Topic: Character Interviews
Today I have two special guest, Midnight and Martin--the main players in Midnight Hours. Enjoy this rare opportunity to get to know these characters.
1. Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
Martin: I'm Lieutenant Martin Rogers. I helped Vivian Gilbert Zabel write Midnight Hours, aided her in her search for the answers to the mystery of Midnight.
Midnight: What are you talking about? Midnight Hours is about me. You're just lucky you're still alive. Just wait. Just wait.
2. Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
Martin: My role, and my team's, is to find Midnight and stop the serial murders. But Midnight ... the search leads to one dead end after another.
Midnight: I wonder why. Think it might because I'm smarter than you, maybe? Oh, yes, I do believe that's the truth.
3. How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?
Martin: I "visited" with Vivian and let her see the struggles I faced. She discovered my Internet relationship with Midnight. She didn't approve, but she trusted me to come to my senses sooner or later. She had more faith in me than my friends, who at least acknowledged that I needed some way to escape the pain and frustration cause by the slow recovery from a gunshot wound effecting the use of my legs.
Midnight: Let's just say I was her darkest nightmare.
4. Is your author easy to work with or controlling?
Martin: Actually she was rather easy to work with. She let me have my say in most cases, but she's a stickler for correct grammar and all that unless someone is talking.
She also didn't like us using too much profanity, but I don't use much, well, not too much, anyway.
Midnight: She let me have my way, and then she destroyed my plans. She's fortunate that I can't get my garrote on her neck.
5. Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
Martin: My best friends are Frank and Kyle. We attended the academy together. Then, well, Lisa came into my life, indirectly due to Midnight.
Midnight: Friends? You gotta be joking. Friends are for jerks, or to be used.
6. Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
Martin: I'm working on that. Lisa and I have more story to share, as do Frank and Kyle. And there is always suspense and mystery around detectives and an assistant district attorney.
Midnight: One never knows, does one. Remember it is darkest before dawn.
7. What would you like our readers to know about you?
Martin: I'm not perfect, but, well, Lisa likes me as is. Seriously, I want the murders stopped, and the bad guys put away.
Midnight: Aw, h-(Vivian slaps hand over mouth). Okay, okay, but he's so goody, goody, makes me sick. I'm the one people need to remember. I'm the one who gets rid of the worthless trash. Me!
8. Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
Martin: I learned to beware of Internet relationships and to be wary of anyone who comes on too strong but won't give any information about herself.
Midnight: Ha! Only some good breaks for Rogers and some bad ones for me keeps him alive, but he's on my list. I can't let him win. I won't.
9. Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?
Martin: Well, uh, she gave me a rather strict sense of honor. A little more ... Nah.
Midnight: Do you really think she could keep me from doing whatever I want? Not likely.
Martin: Oh, really? Wait until people read the book and see what you do and don't do.
10. Here's your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
Martin: Everyone needs to find out how vicious Midnight was, how malicious and manipulative. Evil comes in many forms, and according to her photo, her form was one to catch any man's interest - until he died.
11. Please tell everyone where they can find out more about your story and where they can purchase it.
Midnight: is the Midnight site. The book can be bought on the publisher's website:
Tomorrow, we will get to talk with Midnight Hours author, Vivian Zabel. Please stop by and give her a shout!
Don't forget the contest:
Prize: $25 gift certificate from
1. Each person who comments on a blog stop receives one entry. For example, if a person leaves a comment on four blog stops, he has four entries.
2. Each person who purchases a copy of Midnight Hours from the 4RV Store ( or directly from the author receives fifteen (15) entries per purchase. Since we cannot receive notification from other places in time, we need people to use the publisher's store.
A person may have entries from a purchase and from leaving comments.
An email address will be needed to notify the winner and to send the gift certificate.
November 5, a random drawing will be held using a program online to choose a winner. I will notify the winner by email and will post the result on my blogs at Vivian's Site and Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap.