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Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Return to Vietnam with Dave Richardson
Topic: Blog Tours
Over the next several days, we will be returning for a visit to Vietnam, with a man who experienced it first-hand.

Dave Richarson flew an air-rescue helicopter and wanted his sons to know what it was like. Vietnam Air Rescues was only supposed to be seen by family--the world is lucky it did not stay thhat way. Please stop by and read an excerpt from the book tomorrow and listen in as I interview Mr. Richardson on Thursday. You won't be disappointed.

Vietnam Air Rescues. This riveting book begins with the authors’ ‘Unauthorized History of the Vietnam War’; then continues to describe his life as a “Jolly Green” rescue pilot, picking up aircrew shot down in North Vietnam and Laos. Details of his 7 rescues of 9 men are included, as well as over 30 anecdotes relating to his experiences. You don't want to miss this one. It's profusely illustrated with more than 100 photos, maps and drawings.

Posted by joyceanthony at 3:22 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 29 July 2008
More Fun Ahead!!
Topic: Miscellaneous

You guys are awesome!!!  I just checked stats and see you have stuck with me during my vacation.  Your loyalty will be rewarded over the coming weeks.

First, there will be at least three four-day blog tours here--some excellent books and authors, folks!!  In addition, a few book reviews are forthcoming.

We'll be meeting some real characters--literally!  An added feature of the blog will be character interviews from books you know and love--or will by the time I finish.

In addition, I'll be allowing the kids a chance to speak their minds.  Let's see what they really think of Mom and Dad being writers!!!

Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to ask of characters or kids!!!

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2008
The President's Parasite and Other Stories by Jim Musgrave--A Review
Topic: Book Review

Jim Musgrave has a unique style unlike anything I have ever read.  His short stories pack a great deal of meaning in a few words.  I found myself stopping, re-reading and questioning my ideas.  This book of stories includes something for everyone--they vary so greatly.  The one constant is their ability to take conventional "norms" and make the the reader think about them.

 As a writer, jim Musgrave has the ability to bring both his scenes and his characters right into your living room.  You know these people--you are these people.  For readers looking for an escape from reality, this may be what your are looking for--then again, you will also question what reality is--what you know, or what you are reading.

I look forward to reading more of Jim's work.

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:51 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 9 July 2008
A Talk With Jim Musgrave
Topic: Author Interview
Jim Musgrave the person:

1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Creative, kind and intelligent.

2.   How do you think others would describe you?

Quiet, but when you get to know him, you like his sense of humor and his serious, creative mind.

3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Teaching, as this allows one to reach the young people of our future.  Unlike writing, you can have a direct influence on another human being.

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

The owner of our San Diego townhouse, Menasseh, a Blue Point Siamese, who is the living embodiment of my deceased father, Elvis Ray Musgrave.  Like my father, he will storm into your bedroom and wake you up at 6:30 AM.  Although his "Rise and shine," has been replaced by this strange-sounding bawl that sounds like a baby's cry.

5.  What is your most precious memory?

Following my first completely sober day, each moment has become precious, if I choose to see it clearly.

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

About twenty years of a drinking/drugging lifestyle.  It's all in my personal inventory that was cast out to the ocean waves, like my father's ashes.

7.  If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

I would probably be a really anxious reader who keeps telling himself, "Hey, I can do better than that!"

 8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Here lies Jim Musgrave (a.k.a., Efraim Zimbalist Graves), a man who subscribed to the Absurdist School of Art, and who tried to raise the consciousness level of readers (whether they liked it or not).  In his family life, he wasn't an asshole as big as J. D. Salinger or Robert Frost, but he indeed had his selfish moments.

Jim Musgrave the writer:

9.  Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

I once wrote about our dysfunctional family when I was 14, and my step-mother found the vignettes, and she tore them up in front of my face and yelled at me.  That's certainly a Zen moment for a writer.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

I'm getting published in the horror venue and in horror anthologies, so I guess I'm honing "the craft" in genre writing.  I like the new genre of "speculative fiction" as it allows one to cross-over genres without stepping on too many toes.  I am also working on two novels-one mystery and one horror/mythical.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing?

It would be nice to win a Stoker Award or some other "fair" contest, but writing is, in itself, its best reward when it's done right.

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I am an obsessive-compulsive type character, so I tend to create in spurts.  It really doesn't matter about the time/place, although in my later years I tend to perform better in the mornings, although horror is often best written in the dead of night (go figure).

13.  Why do you write?

When I first heard Franz Kafka's answer, I wish I had said it.  "I write to keep from going insane."

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

All things considered, I would have to say Elmore Leonard is the most inspiring, as he keeps his own entertaining voice, and you can't really tell how old he is if you read his stuff!

15.  How do you define your writing?

I would call it "socio-political fiction" with a flavor of the artistic absurd (in the Albert Camus sense of the term).

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

These stories really showed that this guy cared about the condition of humanity.

Jim Musgrave the details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

Author's site:

Blog:  Let There Be Blog!

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Lucifer's Wedding (horror)

Russian Wolves (political/horror)

Iron Maiden (Civil War novel)

Sins of Darkness (political/conspiracy)

The President's Parasite and Other Stories (short stories)

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

Think Thomas Harris versus James Patterson in my political horror.  I can shock a new reader sometimes with my realism.  However, if you stick with me, you can get something from every book I've written.

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

The reason I like the World Wide Web is because it connects writers and readers in a way no other form of communication can do.  Every day, songs, books and even movies are erupting from the underground volcano that is the WWW, and nary an agent, publisher or other "middle man" is in sight!  In other words, the artist is in contact with his audience in a very direct and personal way.  To me, this is a sacred trust, and that's why I support things like the Internet Neutrality Act.  We can't let the corporate giants take over our last independent stronghold.  I have been stung by corporate publishing, and I have friends who were also burned by others in the music and film industries.  Independent artists (aren't we all, in essence, independent creators?) need to stick together.  I like to think that if I develop a following, these people will hang with me, through hell and high water, so we can form a symbiotic relationship and grow together.  For, in the long run, the writer is a teacher of sorts, and often the teacher must learn from the student.  What better way to do it than on the Internet?  I have approached some of the "big name" authors, and I simply get referred to their "handlers":  lawyers, administrative assistants, you know the drill.  However, there are other, more independent artists who can be relied upon to give feedback at a moment's notice.  I like to think my readers are like that:  honest friends.  Thanks for being here for me and other independent authors/publishers/artists.

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:13 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 8 July 2008
The President's Parasite and Other Stories by Jim Musgrave
Topic: Blog Tours
The President's Parasite and Other Stories by Jim Musgrave

In The President's Parasite, Jim Musgrave resurrects all that has gone missing in today's literature: originality. The title story is a Kafkaesque piece from the point-of-view of an intellectual tapeworm trapped inside a moronic president, and the satirical impact is worthy of Swift. The other stories range from a widower trapped inside the Clock Tower in Baghdad that he constructed, to a baseball pitcher who becomes a living vegetable after a batted ball strikes his head. All in all, there is something for everyone in this collection of 30 eye-popping stories from a truly gifted author.

For more information -

 Each person who posts a comment on any or all of the blog tour spots will be entered in a random drawing for a copy of Jim Musgrave's book. In addition – the blog owner that hosted the winning commenter will also win a free copy of President's Parasite. Share your thoughts and comments with author Jim Musgrave. He will check in throughout the day to answer questions. You’ll learn more and you have a chance to win his book - if you haven't already read the book, visit Jim's website to order a copy -


Posted by joyceanthony at 12:58 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 July 2008 1:00 AM EDT
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Monday, 7 July 2008
A Visit With Jim Musgrave
Topic: Blog Tours

 We will be visiting with author Jim Musgrave over the next few days.  Please read the details of Jim's book giveaway and make sure you get your comments in!!

Jim Musgrave is an award-winning writer and college instructor who lives in San Diego, California. He’s published four novels and one collection of short fiction, and his stories have been published in many literary magazines and ezines, including: Shroud Anthology, Beneath the Surface: 13+ Shocking Tales of Terror (recommended for Bram Stoker Award, 2008), Sniplits Audio Short Stories 2 Go, Stone Magazine, and many others.

For more information -

Each person who posts a comment on any or all of the blog tour spots will be entered in a random drawing for a copy of Jim Musgrave's book. In addition – the blog owner that hosted the winning commenter will also win a free copy of President's Parasite. Share your thoughts and comments with author Jim Musgrave. He will check in throughout the day to answer questions. You’ll learn more and you have a chance to win his book - if you haven't already read the book, visit Jim's website to order a copy -

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:54 AM EDT
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Saturday, 5 July 2008
A Visit With Lanaia Lee
Topic: Author Interview
 1.   What three words best describe you?

Three words: stubborn, determined, and head strong

2.    Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

Ancient history, especially Mayan and Egyptian mythology

3.    Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

Oh yes, I have a three month old cocker spaniel, named D. J., named for my husband, David. D. J. stands for David Junior. I recently had a seven year old Jack Russell Terrier named Jack, by my Japanese step-mother, Jack was diabetic and died May 19th, so my husband got me D. J. for my anniversary.

4.     What is your most precious memory?

The most precious memory I have is from 1964, when my mom took me to the World's Fair in New York City. This is a very precious memory because in 1965 she died, and I was only eight.

5.   What is your most embarrassing memory?

When I was five, my grandmother took me to the grocery store, she yelled " Fire", them ran leaving me in the grocery aisle, all by myself, when everyone came running and all they saw was me. My grandmother was in the adjacent aisle laughing.

6.   If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

All I want to be is happy; what ever would make me happy

7.  Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

I have been writing for about 5 years now, about four years ago, I woke up and the only thing on my mind was writing, that was all I could think about, so that's when I knew, I was destined to be a writer.

8.   What is going on with your writing these days?

I am working on the final book of my fantasy series Of Atlantis, then I have 4 more novels planned with my publisher, A, G. Press, as well as a poetry book ever so often. I signed a life time contract with them

9.  What are your future goals for your writing?

I want to see Of Atlantis go to the big screen. Almost every one knows Atlantis, but my books are unique, as the story idea, has never been done before.

10.   Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I do my best writing when David and D. J. are asleep. I get up before they do, then I can write before they get up. I write a poem a day, so I don't become bogged down. I try to write a passage in my series each day; right now I'm a year ahead of myself.

11.   Why do you write?

I write mainly because it is a passion, also having no children, I always wanted to leave a part of myself behind, I couldn't do it through my children, but I can through my writing.

12.     What writer most inspires you?  Why?

Edgar Allan Poe, he was a genius.  He also wrote short stories, poetry and novels, just like me. Poe and I had a lot in common the way the coarse of our lives ran.

13.   How do you define your writing?

I don't want to sound conceited but some once told me I was the product of what you get when you mix Robert Browning with Edgar Allan Poe. That was the best compliment, I ever had.

14.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

I want to be synonymous with Of Atlantis, like George Lucas is with Star Wars or Gene Roddenbury is with Star Trek

15.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?   (sign my guest book)

16.   Is there a place where readers can reach you?

I am pretty much always on line writing, promoting, etc.  e-mail me at

17.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Out now one book of poetry Within the Garden of Lanaia's Darkness and Of Atlantis volume one

18.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

My books contain a little of something for everyone. My poetry, even though dark, is not blood and gore, I don't consider that a art. My poetry is like the horror movies of the 30's and 40.s, just plain scary. Now Of Atlantis is my baby, it's a lot of my own personal opinions in this series. They will take you on a ride, escaping from this terror filled world, if only for a short time.

19. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

I would like everyone to know, I am just a person like everyone else, even though I travel on wheels instead of legs. I am a very strong woman that has survived a lot. Give my writing a chance, read it and just like everyone that reads it, they say they are hooked. I hope my books, and the story of my life, there will be something for everyone. And thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I hope I gave you some in sight into Lanaia Lee and Of Atlantis.

Posted by joyceanthony at 3:10 AM EDT
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Friday, 4 July 2008
Topic: Miscellaneous

I would like to extend an apology to all my readers.  I have had major computer problems the past two days and this has delayed sweveral important things.  I will be posting the remainder of Ms. Lee's blog tour and announcing the winners of both the book drawing and writing contest on Friday--after I get a few hours sleep.  It has been a VERY long two days and I thank you for your patience.


Posted by joyceanthony at 4:51 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 July 2008
A Visit With Lanaia Lee
Topic: Blog Tours

Of Atlantis

The First in a Five-Book Fantasy Series

Synopsis of Book One

Of Atlantis is an epic, fantasy novel based on the king of Atlantis known as Archimedes. For some strange reason Archimedes is blessed with a source of untapped power. His mother, Cheris, knows the truth, but his father, King Linus does not, making him very fearful of the young prince, his only son. In this first book, we follow Archimedes from his childhood, until he is crowned king, marries and has children of his own.

His mother, Cheris, endures a loveless marriage out of a sense of duty to her subjects and to her only son, Archimedes, who she values more than life itself. The continent of Atlantis is comprised of multiple countries with five other kings. Political turmoil is rampant and war is always a threat to mankind. Before that devastating day when the ocean swallowed the entire continent, they share the joy and strife of life in Atlantis. However, one trusted advisor to the king proves to be a formidable archenemy. He knows and covets the awesome powers of Archimedes - his name is Uric.

After the devastation, which Uric and Archimedes survive because of the special powers they both possess, including their gift of eternal life, Uric pursues Archimedes throughout history attempting to steal his power, growing progressively stronger with time.

But Archimedes was proud, he was regal, he was Of Atlantis.


Lanaia Lee is a 46-year-old who suffered and survived a stroke at age 35 due to high blood pressure. Her disease is called erratic hypertension. Ever since the stroke, Lanaia has been in a wheelchair, but she hasn't let that stop her one bit! In Lanaia's own words, "I still rock and roll, and I mean literally roll!"

Lanaia has also lost six children due to her problem with blood pressure, leaving her with no living children, except for her four-legged friend. He is her baby and constant companion. She has been married to a wonderful husband for fourteen years, who is also in a wheelchair, but they live totally independently. Although according to Lanaia, "This factor does make life interesting! But we face each challenge with the help of God."

Her grandmother, a self-professed black witch, raised Lanaia after her mother died when she was eight years old. Why does Lanaia write such dark poetry? In Lanaia's words, "I guess being raised with the occult and supernatural explains why I have such a knack for dark poetry. Writing is one of the few things I can do that relaxes me. I will probably write for as long as I live because this is something that I really love to do. God gave me this literary gift, so why not use it?"

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:18 AM EDT
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Saturday, 28 June 2008
Death Masks by Kim Richards --A Review
Topic: Book Review

Death Masks by author Kim Richards, is a thriller that captures your attention and keeps you in suspense to the end.

Someone or something is attacking and killing young men in the park.  Bill, your average computer tech decides to play amateur investigator and figure out the mystery.  In the meantime, the local police think he has something to do with the disappearances.  Can Bill find out who or what is killing people and burying them alive before he becomes the next victim? 

I found Ms. Richard's writing concise and to the point.  She wastes no words, each one leading the story further and deepening both the suspense and intrigue.

If you are looking for a book full of gory details that keep you awake at night, this isn't it.  What it is, however, is  a tale of intrigue and suspense that will keep you wondering until the very end with its false leads and almost paranormal feel.  One clue--the one committing the murders is very much alive and waiting in the bushes.

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:42 PM EDT
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