amazing miniatures and learn about the creators in In Miniature Style or just get a little creeped out in The Witch Tree. I like variety. That way you never get bored. Ha!



Posted by joyceanthony at 1:43 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 3 November 2008 1:44 AM EST
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Sunday, 2 November 2008
Excerpt from Searching for a Starry Night
Topic: Blog Tours

There was one thing good about the tedious sorting she'd done all afternoon--it had kept her busy. Right now, all she could think about was how dark and deserted it was outside. It would be a prime location for a Peeping Tom. Images of Mrs. Drake and Mr. Jensen flashed through her mind. No way. The thought of seeing either one of the older people lurking unseen in the bushes outside was pretty funny. The idea of Mrs. Drake decked out in a hunter's cap and jacket hiding deep in the weeds made her giggle.

A loud crack outside stopped Sam's giggles cold and made her flinch. Snap! A second later, there was another crack, almost like a twig breaking. An unwelcome thought came to her. Like someone walking outside. She took a deep breath. Her eyes widened. An animal. Had to be. But what was big enough to make twigs snap, crackle, and pop like breakfast cereal?

Sam tried to keep quiet as she tiptoed across the room to Lita, who sat partly huddled under the quilt. "Sam," she whispered. "What was that?"

Sam held her finger to her lips as she made her way to the wall. Carefully, she pulled herself up on the chair, placed her hands on the brick wall in front of her, and slowly stood upright. She carefully pushed a corner of the makeshift curtain aside. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she began to make out familiar shapes in the moonlight. Thick evergreen bushes, scraggly lilac bushes without the flowers, the stand of maple and oak trees, and the dip in the ground that went down to the creek. All looked normal. Nothing different.

Another crack made Sam jump. The curtain almost came down when she noticed the large, dark shape standing right between a group of trees off to the side. Heart pounding, she watched and waited. Several seconds went by. It remained quiet. She swallowed. Her mouth was dry. She could use a drink of water but that would mean leaving the window. Nothing stirred outside. It was probably just her imagination. She was making herself jumpy, that's all. Sam groaned as an even more unwelcome thought came to mind--maybe it was just Old Grandpa Sylvester coming to get ya!

Sam moaned. Great. Of all the things to think about! Why in the world did she have to think of him now? She grasped at something to block the direction her thoughts were headed. Lyrics to a song. The melody. Anything. A phrase from that annoying Barney song came to mind. After a few words, she gave up. Movie themes, her favorite movie scene... She motioned to Lita, who set Petey down on the floor and rose to her feet. She told him to stay. For once, the dog listened.

Sam watched the dog move his head side to side several times, then creep slowly toward the door. He's like a canine radar station, she thought. "I don't see anything and I didn't see mom come out of the house. You think it could've been a deer? Maybe I should open the door..." She shivered when she felt Lita's cool fingers wrap around her hand.

"Don't you dare open it," Lita whispered. "You've seen all those scary movies. You know what happens when the boy or girl goes outside by themselves..."

"Oh, c'mon Lita," Sam groaned, "how could you do that to me? I've been trying not to think of Grandpa Sylvester again and you--"

Her words were cut off by the sound of a thump outside. Petey flew forward in a spasm of barks. His legs left the ground with each violent growl. Sam wasted no time and jumped off the chair almost into her friend's arms. The two hugged each other and watched, wide-eyed, as the doorknob slowly started to turn.

The panic threatened to choke Sam. "Lita," she whispered, "please tell me I locked the door."


Posted by joyceanthony at 2:52 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 November 2008 9:48 AM EDT
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Saturday, 1 November 2008
A Visit with Chris Verstraete
Topic: Blog Tours

Chris Verstraete combines her love of miniatures in her writing when possible. Over the next couple  of days, we will be getting to know Chris beter and taking a look at Searching for a Starry Night and Witch Tree. Please join us on this visit.


 "Searching For A Starry Night" ISBN 9781590805794

Isn't that an adorable cover??

Asked what inspired this book and Chris said: I collect dollhouse miniatures and thought it'd be a unique, interesting addition to the mystery field to focus on miniature art.

 Christine Verstraete
Searching For A Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery (Ages 10+)
From Quake/Echelon Press - ISBN 978-1-59080-579-4

Buy at:

(Also at, Barnes&, Palm, Fictionwise. See links at or ask for it at your favorite bookstore.


Samantha Ann Carlton would rather spend her summer vacation anywhere but a spooky old house in Lake Geneva!

Somehow Sam knows it is going to take more than a couple days to find a missing painting no bigger than her hand. But maybe things won't be so bad, she thinks, since she gets to take a friend's lovable, nosy, and often mischievous Dachshund, Petey, and her best friend, Lita. If they're lucky, the three of them can find the miniature replica of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and help Sam's mother get it to the museum, where it belongs.

It's not going to be easy, Sam realizes, when she discovers that her family has some spooky secrets. Then Petey digs up an ancient curse and Sam fears her friendship with Lita is doomed.

Can Sam find the miniature masterpiece before it's too late? Will she and her best friend go home forever friends - or enemies?


Christine Verstraete thinks you're never too old to play with dollhouses, so when she's not writing, she is probably working on a new miniature project.

Christine also is an award-winning journalist whose stories have appeared in various newspapers and magazines. Her short fiction has been published in print and online.

Her short horror story, "The Witch Tree," was a contest winner published by Echelon Press. She also is author of the e-book, "In Miniature Style," with stories about collectors, photos of their miniatures and how-to projects.

Check out more of Christine's miniatures and writing at  and at her blog, Candid Canine,  and  

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:08 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 November 2008 9:49 AM EDT
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Friday, 31 October 2008
Midnight Hours by Vivian Zabel--A Review
Topic: Book Review

One by one, disabled men find a friend in Midnight.  The picture they receive has them captivated and they fall for the luscious beauty. One by one, each man meets with death-and one woman collects each and every insurance policy.  Now, injured police officer Martin has met Midnight.  He has her number though and it is a race to see who will win.  Will Midnight finally be caught or will yet another man meet his final destiny?

Vivian Zabel has woven a psychological thriller that will have everyone who uses a computer wondering just who is connected with the name and face on the other end.  Her knowledge of the inner workings of both the detective and killer minds is incredible. The characters were very well developed and dialog true-to-life. 

Skillfully woven clues will lead you through this story, giving you a chance to discover Midnight's identity as the detectives do.  I found myself so involved in the book that I read for several hours straight, something I rarely do.  Ms. Zabel's writing flows smoothly, yet at a pace that keeps pulling you forward.  This is definitely a "just one more chapter" book.The ending leaves you satisfied-yet anticipating. This is a combination found rarely in today's mysteries of cut-and-dried endings.  I was pleasantly surprised that there is still an author out there that leaves me actually hoping for a sequel. 

This is one mystery I would not hesitate at all in recommending. 


For more stops on this blog tour, please visit the following:

Oct. 31 Aidana WillowRaven
Joyce Anthony

Nov. 1 Crystalee Calderwood

Nov. 2 Vivian Zabel and

and don't forget the contest:

Prize: $25 gift certificate from

1. Each person who comments on a blog stop receives one entry. For example, if a person leaves a comment on four blog stops, he has four entries.

2. Each person who purchases a copy of Midnight Hours from the 4RV Store ( or directly from the author receives fifteen (15) entries per purchase. Since we cannot receive notification from other places in time, we need people to use the publisher's store.

A person may have entries from a purchase and from leaving comments.

An email address will be needed to notify the winner and to send the gift certificate.

November 5, a random drawing will be held using a program online to choose a winner. I will notify the winner by email and will post the result on my blogs at Vivian's Site and Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap.

Everyone who comments and/or purchases a book needs to sent an email to  with the answer to the question,"When does Midnight meet Martin on the online game site?"

The email with the correct answer validates the entries

Posted by joyceanthony at 5:57 AM EDT
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Thursday, 30 October 2008
A Talk With Vivian Zabel
Topic: Author Interview

1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Trusting, determined, caring

2.  How do you think others would describe you?

Took a poll: Tenacious, caring, conscientious


3.   Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

My family: my husband of over 46 years, three living children, ten grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and another on the way.


4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

I have one funny faced tabby cat, named Funny Face. He thinks he owns me, and has for over seven years. He also is my attack cat. He growls if anyone is in the yard that shouldn't be. If my husband isn't home, and I try to go outside after dark, Funny Face stays by my side yowling until I go back inside. A dog come toward me outside, no matter how large, and Funny will try to attack him.

5. What is your most precious memory?

Only one? Not fair. Should I choose holding my first born in my arms? Or my second or third or the few moments with my fourth, so tiny and whose life was so short? Maybe the first grandchild or the others who came? Ah, the great-grandchildren.

But none of those would have been possible without the moment when I walked down the aisle toward the man who thought me so beautiful, who loved me so much that he still sees me through eyes blinded by that love.

6. What is your most embarrassing memory?

Oh, I wrote a story about that, titled "Crazy-woman Dance."  I was pregnant with my fourth child and on the way to my oldest child's kindergarten Christmas program. I had taken the dress I wore and the coat from the cleaner's plastic bag (it was the first cold time that year, after Thanksgiving, unusual) to wear that night.

On the drive from the house to where the program would be held, I made the statement that I was going crazy.

As we exited the car, something sharp circled my middle, racing around and around where my waist would have normally been. I wiggled, jiggled, and squirmed as I stood on the sidewalk. People stopped and stared, including my husband and children. Suddenly a mouse plopped on the ground between my feet and rushed off into the bushes.

My middle child and older son told everyone, "Momma's doing the crazy-woman dance."

7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

Let's see, I'm already been a bookkeeper, office manager, inventory clerk, teacher, mother, wife.

I suppose if I weren't a writer I'd be bored. Of course I'd probably still be a publisher. I'm a glutton for punishment.


8.    In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Trying to get rid of me already? Huh. Vivian Zabel gave all she had to her family, her students, her friends, the authors and illustrators from her company. When nothing was left, her spirit joined God.


For more information, please visit:  is the Midnight site.  The book can be bought on the publisher's website:

and don't forget the contest:

Prize: $25 gift certificate from

1. Each person who comments on a blog stop receives one entry. For example, if a person leaves a comment on four blog stops, he has four entries.

2. Each person who purchases a copy of Midnight Hours from the 4RV Store ( or directly from the author receives fifteen (15) entries per purchase. Since we cannot receive notification from other places in time, we need people to use the publisher's store.

A person may have entries from a purchase and from leaving comments.

An email address will be needed to notify the winner and to send the gift certificate.

November 5, a random drawing will be held using a program online to choose a winner. I will notify the winner by email and will post the result on my blogs at Vivian's Site and Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap.

Everyone who comments and/or purchases a book needs to sent an email to  with the answer to the question,"When does Midnight meet Martin on the online game site?"

The email with the correct answer validates the entries.

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:16 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Talking With Midnight and Martin
Topic: Character Interviews
  Today I have two special guest, Midnight and Martin--the main players in Midnight Hours.  Enjoy this rare opportunity to get to know these characters.

1.  Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?

Martin:  I'm Lieutenant Martin Rogers. I helped Vivian Gilbert Zabel write Midnight Hours, aided her in her search for the answers to the mystery of Midnight.

Midnight: What are you talking about? Midnight Hours is about me. You're just lucky you're still alive. Just wait. Just wait.

2. Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.

Martin: My role, and my team's, is to find Midnight and stop the serial murders. But Midnight ... the search leads to one dead end after another.

Midnight: I wonder why. Think it might because I'm smarter than you, maybe? Oh, yes, I do believe that's the truth.

3. How did you convince your author to put you in this book?  For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?

Martin: I "visited" with Vivian and let her see the struggles I faced. She discovered my Internet relationship with Midnight. She didn't approve, but she trusted me to come to my senses sooner or later. She had more faith in me than my friends, who at least acknowledged that I needed some way to escape the pain and frustration cause by the slow recovery from a gunshot wound effecting the use of my legs.

Midnight: Let's just say I was her darkest nightmare.

4. Is your author easy to work with or controlling?

Martin: Actually she was rather easy to work with. She let me have my say in most cases, but she's a stickler for correct grammar and all that unless someone is talking.

She also didn't like us using too much profanity, but I don't use much, well, not too much, anyway.

Midnight: She let me have my way, and then she destroyed my plans. She's fortunate that I can't get my garrote on her neck.

5. Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?

Martin: My best friends are Frank and Kyle. We attended the academy together. Then, well, Lisa came into my life, indirectly due to Midnight.

Midnight: Friends? You gotta be joking. Friends are for jerks, or to be used.

6.  Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?

Martin: I'm working on that. Lisa and I have more story to share, as do Frank and Kyle. And there is always suspense and mystery around detectives and an assistant district attorney.

Midnight: One never knows, does one. Remember it is darkest before dawn.

7. What would you like our readers to know about you?

Martin: I'm not perfect, but, well, Lisa likes me as is. Seriously, I want the murders stopped, and the bad guys put away.

Midnight: Aw, h-(Vivian slaps hand over mouth).  Okay, okay, but he's so goody, goody, makes me sick. I'm the one people need to remember. I'm the one who gets rid of the worthless trash. Me!

8. Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?

Martin: I learned to beware of Internet relationships and to be wary of anyone who comes on too strong but won't give any information about herself.

Midnight: Ha! Only some good breaks for Rogers and some bad ones for me keeps him alive, but he's on my list. I can't let him win. I won't.

9. Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?

Martin: Well, uh, she gave me a rather strict sense of honor. A little more ... Nah.

Midnight: Do you really think she could keep me from doing whatever I want? Not likely.

Martin: Oh, really? Wait until people read the book and see what you  do and don't do.

10. Here's your chance to speak your mind.  What do you want to tell everybody?

Martin: Everyone needs to find out how vicious Midnight was, how malicious and manipulative. Evil comes in many forms, and according to her photo, her form was one to catch any man's interest - until he died.

11.  Please tell everyone where they can find out more about your story and where they can purchase it.

Midnight:  is the Midnight site.  The book can be bought on the publisher's website:


Tomorrow, we will get to talk with Midnight Hours author, Vivian Zabel.  Please stop by and give her a shout!

Don't forget the contest:

Prize: $25 gift certificate from


1. Each person who comments on a blog stop receives one entry. For example, if a person leaves a comment on four blog stops, he has four entries.

2. Each person who purchases a copy of Midnight Hours from the 4RV Store ( or directly from the author receives fifteen (15) entries per purchase. Since we cannot receive notification from other places in time, we need people to use the publisher's store.

A person may have entries from a purchase and from leaving comments.

An email address will be needed to notify the winner and to send the gift certificate.

November 5, a random drawing will be held using a program online to choose a winner. I will notify the winner by email and will post the result on my blogs at Vivian's Site and Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap.

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:58 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Visiting With Vivian Zabel
Topic: Blog Tours

Over the next few days, I am honored to say we will be visiting with Vivian Zabel, author of the book, Midnight Hours. Doesn't this sound excellent:

While struggling to recover from a debilitating gunshot wound, homicide lieutenant Martin Rogers discovers an online "interest" may be a serial killer, responsible for the death of several disabled men.

Martin’s interest changes from that of a man for a woman to the interest of a homicide detective for a suspect when Midnight attaches a photo of herself to an email – identical to that of one folded in the pocket of a dead paraplegic. Confusion reigns when an Assistant District Attorney is discovered to be the unknowing model for the face in the photo.

Lt. Rogers and friends set up a sting to capture Midnight, but she disappears like wisps of fog. Every lead results in dead ends and more confusion. Midnight brings death on the internet. Preying on helpless men, she offers love but gives them a grave, but who and what is Midnight?

Martin must find this killer before she can add him to her list of victims.

Let's meet the author:

Vivian Zabel (aka Vivian Gilbert Zabel and V. Gilbert Zabel) started writing when a child. She told friends that someday she would write a novel, but their laughter didn’t deter her ambition.

While teaching for 27 years, she couldn’t carve enough time from her days to write a book, but she wrote poetry, short stories, and articles, which were published. After leaving teaching and entering the writing field full time, she finished two young adult and three adult novels.

A lover of mysteries since she discovered Nancy Drew, Vivian always wanted to write one. Finally, she conquered her tendency to hurry to the end, jumping over needed leads and red-herrings, and created her first suspense/thriller novel, Midnight Hours.

Vivian lives in Edmond, Oklahoma with her husband of over 46 years. Her interests, besides writing, include her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and reading

To find more of Vivian Gilbert Zabel's published works, visit the Vivian Gilbert Zabel ~ Author website. 

Cover Design for Midnight Hours was a collaboration between Vivian Zabel and Aidana WillowRaven. WillowRaven Illustration & Design


Order your copy of Midnight Hours now: $27.99 plus shipping. (Note: retail price $31.99 plus shipping



Prize: $25 gift certificate from

1. Each person who comments on a blog stop receives one entry. For example, if a person leaves a comment on four blog stops, he has four entries.

2. Each person who purchases a copy of Midnight Hours from the 4RV Store ( or directly from the author receives fifteen (15) entries per purchase. Since we cannot receive notification from other places in time, we need people to use the publisher's store.

          A person may have entries from a purchase and from leaving comments.

         An email address will be needed to notify the winner and to send the gift certificate.

         November 5, a random drawing will be held using a program online to choose a winner. I will notify the winner by email

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:42 AM EDT
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Monday, 27 October 2008
More Excerpts from The Sage Age by MaAnna Stephenson
Topic: Blog Tours

The Rational and the Intuitive

In our daily lives, each of us incorporates our rational “knowings” and our intuitive “knowings” into a wholistic matrix that helps us make sense of our world. It’s likely that each of us leans a little more toward one way or the other type of knowing depending on personal preference.

The phrases “rational scientist” and “intuitive practitioner” are used extensively throughout The Sage Age. These are not mutually exclusive types of people. Rather, they represent schools of thought in perception and focus. For example, “rational scientist” refers to those who primarily make use of the intellect in the methodical investigation of reality. The term “intuitive practitioner” refers to those who primarily use a supersensible means of perception in a wholistic investigation of reality. In other words, they use senses other than the five associated with the tangible world. The term “intuitive” is a little different than the word “spirituality” in an important way. The intuitive arts are concerned with the esoteric sciences meaning that they deal primarily with the investigation of metaphysics in a methodical manner. Spirituality, on the other hand, is personal and subjective and focuses on how each person relates to everything in accordance with their beliefs.

At this point in history we have the opportunity to combine all ways of knowing to understand informed energy in an entirely new way thereby resolving many of the dilemmas we face today. The Sage Age highlights the information that each way of knowing brings and blends them into new models for new thought.

How do you combine your rational and intuitive knowings to form a wholistic view?

Einstein and His Famous Equation

When most people hear the name Einstein, the next thought is usually his famous equation, E=mc2. Believe it or not, Einstein’s Nobel Prize was not awarded for this revolutionary discovery, but for his lesser known paper on the Photo-Electric Effect also published in the same year. A good deal of the confusion about Relativity Theory is that most folks think it is one theory. It is actually three different ideas submitted in three different papers. The equation showing the relationship of energy to mass can be found in an addendum he submitted three months after publishing the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. He began work on the General Theory of Relativity in 1907 and finished it in 1915. With it, he added the effects of gravity to his original equations and revolutionized how we view the makeup of the universe. And then there’s the confusion about that light speed squared business. What’s that all about?

Einstein’s first paper was titled “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies.” This eventually became known as the Theory of Special Relativity. It dealt primarily with how space and time were related, showing that they were actually two descriptions of the same phenomenon known as 4D spacetime. (A description of spacetime and how it differs from 3D space with an added element of time can be found in my article titled “Dimensions.”) It also explained the time dilation between objects which were moving near the speed of light and those that were moving very slow compared to the speed of light.

The paper showed time to be relative to its frame of reference. For example, if you and a buddy are standing in the aisle of a moving jet and tossing a ball back and forth, the two of you seem to be still and the ball seems to be moving at a normal, slow rate of speed. But, to an observer on the ground the ball, you, your friend, and the jet are all moving at 200 mph. The plane provides you with a different frame of reference than the one the observer on the ground has. Both Galileo and Newton understood this concept and called it an “inertial frame.” Einstein enlarged the inertial frame by stating that everything including you, the jet and the observer on the ground were all moving at speeds far below that of light. When one of the objects in the scenario gets ramped up to light speed, everything changes.

Because of this, no one observer had a privileged frame of reference. In other words, if an event happened and was observed in two different spatial locations, the event might appear to have happened simultaneously to one observer and as two separate events to another observer. The different perspectives were due to each observer’s motion in relation to the event. Therefore, both observations would be correct to each observer respectively. It would be impossible for either observer to claim they saw the event the “right” way.

Just as Einstein’s first paper showed that space and time were two descriptions of one phenomenon, similarly, the addendum to this paper showed that energy and mass were also two descriptions of one phenomenon. Energy and mass are not equal, as is often misquoted. They are intra-convertible. A very small amount of mass can be exchanged for a very large amount of energy, as demonstrated by experiments in atomic and nuclear physics. It’s considered one of the most elegant formulas in all of physics because a few characters demonstrate the complex concepts found in the original equation which is big enough to fill a blackboard.

Einstein applied this equation to whether or not an object of mass, any mass, could be accelerated to the speed of light. That’s also were the c2 part of the equation comes into play. The whole thing is about speed, not light. Let’s roll a rock to see how that works. It’s a rather large rock, so it takes a good deal of energy to get it rolling. The energy from that initial push is now stored in the rock as kinetic energy, which it dissipates as it rolls. Any additional pushes just store more kinetic energy than the can dissipate and now it has velocity. So, when we want to stop the rock from rolling, we have to absorb the extra energy it contains. The kinetic energy is proportional to the speed squared. So, if you give the rock twice the energy it can disperse, it will take four times as much energy to stop it from rolling (twice the energy squared is four times the energy). In Einstein’s equation, c represents the speed of light, emphasis placed on the word “speed.” His famous equation then, is the ratio of the energy required to move a mass proportional to the speed of light squared.

Some content excerpted from The Sage Age – Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom
© 2008 MaAnna Stephenson
Content may be used freely with proper credit and a link to

To learn more about MaAnna Stephenson and The Sage Age, visit and you can subscribe to The Sage Age Newsletter while you are there.

For more tour information, visit

You can order your own copy of The Sage Age at

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:46 AM EDT
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Sunday, 26 October 2008
Dancing to the Same Score--an excerpt from The Sage Age
Topic: Blog Tours

Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you an excerpt from The Sage Age. I hope you find it enjoyable.

 Dancing to the Same Score

One of the most famous experiments in physics is a simple yet profound example of the dual nature of light. It is called the “two-slit experiment.” It was first conducted by English polymath, Thomas Yong around 1800 and validated the wave theory of light, overturning Newton’s corpuscular ideas. Neils Bohr used it to develop the Principle of Complementarity showing that light was both a particle and a wave and no description of light was complete without referencing both. It was also at the heart of Einstein’s famous thought experiment called the EPR Paradox, designed to show the incompleteness of quantum theory. One of the most intriguing aspects of the experiment is that you find exactly what you expect to find. It validates light as both a particle and a wave. How can this be? Well, that is the very question physicists have been trying to answer for over 200 years.

The experiment is very simple. A steady laser beam of light is aimed at a target. Two devices with slits which can be individually opened or closed are placed side by side in the path of the light beam. When only one slit is open, all of the light travels through it and hits a target on the other side of the slit in a bullet fashion. This demonstrates the particle nature of light. When both slits are open, the pattern on the target looks exactly like waves which are interfering with one another. The most puzzling thing is that these same patterns emerge when the light is sent in a steady stream or when one photon is released at a time.

There are two main conclusions which physicists have drawn from this experiment. The first is that you find what you are seeking. If you set up the experiment with one slit to detect particles, that’s what is produced on the target. If you set up the experiment to detect waves, that will be the pattern produced regardless if it is a steady stream of light or one photon at a time.

As physicists attempted to come to grips with these results, some exotic theories arose. Some called into play the hidden variables found in entanglement experiments. Others suggested that each particle somehow “knows” beforehand which path to take so that it mysteriously cooperated with all of the other particles yet to be fired. Einstein even suggested a pilot wave ahead of the particle that served to guide it.

Physicist David Bohm developed a most intriguing theory. He described the two-slit experiment as photons dancing to a musical score. The score came from what he called the Seamless Whole which acted as a pool of information. This Whole included the physicist, the laser, the photons within the laser beam, the slits and the target, or measuring device. After the experiment was set up by the physicist, all elements of it became known to the Whole. For example, the conditions under which the experiment would be conducted was one element in the overall pool of information in the entire system. If the experiment were set up with one slit open to detect particles, that condition became a “known” element in the entire system. The photons then, simply went along with that information. In other words, they danced to that music. When the experimental conditions were changed, i.e., when the music changed, the photons simply did another dance in accordance. The photons didn’t have to have prior knowledge of anything nor was an observer necessary.

Prior to the introduction of Bohm’s theory, all of quantum physics had been absorbed in determining the state of a system in the present and the prediction of how that system would be in the future. This description was muddled in murky probabilities. Bohm’s theory described the genuine motion of particles over time, not just the probability of where any one would be at any one time. This solidified the idea that the universe must be seen as a whole system and that anything which can be said of its individual elements at any one instance is only a partial description at best. Bohm’s theories eventually came to be referred to as Bohmian Mechanics.

One of the interesting features of the two-slit experiment is that it allows a thing to be realized in two different ways. But, our daily experience would lead us to believe the words of Gertrude Stein in that “A rose, is a rose, is a rose.” We can accumulate different sensations of it by looking at it, smelling it and even touching it, but alas, it remains a rose. But, the two-slit experiment demonstrates a thing becoming a wave. That’s like a door knob turning into a sound depending on how you observe it. The entire concept is mind-boggling. Of such things, Heisenberg said, “What we learn about is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our methods of questioning.” Perhaps someday we will have a broader concept of nature that will give the two-slit experiment a fitting context so that we can better understand the question we are asking of it.

Some content excerpted from The Sage Age – Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom
© 2008 MaAnna Stephenson
Content may be used freely with proper credit and a link to

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Posted by joyceanthony at 12:20 AM EDT
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Saturday, 25 October 2008
A Look Inside The Sage Age
Topic: Blog Tours

Today I want to share with you the Chapter Summaries and Table of Contents for The Sage Age. I hope this will allow you to get a taste of the wealth of information MaAnna Stephenson has included withing these pages.

Chapter 1 - The Body Antenna Explores the physical body as an antenna system and how using ritual body postures and breathing techniques helps tune that antenna. It also includes a description of how broadcast and receiving antennas work and compares them to how the body functions

Chapter 1 - The Body Antenna
The Body as an Antenna
Ritual Body Postures
How Light Radiates
Overview of Frequency
Antennas and the Physical Body
Multi-antenna Arrays
Near-field and Far-field Radiation Patterns

Chapter 2 - The Physical Body Transceiver Examines the body’s crystal lattice system, which includes the bones and compares them to the shape and makeup of antennas. It also delivers new vibrational models, which demonstrate how the body communicates internally all the way down to cellular level. Included is a section on the electromagnetic light fields of the heart and brain and how they provide the power and transmission signal of the body antenna

Chapter 2 - The Physical Body Transceiver
Piezo Crystals
Liquid Crystals and the Body’s Crystalline Lattice
Bio-electromagnetics and Intra-cellular Communication
Smelling Shapes
Bio-electronics and Bio-electricity
Bio-photons - Light from Living Organisms
Brain and Heart Light Fields
Exterior and Global EM Fields

Chapter 3 - The Energy Bodies Explores the types of information that are broadcast and received by the physical body and through the energetic subtle bodies. Descriptions of the meridian and chakra systems are given as well as the characteristics of the individual subtle energy bodies. A section on morphogenetic fields describes where the vibrational information for these systems resides.

Chapter 3 - The Energy Bodies
Meridian System
Chakra System
Subtle Energy Bodies
The Etheric Body
The Emotional Body
The Mental Body
The Astral Body
The Celestial Body
The Causal Body
Morphogenetic Fields
Quantum Biological Antenna System

Chapter 4 - The Mind-Body Antenna Delves into the mind-body antenna system and explores the power of thought, the existence of thought-forms and healing with intention. It also covers altered states of awareness including how such states are purposely used for healing, precognition and shamanic practice

Chapter 4 - The Mind-Body Antenna
The War of the Worlds
PSI Research
PEAR Research and the EGG Project
Group Focused Intent
The Measurement Problem in Science
Healing with Thought
Placebo Effect
Multiple Personality Disorders
Effect of Environment
Shamanic Medical Practice
Earth Energy Effects
Shifts in Awareness
Altered States of Awareness
Near-Death Experience

Chapter 5 - Metaphysics - The Study of the Intangible World Covers metaphysics and the study of the intangible world. It includes sections on how dualism effects perception; the root of information and knowledge; and how most of what we notice in the world is actually projected from our own memory. This chapter also covers how we incorporate new information and determine meaningfulness and relatedness

Chapter 5 - Metaphysics - The Study of the Intangible World
Dualism - One Understanding Itself
Information and Knowledge
Perception and Conception
Expressing Relationships
Consciousness - The New Holy Grail

Chapter 6 - Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought A comparative study in the common roots of both Eastern and Western cultures, which gives insight into understanding how today’s explorations and discoveries are actually the fruit of ancient questions. It also explores the role of symbols in understanding complex, abstract ideas and why we are returning to the use of them

Chapter 6 - Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought
One Origin
Western Basics
Eastern Basics
Symbols and Mathematics

Chapter 7 - Sound, Light and Time Covers the topics of sound, light and time as these are key ingredients into future understandings concerning our move into the age of vibration. The chapter explores how each topic has historically been used in both the rational sciences and the intuitive arts.

Chapter 7 - Sound, Light and Time
Keeping Time
Synchronicity and Coincidence

Chapter 8 - Physics - The Study of the Material World Explains physics and the study of the material world in layman’s terms. Sections include topics on fields and forces, phase states of matter and holograms. Each topic has simple analogies with common, everyday type examples to help illustrate the points being brought forward.

Chapter 8 - Physics - The Study of the Material World
Atomic Theory
Many-worlds Theory
Fields and Forces
Scalar Waves
The Earth
Fired Earth
Geopathic Stress
Magnets and Lodestone
Schumann Resonance (was Schumann Resonance / Lightning)

Chapter 9 - Waves Defines the different types of waves including light waves and quantum waves and how waves interact to create patterns such as a hologram. Sections also include all known phases of matter and defines the special phase of ultimate coherence

Chapter 9 - Waves
Light Waves
Quantum Waves
Wave Interference Patterns
Beat Frequency
Fourier Transforms
Phase States
Coherent States

Chapter 10 - Cosmology - The Study of the Infinitely Large Explores the universe and shows how Einstein's theories challenged Newtonian models and revolutionized our understanding of space, time and spacetime. There is also a section on the zero point field as it relates to cosmology.

Chapter 10 - Cosmology - The Study of the Infinitely Large
Black Holes and White Holes
Relativity in Cosmology
Cheating Infinity
The Zero Point Field in Cosmology

Chapter 11 - Quantum Physics - The Study of the Infinitely Small Delves into quantum physics and demystifies the mind-boggling concepts this new science presents. You’ll understand why it has impacted every other branch of science and the controversial nature of what its theories imply. Sections include faster-than-light travel; parallel universes; Chaos Theory; and String Theory. This chapter also discusses the importance of treating information as a fundamental element

Chapter 11 - Quantum Physics - The Study of the Infinitely Small
Causation and Causality
How Quantum Physics Began
Living in the Shadows - Back to Plato’s Cave
The Great Debates – Wave/Particle Duality and the Observer’s Role
One Slit or Two? - The Wave/Particle Experiment
The Particle Zoo - Not Seeing is Believing
Non-locality - Spooky Action at a Distance and Entanglement
Yes, No, Maybe – Schrödinger’s Cat and the Demise of Certainty
Dimensions - The Different Types
Parallel Universes and the Multi-verse
M Theory - Strings and Things
The Holomovement of David Bohm
Chaos Theory
The Zero Point Field in Quantum Physics
Information as a Fundamental Element
Geometrical Models of Space and Time

Chapter 12 - Medicine Explores the role and purpose of medicine and gives briefs
on alternative therapies which are gaining popularity. Many of these practices are rooted in ancient traditions, which are being combined with modern therapies.

Chapter 12 - Medicine
The Goal and Purpose of Medicine
Drug Therapies
Massage, Therapeutic Touch and Touch Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
Magnetic Therapy
Flower Essences
Light Therapy
Color Therapy
Ayurvedic medicine
Electro Therapy

Posted by joyceanthony at 3:30 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2008 3:31 AM EDT
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