Topic: Author Interview
What inspired you to write How To Be A Sales Superstar?
I became distressed as I witnessed the majority of salespeople suffering and even failing in their careers. I felt that salespeople were being misled by traditional sales training techniques. These techniques are no longer the answer to selling in today’s market. I felt compelled to share the information and strategies that I have personally used to create superstar success and also have used with thousands of other salespeople and businesses to explode their success.
Why is traditional goal setting keeping salespeople broke?
Traditional goal setting focuses on the wrong things. You can set all the goals you want but if you don’t change your mindset, belief system and actions you will fail. This failure creates a pattern that becomes indelibly lodged into your subconscious brain and then reflects into your everyday actions. This book clearly outlines the steps you must take to erase the negatives you have acquired and replace them with exact patterns you need to create immediate and massive results. I would like to pose one question to you, if conventional goal setting works then why aren’t more people reaching the level of success they would like? The reason is that conventional goal setting creates frustrated and broke salespeople.
How important is attitude and how does one gain the attitude of a Sales Superstar?
Everyone has heard the adage that life is 90% attitude. It may be 99% attitude. The reason is that the right attitude must be present for you to gain success and it must also be present to maintain success. When salespeople start their career, they hear over and over that you have to have a good attitude. The challenge is that nobody shares for these salespeople exactly how you do it. Words are easy but in the stress of real word selling the ability to create and maintain a positive attitude is more difficult. However, it’s amazing what salespeople can do in their lives if they know the right formula to gain and maintain a superstar attitude. I share the precise, step by step formula in this book that gives salespeople an enormous advantage.
In your book you discuss why over 90% of salespeople underachieve. Can you discuss a couple of the main reasons why?
Traditional sales training and teaching focuses on outdated sales methods. In this book I outline new strategies based upon today’s marketplace. I combine those updated sales skills with specific people skills, life skills and marketing skills that salespeople need for superstar success. If you read conventional sales books they focus things such as how to close the sale. If salespeople don’t clearly understand other skills sets, those techniques will not matter. As a matter of fact, those skills will hurt them more than help them.
What are some of the biggest mistakes salespeople make in customer followup?
Most salespeople don’t follow up. The majority of salespeople who do follow up don’t have a system to follow up on an ongoing and automated fashion. This book outlines a follow up system that personalizes and builds a relationship with the customer and sets up future sales, referrals and additional revenue streams from continuity programs using multiple media and technology.
What is the difference between action management vs. time management?
You can’t manage time. There is 1,440 minutes everyday. Superstars take specific actions in a day that lead to results that are exponentially better than the average salesperson. Conventional time management techniques focus on items such as to-do lists. In this book, I define how items such as conventional to-do lists keep you from being successful and what you must do differently to reach maximum productivity that result in superstar results.
Enjoy this video from Mark Tewart~I'll be back tomorrow with my review of How to Be A Sales Superstar