Getting to Know Carol Jones
Topic: Author Interview
Carol Jones the person: 1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?
Compassionate, liberal, sometimes stubborn
2. How do you think others would describe you?
Passionate and empathetic
3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.
Singing. Before I started writing, I felt I could get a song out of every aspect of my life.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.
We have a pit bull named Leah. When our cat Whisperer died, I was too heartbroken to get another one to replace her.
5. What is your most precious memory?
When I was growing up, every Christmas Eve when our parents were out doing last minute shopping, my siblings and I would put on a play called Baby Jesus in a Manager. The girls would dress up as shepherds, the boys would pretend they were sheep, and we used a doll for baby Jesus. The sheep would give us a hard time and weren't always easy to keep in line. After the play, we would stand around the tree and sing Xmas carols.
6. What is your most embarrassing memory?
Well here goes, One day I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items. Shortly after I walked out of the store holding my grocery bag, I lost my footing and proceeded to fall on my knees. Groceries went everywhere. My milk spilled, eggs cracked and fruit was rolling all over the parking lot. People stopped and helped me up and the manager came out and took me inside and wrote up an accident report. My knees were bleeding and I had a few other scratches, but mainly my pride was hurting from embarrassment. My family and I speculated it was the sandals I was wearing that caused the fall. My sister was later appalled when I decided to wear my sandals again-out in public.
7. If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?
Singing and in pursuit of my real purpose in life.
8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.
TIME, TIME... "For Everything there is a time...To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven... Ecclesiastes 3:1 A TIME TO BE BORN...Carol Denise Dockery Jones was born on February 22, 1957 to Mina and Jimmy Dockery in Hernando, Ms... A TIME TO PLANT...She began a love relationship with Jesus Christ at an early age and continued that relationship until her death... A TIME TO LOVE...She demonstrated her love to family, friends and to all people wherever she went....A TIME TO WORK...She was a servant, faithful Christian, a writer, and the founder of YMCC-Young Men Coming to Christ-an organization that provided housing and education to young men who were wayward and needed God and direction in their lives...A TIME TO DIE... She departed this life to enter into eternal rest with the Savior...A TIME TO MOURN...She leaves to mourn her passing her family and all who knew and loved her.
Carol Jones the writer:
9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?
When my theology teacher had me to stand up in class after reading the first page of my manuscript "Dare to Dream." God then later confirmed in my spirit, I should always be prepared to write-because I am a writer.
10. What is going on with your writing these days?
My book Dare to Dream is in publishing and will be in the stores this month. It is now in pre-sales at Living Waters Publishing Company.
11. What are your future goals for your writing?
I am working on my son's testimonial book. He was shot and killed in March, 2007. It is painful, but I know what God has ordained, He will maintain so there is no doubt I will finish it. There are other books to come as well.
12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?
This may sound a little funny, but I wrote most of Dare to Dream in the public library. Sometimes I go to the library in the morning when it is quiet and sit at the computer and begin to type. Usually I'll stay there most of the morning. Sometimes I write at home when all is quiet and that's mainly late at night.
13. Why do you write?
I didn't choose to be a writer-God chose me to be a writer. I know this is one of my calling to get the message of hope through the Gospel out to all people. I have discovered when I write with the anointing-there is purpose in my writing. When I write out of emotions-that's just me letting off steam.
14. What writer most inspires you? Why?
I am inspired by many writers, mainly one- Stormie Omartian. Her writing inspires me-maybe because of familiarity. I always like to read books of inspiration and hope.
15. How do you define your writing?
Simple and true
16. In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
Her writing was simple, yet inspiring and encouraging to all readers.
Carol Jones the details:
17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?
My website is and my blog is
18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?
19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?
Dare to Dream
20. For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?
Dare to Dream is a book of encouragement to all people. God gave each of us the ability to dream, but many are caught up and lost in how to make their dreams come true. These people are silent dreamers who don't dream out loud-only in secrecy. This book reveals through the word of God and in building a relationship with Him-how He is bringing all my dreams into fruition-how He has given me new dreams with new meanings-as He is taking me into a journey from glory to glory. He has given me a song of deliverance I will sing for the rest of my days. The Bible says God is no respecter of persons and what He has done for one, He will do for another. So read it and be encouraged and know that God is God and He will do just what He says.
In conclusion:
21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?
When I was growing up, I always felt I was different and had a hard time fitting in. When my sisters were learning how to do housework, I was outside riding my bicycle, our pony or the mo-ped. When I became an adult, I would find myself in the middle of conversations about home decorations or what china to buy, which was of no interest to me. But the flip side of it was I had an eye for fashion, and when I was involved with a project I was concerned about every small detail. Well I was different, but so is everyone to a certain degree. Every time I wanted to get my point across or have a deep conversation with someone I would sit down and write a letter. When I look back I can see the hand of God moving me towards my destiny-although it would not be realized until years later my real potential as a writer. Sometimes when I write-I am in another zone. Sometimes I have to say Lord help me and He steps right in and even when I don't know where I'm going with it-it always pulls together because the hand of God is in it. I have come to realize I can do nothing on my own and without God I am nothing. God revealed to me in the midst of one of my storms that I was a writer and I fully accepted it because it came from Him and I don't have to doubt my potential. It's a matter of knowing who you are and whom you belong to. If I trust him wholeheartedly and always keep my eyes on Him, then I will be okay, no matter what the outcome is.
Posted by joyceanthony
at 4:46 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 December 2008 8:42 AM EST