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Monday, 8 September 2008
Visiting With Ed Green
Topic: Blog Tours
ED GREEN is one of the industry's leading voice-over talents. For many years, he has been the voice of major sporting event projects, motion picture trailers, and television narrations, as well as the voice for the most familiar commercial and produce advertisers in America.

His commercials have currently passed the 30,000 mark, and are still climbing. This includes his well-known work as an audio personality for Fortune 500 Corporations - working on their national campaigns while creating a unique image for internal corporate projects and shareholder meetings.

Hosting the advertising industry's annual ANDY and CLIO awards ceremonies is usually a once-in-a-career honor for voice-over talent. Ed has presented both - several times

Tomorrow, we will explore a way you can benefit from Ed Green's experience, and learn the art of voice-over from one of the best.

Posted by joyceanthony at 9:46 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 September 2008 - 10:59 PM EDT

Name: "Ron Berry"
Home Page:

Wow! You're getting some big name talent here. You're doing great young lady. The host of the cleo awards. Looking forward to tomorrows post to see how to do voice overs.

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