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Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Getting to Know Kissa Starling
Topic: Author Interview
Kissa Starling the person:

1.  What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

I am imaginative, fun, and quirky.

2.   How do you think others would describe you?

Some friends think I'm really private when actually I'm always willing to talk about anything. I'm always ready to answer questions but not quick to share my troubles unless I know you really well. One friend describes me as the lady who carries crazy purses around and wears crocheted shawls all the time. I do love purses and have over 75 of them. My husband says I'm a flower child.

3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

This would have to be spending time with my family and numerous pets. I love playing board games, spades, and going to the drive-in movie where we tailgate and play dominoes. Anytime I get to spend with my family is fun. I also love working on my family history. I've traced mine and my husband's family back to the 1600's. Everything before that is pretty much overseas and harder to get access to.

4.  Do you have any pets?  If so, introduce us to them.

I have so many. Let me run down the list first and then I'll talk about them. I have three German Shepards, two cats (at the moment, one is pregnant), two hermit crabs, and two rabbits. I started out with one cat, her name is Moon and she was a stray. She's had several litters and everytime I take her to get fixed she's pregnant again- working on that. I kept one of her kittens this last time- he is Siamese and so pretty. I did manage to get him fixed. He sleeps with me and likes to be held like a baby. He even likes his stomach rubbed! Oh, I did have one dog before Moon came along. He chased her up in a tree and that's how I ended up with her- I ‘saved' her from the tree. Haha My dog's name is Thunder. We acquired a female shephard and named her Star. She was homeless. A few months after they met Star and Thunder had puppies- 14 of them! Wow, I know. We sold a few, they were trained as protection dogs, and gave the rest away. We did keep one male and named him Rocky. I love hermit crabs because they are so easy to take care of. The rabbits are not so easy but fun to play with and enjoy. I walk them on a leash sometimes.

5.  What is your most precious memory?

I would have to say that my most precious memory is one of the many memories I keep tucked away about my son when he was younger. He's grown now and has a baby of his own. I cry if I think about it. Do you know the book I'll Love You Forever? It so makes me think of him but I cry every time I read it. (And he still lives with me!)

6.  What is your most embarrassing memory?

I should have checked the rating on this interview. Hmm, but since I didn't I'll make this one G. I tried one of those self tanners once and it wasn't working fast enough for me so I slathered it on over and over and over again. I was meeting friends and family at a restaurant and showed up orange. I kid you not. I never did tell them why I was orange; I just acted like I'd gotten too much sun that day! Haha

7.   If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

I work in education during the day full-time. I would love to write full-time but teaching children is dear to my heart as well. I am so the jack of all trades. I could list a hundred jobs I've had and still have more to tell you about. I like variety in my life and I've certainly had it. 

8.  In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

She touched so many lives. I know that she didn't regret a thing and it all worked out in the end! Now- everyone meet at Shorty's bar for a drink and karaoke on Tuesday- call in sick a friend just died for goodness sakes!

Kissa Starling the writer:

9.  Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

I don't know that I'm there yet. I am a writer but everyone has different versions of what a "real" writer is. I am definitely an author of many stories and thoughts along with a few poems. I thought maybe when I'm published or when I'm paid or when I get a fan letter...For me writing has stepping stones just like any other career. I don't want to reach the end; I want to have a grand adventure along the way to an unknown destination.

10.  What is going on with your writing these days?

I just released a short romantic comedy over at Whiskey Creek Press called ‘Love Angel'. It's part of their "My Funny Valentine" anthology. My story is one of four that will have you laughing and wondering at each romantic turn. My main character Maurice is the Gilligan of love angels and clumsy as they get. His challenge: couple two humans at or before the Sadie Hawkins Dance or become a death angel. Come along for the adventure...

Next month I have an erotic fairy tale being released by Dark Eden Press called ‘Goldi'.  This is a twist on Goldilocks and the Three Bears (football bears that is). This story takes a step into the BDSM lifestyle and will sizzle your eyeballs off! Keep in mind, this story is not for the faint of heart.....

I have several submissions I'm waiting to hear about and over ten more works in progress. I am trying to put a lot of focus on print publishers right now but I will still submit to epublishers as well. I think ebooks are the wave of the future with everyone going green.

I also have an audio book being released soon at I think this venture will be a great thing for people who don't have time to read or maybe aren't able.

11.  What are your future goals for your writing?

I want to see my name, and my stories, in print. I love ebooks but there's nothing like holding a book in your hand that you wrote. (so I'm told)

 I finally broke down and forked over the money to hire someone to build a website for me.  It should be done in a few weeks. Haven Rich is working diligently and does amazing work.

I'm hoping that will help build my writing career. I have business cards now!! I want to move into writing as my full-time career within the next few years. My ultimate goal is to travel, write, and take my laptop and ipod with me!

12.  Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

After I get home from work and do laundry and cook dinner and play with the pets and watch television with the family and they all go to bed- then I write. I am a night person so that works for me. I also write on the weekends and on my days off. I have to be really organized to keep up with things.

13.  Why do you write?

Simply put because I have to. I have all of these stories in my head and I need to get them out to readers. I write in many different genres including m/f, f/f, sweet romance, sizzling hot sexy romance, and even poetry. These are the types of things that I like to read and write. I am a creative person. I went to art college out of high school. I need an outlet to put my talents to good use. I plan to start painting again soon and may even try to create a few book covers on my own. I will definitely start making book trailers soon.

14.  What writer most inspires you?  Why?

I've loved reading since I could pick up a book. I always wanted to read books that I had to hide under the covers with a flashlight. I read V.C. Andrews when I was younger and Judy Blume. There are so many good authors I couldn't possibly pick. I don't think another writer inspires me; I inspire myself. I don't want to model my writing after someone else's but I sure love to read their books as well as my own. I review for several different sites and love it! I will say that I love sensual descriptive writing by any author.

15.  How do you define your writing?

My writing is ‘me' Every story I write is a part of me. Each character I create is a part of me. I am inspired by dreams, friends, family, and people watching at the mall. I use every facet of my life to create nerve-tingling stories that make partners want to spend more time with one another.

16.  In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

In fifty years I hope my great-great-grandchildren will be reading my stories and saying, "Wow, Grammi was a hotty!"

Kissa Starling the details:

17.  Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website?  Blog?

My website will be up in the next two to three weeks and the url is I will be getting a new blog that matches that website also. Right now I have a blog on blogger:

I also have a site on myspace an LOVE adding new friends.

18.  Is there a place where readers can reach you?

Readers can email me at or drop by one of my sites.

19.  Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Love Angel, Part of the "MY FUNNY VALENTINE" anthology at Whiskey Creek Press; Goldi (to be released in March) at Dark Eden Press; My other books were with a publisher that closed down and I am in the process of resubmitting them. Many more to come...

20.  For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

Expect to become part of the story, especially in my longer works. Expect sensuality, romance, and tons of description. Expect to close the door and stay in bed all weekend!

In conclusion:

21.  Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

 I'm just an author who loves to write...looking at readers who love to   read...and hoping that we can come together and form a relationship.

Dare to experience the imagination of Kissa Starling...

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 February 2008 3:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 6 February 2008 - 3:28 PM EST

Name: "Savannah Chase"
Home Page:

What a great interview, Kissa is such a truly amazing and talented author..I can't wait to see what she will write next...

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