Meet Range, the upright Canine
Topic: Character Interviews
1. Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
My name's Range and I'm a little different than the other characters you'll interview in that I'm an upright canine. Called Skuhies, our race compares to nordic breeds you'd be familiar with, in that we have dense fur, pointy ears and distinct markings, such as the dark grey, black or orange masks that outline our snouts. I'm in Strange Sobriquet, the first of many novels in the Split Legend fantasy series.
2. Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
I'm the assigned guardian and protector of Mith, an infant boy who was born with the ability to see across time--past, present and future--and is believed to be the prophesied savior of my world Nydimm.
3. How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?
Oh, this was easy. Brent has an affinity for canines, especially nordic breeds. But specifically, when his son was born, Brent noticed how his Siberian Husky Durham always sought to protect the infant boy. In those moments, my character and my task were born.
4. Is your author easy to work with or controlling?
Honestly, he's pretty controlling. But, truth be told, if he weren't, who knows what trouble I get into. What's funny is that I'm one of the more responsible of my race. By nature, we're extremely daring and inquisitive. And surly. Though, I lean toward the inquisitive side. And, even then, I'm more archeologist than adventurer, preferring to identify old texts and rescue relics for the Genizah scholars. On the other hand, some of my comrades prefer a good scrap to the intellectual pursuits.
5. Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
Hmmm. This is a very difficult question for me, personally, to answer. Most of the book I'm alone with Mith. And when I do encounter my close friend Coriel, I'm not very good to him. He's a great help to me and Mith, and I put him in a great deal of danger as a result. I didn't intentionally bring harm to him, but I didn't necessarily consider unintended consequences either. And, I still carry a lot of guilt.
6. Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
Because of my aforementioned transgressions, I've signed myself up for every installment, unless duty results in a sacrifice where it's the end of me. So, I will appear in other Split Legend books as they're written. In fact, Grandfather's Tale, is being written as we speak.
7. What would you like our readers to know about you?
Not just about me so much, but all Skuhies have a natural empathy. Our senses are so acute, we can detect other people's feelings.
8. Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
A great deal. Especially about commitment, loyalty and how a being's spirit matters more than any material possession--no matter what you believe that object can do.
9. Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?
In the end, I fulfill my duty to Mith. My goal was to keep Mith safe from the Sundu, a fanatical order searching for the boy, and arrive at the Union, a portal capable of spanning worlds. Ultimately, that's what mattered most, and it's very exciting because I get to see a world that's very different than my own.
10. Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?
Boy, you're just twisting the dagger now, aren't you? Yes, of course. If I hadn't been tempted to search for the Staff of Ignedya while Solgrave was collapsing all around me, a dear friend would still be with us.
11. What was your main motivation?
My main motivation is to protect Mith and lead him to the Union, where he can cross to safety, away from the Sundu.
12. Introduce us to your main adversary?
My main adversary is circumstance. At one point, the Sundu ruin Mith's food supply and, though I defeat them, I'm left with no food for the child and we're weeks from our Union rendezvous point. To replenish Mith's supplies, I'm forced to travel to the nearest city, one that holds a temptation so strong that I jeopardize my commitment to Mith.
13. Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?
I...I still would have liked to have spared the Staff of Ignedya. I truly believe finding it could have saved the city of Solgrave. And its antiquities. A million stories--and answers--have been lost forever.
14. Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
Funny...I speak my mind often, so I don't think I need your permission for the opportunity (remember, we can be surly). In fact, I (or my alter-ego variation daemonrange--in the event an overzealous japanese man has taken my name) comment out in the blogosphere. If you've ever seen some of my comments, you'd realize I enjoy eating bacon (real bacon, not the pre-packaged microwaveable kind; maple bacon's my favorite), drinking wine--by the way, I generally don't eat bacon and drink wine together--reading Scifi and fantasy novels, and worshipping superheroes with YouTube videos ("Save Ian") in their honor.
15. Please tell everyone where they can find out more about your story and where they can purchase it.
Readers who are interested in learning more about me, my compatriots and Nydimm can visit Noone can purchase it yet because it's not available for sale. You'd have to talk to Brent about getting his act together on pursuing an agent, instead of attending Cons and writing all the time. But everyone can read the first three chapters online and my author will be releasing the book via podcast later this year, into next. He has a pretty nice voice, so you should listen. Really.
Posted by joyceanthony
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 13 September 2008 12:37 AM EDT