Topic: Character Interviews
Hey, Vern, I hear you are running for President!! Okay, so you aren't (so you say!) but....
1. What platform are you not running on?
"Leave me alone" works for me, but for some reason, people think that makes me Libertarian.
2. If you happen to win this position you're not running for, what would you like to see happen for dragons everywhere?
Riotous laughter? Hiding their heads in shame? Traditionally, dragons take a more advisory role. I'd prefer it stay that way. I'd also prefer to charge hefty fees for my advice. Take a note, guys.
3. Vern, would you be willing to tell me what you think of your who are running?
They're only human. What more is there to say?
4. If you were running (I know, I know, you say you aren't) but if you were...what would you like to tell the voters?
Make a responsible and moral choice-and while you're at it, live responsible and moral lives. Makes running a country easier.
5. President Vern...I like the sound of that...are you absolutely sure you aren't running? I bet you have plans on what you would like the world to be like...can you share some of those thoughts??
Edible. And interesting. Of course, most of the world is like that for me already. I would mind it a little less annoying-and better paying for annoyances I have to deal with.
Grace, however wants me to add something more applicable to you humans, so:
--People wouldn't depend on government programs to care for the poor-those with means would do it themselves. Those with the means to work would work, regardless of how demeaning they think the job is, and get paid enough to eat and have a decent place to live, though not necessarily a car, cable, cell phone, Wii, and all the things you Mundanes think are "necessary."
--Kids would work hard for their grades and get the grades they deserve.
--People would obey laws and accept their punishment if they didn't.
It comes down to personal responsibility, and you can only legislate that so much.
Oh, and everyone would realize that no matter what color your skin is, what accent you speak with, where you or your ancestors come from, on the inside, you're all just meat. Think about that the next time you want to annoy me.
Psst....if I tell everyone to vote for you, will you insist they buy a copy of Storm when you win???
My ethics committee (snicker) says I can't do that, but I can put a plug for it here: "Life isn't about surviving the storm, but learning to dance in the rain" Let Storm teach you to dance in the rain!
Now, if I don't run, will you promise to tell everyone to buy a copy of "Magic, Mensa and Mayhem" when it comes out in February?
Most certainly, Vern!!! I've read parts of it and am looking forward to the rest--it is a fun book :-) Folks, stop by and read some more about Vern!!!
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