Topic: Author Interview
I have quite a dilemma today-Dr. Ava Cadell has so much going on that it was hard to limit what I share with you guys-and I just don't have room to share it all! After reading the wonderful article by Dr. Cadell, please don't forget to check out the World's Best Lover contest (details below).
Armageddon Love by Dr. Ava Cadell
What happens when people feel their own mortality? In Dr. Raymond Moody’s book, Life After Death, people described their experience of temporarily dying and then being brought back to life. Almost everyone who had a near death experience reported being asked two questions during the time of their death. Regardless of culture or religious beliefs, the two questions were the same: “What did you learn about being able to love?” and “How well did you use your gifts to live your unique life purpose?”
Most of us don’t get the opportunity to ponder these questions at the brink of life and death, never mind the prospect of coming back to life to change our responses should we be disappointed by them. This being the case, it is only extreme, life-altering events that tend to compel us to assume such contemplative poses, and no one would argue that the prospect of Armageddon is an example of such a life-altering event. However, what is new for many is the perceived proximity of Armageddon. What was only recently considered alarmist fodder for hypochondriacs is now a realistic prospect for many. And as such, it is causing many to “check in” with themselves in order to re-examine their lives in ways previously not contemplated and consequently to realign their priorities.
In some instances, this will lead people to be more introverted; the perceived greater risk and threat leading these people to want to close off and protect themselves from the prospect of further harm. In other instances, this will lead people to be bolder, more daring and to take greater risks with the thought that “the end of the world” is approaching anyway so, why not?
Both of these paths have their benefits and drawbacks. If you become more introverted, there may be less chance of getting hurt, but you also fail to live life to its fullest. On the other hand, if you are bolder and more daring, you may also be inviting unnecessary risks, which may lead to their own dire circumstances. However, there is a middle of the road. Sincere self-examination can lead to self-forgiveness, the forgiveness of others, and the ability to lead a less judgmental life.
Being bold might include having the courage to find love, to learn how to deepen a relationship, or to live out your dreams. Once people check in with their priorities, they tend to agree that love and human connections are the things that matter most in life. This recognition motivates people to communicate more openly, intimately and honestly. They are more aware of time and its imminent end and are hypersensitive of being left in the position of saying, “If only…”, “I wish I had…”, or “What if…”. Uncertainty about the world and the longevity of one’s life causes people to take action. Single people take greater risks because they don’t want to be alone, and couples reconnect, forming closer bonds. In other words, people seek solace and refuge in the power of love.
Love is the fuel that keeps the world going round. It empowers our planet. In exploring everlasting love, we are seeking to express more of ourselves and experience more of life in tandem with the right partner. If an individual can achieve a wholesome self-love, then two people uniting in love can become a powerhouse. Every trial and tribulation they go through together can be viewed as an avenue to know, feel, and express more love. Love has a high value because it is an investment. It causes us to experience life on every level, and that is the ultimate gift of our existence. We quest for love because of its enduring quality and its ability to grow if nourished. Love is a precious gift that we earn and as such is all the more dear to us. To be able to receive and give more of love is to experience life in glorious Technicolor. To learn more about the power of love, do read my book, 12 Steps to Everlasting Love, or go to my virtual seminars.
For more articles from Dr. Ava Cadell, please visit:
To learn more about The Best Lover Contest, please visit:
Do you have questions that you would like to ask Dr Ava? For a time, we'll add the option for people to post a question here and Dr Ava will give you an answer. So, bring your questions about relationship, love, sex, compatibility and much more. You can post your questions here - or send them to and I'll get them to Dr Ava.
She has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share and she shares that through Loveology University. You should take a look - to see the wide range of information she offers. There are articles, audio, video, ebooks, and many courses for people who want to learn more for themselves and for people who want to become a certified loveologist.
Check back to see what other people ask - you could learn things that can turn your life, your relationship and your love life around -- just in time for Valentine's Day.
Nikki Leigh
PS - Email your question and we will not use your name unless you give us permission - your real identity is safe.
The questions and answers can be found at:
For more information on how you can become a certified lovologist, stop by and take a look around Loveology University!
Tomorrow, we again visit with political expert, Earl Ofari Hutchinson--and Friday Dr. Ava Cadell will return for a final visit!