Topic: Author Interview
This week, we are visiting with author Steven Bradley. This man is incredibly talented (you got a glimpse of his banners a week ago). This week we will start with an interview that lets you in on who Steven Bradley is. The rest of the week will be full of excerpts from his novels, the latest being Nimrod Rising, and a ton of other fun things--stop back often!!!
Steven Bradley the person:
1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?
Bold: I love to speak my mind, but with the temper of someone who realizes that I need to be open to other people's opinions and I need to be ready to moderate my view when shown that I am wrong. My writing reflects this boldness and desire to record, in fictional terms, the issues and dangers that we as a people in our current society now face. Boldness speaks in terms that get readers' attention. I strive to accomplish the goal of causing readers to consider what they believe and to open their minds to consider the peril of our ways so that we can take stock of the current direction of our lives.
Compassionate: I think the measure of a wise and tested man or woman is their ability to hold their views and opinions with tremendous vigor, but also maintaining an intellectual and heartfelt respect for those who do not agree with us. Life is not only about agreement. The true test of a mature and intense person is their ability to respect what is right in the eyes of all men and women, even when we are miles apart from our views.
Prophetic: When I say Prophetic, I do not mean some pie in the sky religious fanaticism. I am talking about logically determining where certain changes will ultimately take us as a people and whether our ultimate place as a nation will be better and more secure or increasingly dangerous and hopeless. I think the most important thing for a writer of such genres as I write such as Nimrod Rising is to be open-minded. I need to try to get beyond the physical world we see every day and try to accept that there is more out there than just us. I don't want people to consider Nimrod Rising as just another scary story. It is far more than that. Nimrod Rising is a book about the history of life and the origin of evil. As I write, I pose the questions such as: Who are we? Where did we come from? What was here before us? Where are we going? Are there answers to the question why the world faces such peril today? Nimrod Rising offers "possible" answers to those questions. I want to awaken the imagination and the cause self perception as readers taken in my stories.
2. How do you think others would describe you?
Well, I know I would like to be described as determined and compassionate, understanding and creative. I have lived in many cultures and that has given me a love for the differences amongst us. I am a student of American culture and write about the changes in our society. Yet, every place I have been and with everyone I have met, there has always been that same driving force; the desire to leave those who follow us something that says we were actually here and that I did my best to preserve a good, wholesome and livable world for them to live out their lives in! This is an intrinsic passion inside the heart of a real writer who has an intrinsic need and desire to get their stories and warnings out to the reading public.
My determination is not to be become well known for money or ego. Many writers will not be discovered until well after they have graduated to a higher calling. Yet, all of us want to leave behind a written account, a treatise of sorts, of what we value, how we think and what we believe. That is my legacy so that many after me may gain a perspective on our hopes, dreams, fears and passions, in the day in which we live. That is why I write and that is what drives me and that is my passion and that is who I am. I bet you can relate.
3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.
I am an avid reader and love to study history. I love traveling and have traveled to 34 countries on four continents. I am really also into the lives of my four children. I have three children who are now married and have a grandson who is two years old and two grandchildren on the way. I want to leave a heritage behind me for my children to follow by way of example. I feel that all we do and learn will be a package of memories for our children to hold and carry on after we are gone. I also love art. I am an artist and have a passion for the expression of my heart and firmly-held beliefs in the form of metaphors that speak as loudly as words.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.
I have always loved dogs. I have had some wonderful canine pets that have always become amongst my best friends. I now live in California and where I live and with my schedule, it is difficult to have a dog and to give those lovely animals the attention they deserve. So, at the moment I do not have a dog. I do have an amazing collection of tropical fish, I mean big ones and I love them. I often sit and watcher their interaction with each other and it is fun to have them. They give a busy day a great amount of relaxation.
5. What is your most precious memory?
I would have to say that my most cherished memory was the births of each of my four children. When I held my first child, after counting fingers and toes, I was so amazed with the instantaneous love that flooded my heart and the unfathomable need of protecting the little human life that so captivated me. Each of their births affected me in different ways and I still cherish my kids in ways that words cannot describe. There is truly nothing greater than that.
6. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I remember one day, when I was learning French in Vichy, France, my church had gone to a beach to have a picnic. We were getting ready to swim in the Mediterranean and I was asked to pray in French that God would protect everyone. Well, I started well, but finished very badly. I actually prayed that God would kill us all as we swam in the ocean. I was embarrassed and knew what mistake I had made. Everyone was very nice and I could hear them trying not to laugh. Finally, I burst out laughing followed by a chorus of hilarious voices who were almost falling on the sand in laughter. That made it a cherished, and a very special and very memorable embarrassing moment in my life.
7. If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?
Well, I am a teacher. I think my passion to teach is just as great as my love of writing. I have been teaching English for almost twenty years. I have been writing for many years, but I believe my love of words and communication in teaching actually developed my ability to tell stories that stir readers' hearts.
I had always wanted to be in politics and I actually ran for Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Fortunately, I lost! I found that the things required to win go against all the things I hold as values. I recall that one man came up to me after having lost the election. He told me that he knew why I had not won. He went on to say that I had not won because I did not know how to lie well enough. Those words made me feel very good and showed me that Politics was not my calling. Instead, I realized that I needed to look at the country I love and the world I had seen so much of and point out the loss of values and seek to bring about a dialogue about the changes now flooding society. All of this and the future before me is all because of being a teacher in so many countries which had made me much more open minded and willing to question and research and accept those who are different than myself in the way they seek to live their lives. Education is the key.
8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.
Well, I could write, "Here lies Steven Clark Bradley. Only the shell remains, the nut has gone to heaven!" Seriously though:
Steven Clark Bradley was a man of great passion and creativity. He loved words and was well aware that the power of words could make a sad person smile, cause a happy person to fear and could resolve a problem or make it far more profoundly devastating. Steven wrote books for the purpose of serving as a treatise on the days in which he lived. Steven had a perception and ability to track the changes in society and to draw conclusions about the future he was leaving for his children.
Steven Clark Bradley held within his being the deep and abiding desire to leave a body of evidence on the printed page that would serve as his very own footprints in the sands of his times that conclusively show that he resided, studied, pleaded and warned his generation of the error of their ways with love, generosity and compassion. He sought to show his country of their need of returning to the values that honored his God. So many have graced the Earth without so much of a mention that they had actually even been here. Steven Clark Bradley left his heart in the form of words, words that speak his mind, his values his hopes and fears for a world that needs ears to hear and eyes to see.
Steven Bradley the writer:
9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?
I have always said that writing fiction is the closest thing to the divine that humans do. As a child, I always had a yearning to take a world that did not exist, fill it with characters who have never been, develop scenarios and plots which had never been conceived of before.
As a teenager, I always sought to write out my dreams and found myself adding characters and information that sort of filled in the gaps that dreams almost always have. I would almost instinctively draw conclusions that were profound and make them speak to those who have never imagined the stories before. As I got older, I wanted to try to answer the questions that we think of, but which we are afraid, for many perceived reasons, to ask. That is the greatest way to germinate the creativity of the world around us. There are no stupid questions and no answers should be considered too asinine to approach. If I can stir up the imagination and the heart and souls of those who read my works, I will have participated in taking the tragedy out of human and replaced it with unlimited courage and creativity. That is my passion and my devotion to my writing.
10. What is going on with your writing these days?
I am currently editing and adding to my next novel entitled Patriot Acts. It is about the danger of confronting a nuclear armed Iran which has covertly joined up with radical militia groups inside the United States of America. It is a powerful story about betrayal, patriotism and sacrifice. I should have it published sometime this year. I am currently researching a new publisher and hope to find one in the near future.
11. What are your future goals for your writing?
I want people to know that there are novels out there like none they have ever read before. That is not a cliché either. I believe they will find Nimrod Rising very unique and thrilling as well as challenging to their long-held beliefs. I also know that my future novels will no less affect those who choose to read books that challenge their value systems. I have already started my fifth novel that is entitled, Quality of Life. It is about the culture of death in America and how it is pushing euthanasia for the weak and hopeless amongst us. It will be part four of Nimrod Rising. I want to show readers that life is greater than they ever believed and that they are more than accidents on this tiny planet but vital living reasons to have hope and faith in a day lacking both. I know that new novel will be controversial, but they will reevaluate their values and that is the goal of my writing.
12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?
Is there really a "Typical" day for a writer? Everyday is an experience of its own. I hate sleep, so, my days always start early, 5:00 AM generally. I need to have time alone when I can give my undivided attention to the task at hand. I also sleep late so I have an average of 5 hours sleep a night. At the moment, I am very involved in marketing my books and also helping other writers and working on my new material.
When I write, it is a really amazing phenomenon that takes over. I can have a general idea of where I want to go with a chapter or a new novel, but the story always somehow takes me into areas of thought I had never before visited.
I have written seven novels and have published three of them so far. Each time I start a new novel, I have those flutters in my stomach that remind of the massive task ahead. The time, the effort, the hours that consume us can be a monster that looms behind out eyes as well as a lack of self confidence can tell us and make us believe we cannot do it. Perhaps we have started a project before that we got into and the burdens of life and the responsibilities to family and friends seemed to crowd it all out. I have suffered those feelings more in the area of book promotion than in the actual writing. They try to have the same affects on me though. Yet, after having written one novel, and finally convincing myself that it is as it should be, I have now understood that writing is an effort of starting the work and then following it as it takes over and guides my fingers. Perhaps only a writer will understand what I am going to say, but I always have the most spiritual and amazing phenomenon come over me when I write a new story. It seems that the story really begins to write itself. Some friends with whom I have bounced ideas off of before have often asked me how a new story is going to end. I inevitably respond, "I don't know, the story hasn't told me yet." It sounds crazy, but is perfectly logical to me. Also, we have to make ourselves believe that in writing, we are never late. Of course, some writers are under contract, but even in such situations, writers need to feel the words they are writing. So, during those times when the words are still making their way to us, it is not time wasted. If emerging writers can make themselves believe that, then they will overcome the feelings of failure and inadequacy. The only failure anyway is not trying at all.
So, I spend at least 8 hours a day either publishing my material on the net or editing a current novel or working on a new story that is in its infancy. It is a challenging, stimulating and very enjoyable adventure that is never boring.
13. Why do you write?
I know that I do not write to make people afraid. I base my fictional material on issues that affect everyone. I tell the truth and often, the truth scares them. I am not against entertainment at all. Some writers have a calling to make people laugh. Others have a goal of scaring people. I like them a lot. That is not what I feel my purpose in writing is about. I want to make readers take stock, analyze and decide if their current set of values is the right one or if they need to reevaluate what they current hold to be true and right. The current waive of terror and war and social transformation is not without answers and I want to at least give my world alternative possibilities for the scourge of terror and mayhem now plaguing mankind. I want to feel that I am free from the blood of all mankind by stating what I truly believe is even now placing our civilization in peril. That is what drives me and that is what moves my heart and fingers.
14. What writer most inspires you? Why?
Ted Dekker and Frank Perretti are two authors who have written novels together. They write from Christian perspective but stories that are secular in nature and with themes and issues that affect the religious and atheist alike. I admire their ability to go beyond the common Christian writers and to build on themes that are considered highly controversial in the religious community. Both of them have served as a catalyst to spur me to take my genre and topic farther than they have themselves in their novels. I admire them and appreciate their intensity and the power of their words
15. How do you define your writing?
I often call my writing "Truth Fiction." It is very interesting to me that two recent reviews of Nimrod Rising both asked the question if that powerful story is fact or fiction. That is because I talk about current issues that are before us all and add what I believe is the final and ultimate outcome if these things are not correctly resolved. I know that all my work in the future will be of a similar nature because I want my stories to bring about change and to make people think and consider the way the world is currently moving.
16. In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
Steven Clark Bradley, with the uncanny ability to read the news between the lines and warn the world at large that all is not quite as it seems, had a call to all those who had eyes to see and ears to hear what was whispering in the winds of change sweeping across his land.
Steven Bradley the details:
17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?
These are the main blogs I use. Both of these blogs hold all my posts and lots of information about my books. Also, there links at the bottom of each post that go directly to my other blogs and which can take readers to, Barnes and and
18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?
I can be reached by e-mail at:
Also, readers can comment on the posts on my blogs and I always respond. That is a great way to get in touch.
Readers can also find my schedule of radio interviews on my blogs where they can call in to talk with me directly
19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?
Nimrod Rising (Synopsis)
Have you ever felt that the world was guided in ways that are beyond man's control? The constant changes in the world since the time of Nimrod 4000 years ago until today and all the events that have shaken the world have been to bring the universe back into the hands of the Prince of Darkness, Lucia, a world that he had ruled with his Watchers before it was all ripped from his grasp when man was created. Nimrod Rising paints a diabolical picture of how the Prince of Darkness executes his evil plot to take the world back by force and destroy civilization in the process. From the Great Builder Nimrod in 4000 BC to today, 666 generations later, you can ride the storm of Nimrod Rising and experience the death of a world and the birth pangs of another. You will swear it is really upon us!
Stillborn! (Synopsis)
When two brothers are separated from birth they usually find great joy when at last they discover each other. It is not always so harmonious,
though. StillBorn explores what can happen when an Illegal adoption
causes twins to be born without love and sold without remorse. When one is rejected because of a physical defect and left in an orphanage
without identity and the other is adopted in his place into a wonderful
life the result is one of bitterness and ruthless revenge. When they
grow up and find each other a game of revenge and death is played out.
See what a life of pain, suffering and abuse can do when vengeance
becomes a driving motivation and humanity is shouting, am StillBorn!
Probable Cause (Synopsis)
Have you ever wished you could simply decide the best way to correct a serious wrong done to you? Chief Inspector Corbett (Core) Mandeville was the best of the best in solving the worst crimes in his state, until now. This time, he has an uncanny affinity with a killer who has more than one attitude in common with his own. This time the crime was too close to Core's own heart for comfort. This killer had a reason for what he was doing and Core understood it as though it were he himself was stepping out and taking justice into his own hands. Get into the mind of the killer and the cop as both find a relationship that makes
for exciting, lethal and profound actions of vengeance and justice.
You'll have fun trying to figure out the crime. You may be amazed how
similar they both can be when all their actions are based on Probable
20. For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?
I know that new readers of my novels will be confronted with riveting plots with distinct themes that touch the human soul. Each of my novels reveal the true nature of men and women and the steps that can be taken, for good and for evil, in order to achieve their placid or aggressive ends. I think they will find that I write from the perspective of the villain as much as from the hero and/or heroine. I seek to reveal what the baser traits of wounded or betrayed people. Each of my novels show the collision of the forces of the purer and of the more evil natures that exist inside all of us. I believe they will feel these forces tugging on their senses and emotions. Stillborn is an novel about illicit adoptions of children from within the procreation industry. As readers learn about the villain's purposes and the abuse that drives him to his ultimately vengeful acts of rage, they will struggle as they feel the urge to support the killer, having felt and lived his nightmare with so profoundly inside his head. Nimrod Rising creates a whole range of feeling, from fear to empathy to rage. I believe they will complete my stories with better understanding that often, we can overcome evil until we understand it.
In conclusion:
21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?
There is nothing greater than writing & creating something from nothing. It's the closest thing to the divine! The ability to create worlds and personalities, to describe something so powerfully it can make the reader laugh with joy, shiver in fear or cry in sorrow and empathy and to then breathe into them the breath of literary life is a gift from God; a process that starts in human imagination and comes to life on the printed page. It is the thing that separates us from the rest of creation! It is exactly what God did when He stepped into nothing and created something new and living and breathing and powerful for all time!
I have written the genre of stories expressed in my books because I want to say something about my current society and to perhaps warn us of the things that could threatened the life we now have. I consider my books to be hard-hitting love stories that may frighten the reader, but which lead to a conclusion of hope and safety. Since i have traveled widely around the world, I think I can give a fair comparison of the life we share on this part of the small globe we call home. I also know how easy it would be to see it all blown away into the sands of time. So, the stories that flood my mind are to help us stop, perceive, reflect and perhaps alter our actions and cause us to look at where we are, where we have been and determine, perhaps with more clarity, where we are going.
There is no way to overstate the fact that the political, moral and financial ground is shifting radically under our feet. Though many seem to pursue this change as something that will bring about peace and prosperity, the reality is that the transformation of America from a nation founded on Judeo-Christian ethics to a land grounded on pagan principles will do nothing other than to hasten the arrival of an evil so ripe with death and destruction that the land that most of us have loved and cherished will cease to exist in any recognizable form.
As you read this powerful section of Nimrod Rising, consider the dangers that now face us and remember the adage that is as true as it has always been that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The clock is ticking, the minutes are waning and Nimrod is Rising! It's as real as it gets!