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Joyce A. Anthony, Author

I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Janet Elaine Smith for  Star Publish Times recently.  With their permission, I'd like to share that interview with you.
Who is about to take the world by Storm!

(The following is an interview by the Star* Publish Times editor, Janet Elaine Smith, with debut author Joyce A. Anthony)


Ed: Welcome, Joyce. I know you are a "new" author. When did you first start writing, and what was your biggest inspiration?


JA:Thanks for having me here.  I fell in love with the written word at about the age of eight.  I wrote little things here and there over the years, but nothing serious.  I never shared any of my writing until about ten years ago.

     Books were my safety growing up and I often dreamed of being able to write things that might help someone else know they weren't alone in this world--that someone, somewhere not only understood, but also cared.


    Ed: I have had the privilege of reading Storm, your debut novel. It is an awesome book. How did you come up with the idea?


JA: Thanks, Janet.  The idea actually took years to grow.  I was riding in a car one day and glimpsed a man out the window.  His eyes met mine briefly and I had this incredible sense of "what if..."  Every so often, I would picture that man and his eyes and I would again ask "what if..."

     Then I was talking with a girl from a writing group and the subject of using what fascinated you as a story idea came up.  I mentioned how I had always been fascinated with railroad tracks--even as a child.  She asked me "So, what's at the end of those tracks?"  Within days, Storm began to take form in my mind.



Ed: As you look ahead, what are your thoughts? I know you have heard that writing the book is the easy part; the hard part is marketing it.


JA: Right now I finding a mixture of elation, fear and still disbelief.  Mostly, however, I have this sense of anticipation--a feeling that something wonderful is just down the road--and I can't wait to be right in the middle of it!


Ed: Most authors also enjoy reading. Who are some of your favorite authors and what genres do you enjoy most?


JA:  No question--Rod Serling has always been my favorite author.  I believe that man was a literary genius.  He made me wonder, think, question. 

     That said--it is rare that I read any fiction--other than Psychological thrillers.  I prefer non-fiction works--on any subject that happens to capture my interest at the moment.


Ed: Do you have other books in the works? Can you give us a hint?


JA: I actually have three--one started and two outlined.  Spirit of the Stallion is a non-fiction book entailing the story of a bipolar child and addressing issues not found in most books on the subject.  The Trees Remember is a YA historical paranormal and The Gospel According to Rex is a unique perspective on traditional Bible stories.


Ed: Has your family been supportive of your writing? If so, how?


JA: My son is by far my biggest supporter.  He not only gives me the time I need--he also gives me the proverbial kick in the butt when I'm doing things other than writing.  Other than that--my  genetic family never has been--but I have my heart family, many online, who have been incredible in their support.


Ed: How did you come up with the cover idea for Storm?


JA:  First, I knew I needed a whirling rainbow--that's where Storm seeks his answers.  That idea came from a quote I woke up with in the middle of the night one night.  Then, Storm and Maggie are essential to this story--they had to be pictured.  Kristie Maguire came up with the idea of the font--and it just brought the cover from one I thought was pretty good to one that I believe is incredible.


Ed: You have a newsletter that you publish monthly. How can people sign up for it?


JA: Yes, KaleidoSouls Storm Watch :-) All anyone need do is go here

and sign up.  I'd love to have them on board!


Ed: Is there any particular passion that fuels your writing? If so, what?


JA: I think the biggest thing I strive for is to make people think, question--and act.  If I can induce any emotion that is strong enough to care--then I have been successful. 


Ed: Do you have any advice for other wannabe authors or new writers?


JA: Believe in yourself--and what you are writing.  If you can believe strongly in the words you wish to share, the words will flow.  If you can't believe deeply in your work, nobody else will.  Almost as importantly--listen to those who have been there; be willing to at least examine their advice, try it on and see if it fits.  If not, then let it go, but at least take time to listen.


Ed: Thank you so much for sharing with us, Joyce. Do you have any final "great pearls of wisdom"?

JA:  Don't write the story--let the story write itself. You will find yourself constantly amazed and delighted with what your characters have to say



The Book Pedler

posted an interview on March 18, 2006


THE BOOK PEDLER:  Joyce, thank you so much for stopping by for this short interview today! It’s a pleasure to have you here at The Book Pedler!   

JOYCE: Thanks for having me here–I feel honored for the opportunity to share with you and your readers :-)

TBP:  Most importantly, what inspired you to write Storm? One of the stories main themes is finding your destiny; did this have a lot to do with inspiring you to write Storm?  

JOYCE: What inspired me most was wanting my readers to stop and really look around them.  I wanted to show that not everything is as it seems and everyone has a story.  I wanted people to understand that we may judge all we want, but in the end, the judgment is not ours to make and we may all be surprised at the result.

 TBP:  Your book is steeped in spiritual messages. What role do you think faith and spirituality play in life and do you think it’s important for your writing?

JOYCE: I believe spirituality and faith are a necessary part of everyone’s life.  I’m not speaking religion here–but basic faith in some higher good, whatever path is chosen to reach that.     

 I believe my spirituality is an important part of my life, and therefore my writing. I don’t preach or lecture–my goal isn’t to convert anyone.  When your faith is as much a part of you as your blood and breath, it can’t help but be a part of all you do.

TBP: Your characters, especially Storm, are so real and vibrant. How do you go about writing characters? Do they come to you fully formed or do you have to work on character sketches?     

 I don’t ever do a character sketch.  My characters appear as the reader sees them–they almost have a life of their own.  I see them, hear them; they are so real to me I can almost believe I can reach out a hand and touch each and every one.

 TBP:  Rainbows seem to play a large role in the storyline of Storm. Indeed the cover of the book is filled with them, as if your web site. What is it about rainbows that draws you to them? Do you feel they have a spiritual significance?  

JOYCE: Rainbows have always been special to me.  I see them as hope–a promise of better things to come.  Just as the rainbow brings a feeling a hope to me, I have the wish that my writing might bring hope to someone else.   

The whirling rainbow in Storm holds a special meaning.  It entered my mind that some days all the colors of the rainbow swirl and combine until you can no longer see there individual hues but only blackness.  It is a reminder that even the blackest of moments contains within it a rainbow of hope.


TBP:  Storm was such an amazing book; I’m dying to know what’s next. What’s your next project that you’re working on? Is it related to Storm in anyway?  

JOYCE: Thanks :-)  My next project is completely different than Storm.  Spirit of the Stallion is the true story of a bipolar child, one who spent years fighting the demons that bipolar disorder creates in a child–and finally triumphs.     

I hope that it will inspire other parents of bipolar children to hang in there and not give up on the special souls that come to us in the body of the bipolar child.

TBP: Thank you so much Joyce for stopping by today and telling everyone all about your incredible book Storm! It’s been a pleasure and an honour to have you here!   

JOYCE: Thank you again for having me.  This has been a wonderful experience.  I’d like to ask your readers to visit my site and the other stops I make on this tour–and should they be inclined to do so, drop me a line at and let me know what they think :-)  I always love to hear reader’s thoughts.


The following interview, conducted by Cathy Brownfield, appeared at
Joyce Anthony and I met through an online writer support group, MomWriters. She and I were writing novels at the same time last year. Joyce has finished hers and published it in March. For me, I'm still writing. And I'll get there. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming Joyce to my blog to talk about her new release, Storm by Joyce A. Anthony.

What message does Storm send to the reader? What is the theme of the book?

We are so quick to judge, both ourselves and others. Yet those we judge are not always as we see them. There is a greater depth we must explore. Everyone has a story, and we must take the time to know that story.

What is the one thing that would/should draw someone to read Storm?

Readers will find within the pages of Storm at least one person they know. It is a story they will find recognition worldwide. The themes, the characters, are universal. Anyone who seeks to understand basic human conditions will find answers within the pages of Storm.

CB: I believe this is a Christian fantasy. What about it would make it appealing to other belief systems?

I write from a Christian perspective, but the spiritual messages portrayed within the pages of Storm are universal--love, pain, understanding, acceptance, and faith. Storm does not preach nor try to convert. It is for anyone who seeks to love and understand his fellow human beings and himself.

CB: Who has influenced your writing style the most? Why?

I think my two favorite authors have found a way into this book. Rod Serling always challenged his readers to see that "reality" as we know it is often not as it appears. Richard Bach challenges a reader to go within himself and examine all he knows or thinks he knows. I believe Storm contains a bit of both these elements.

CB: What inspired this story?

The story developed over tiime, from a brief glimpse of a man years ago, to a dream and a question by another writer. All of the characters deal with things I have seen throughout the years, all togehter, the elements joined and created this book.

CB: You are donating a portion of your royalties to a child abuse prevention website. Does the novel have much to do with that topic?

One character, Jane, is an abused child. Her story is important, but not any more so than all the others. I chose StopItNow because they are a group I feel is doing a necessary task, and approaching the matter in a unique way. I would love to have included a charity from each of these issues, but, having to choose one, I chose the one that is closest to my heart and has been since before Storm was born.

CB: Is there a question you hoped would be asked and wasn't?

I think you covered quite a bit, Cathy. These were great questions. What I'd like to do is invite your readers to visit my website to learn more about Storm. Thank you for having me here today.

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