Topic: Blog Tours
Tomorrow is going to be a real treat here at Books and Authors. Own Fiddler (the new, reformed guy) has graciously (and bravely, I might add) allowed me to interview him on a few subjects. Not many souls would be willing to discuss both political and spiritual issues-let alone in the same post!
Owen has been on tour with his sidekick, Marvin Wilson, and they are setting the Net on fire! Just check out this tour schedule, folks:
**Thursday, December 4, 2008 - Pre-Launch Event
Location: Diary of an Eccentric Blog, host Anna Horner
Blog URL:
Format: Anna posts her review of Owen Fiddle
**Friday, December 5 - Grand Kick Off Event
Location: Diary of an Eccentric Blog, host Anna Horner
Blog URL:
Format: Anna hosts author Marvin D Wilson and Owen Fiddler with a Q & A interview.
**Saturday, December 6 - Stop #2
Location: Katrina L Wampler's Blog
Blog URL:
Format: Katrina posts an interview with Owen Fiddler.
**Sunday, December 7 - Stop #3
Location: Unwriter Blog (Ron Berry)
Blog URL:
Format: Ron posts a collision between Amanda the cat and Owen Fiddler. Ron will be serving all visitors with coffee, doughnuts and Purina Cat Chow.
**Monday, December 8 - Stop #4
Location: Books and Authors Blog (Joyce Anthony)
Blog URL:
Format: Owen on politics, thanks and Christmas
**Tuesday, December 9 - Stop #5
Location: Zhadi's Den Blog (Dana Fredsti)
Blog URL:
Format: Dana will post a short review of the book, and a humorous piece written by Marvin with a preface written by Owen Fiddler
**Wednesday, December 10 - Stop #6
Location: Serena's Savvy Verse & Wit Blog
Blog URL:
Format: Serena posts her review of Owen Fiddler. Also she will post an in-depth article written by Marvin, a biographical overview of the transformation from the undisciplined "freebird" Hippie of yore into the structured disciplined writer "living life on purpose" type of person he is today, and how that transformation affected and was affected by his taking up the arduous task of establishing a golden years career as a published author.
**Thursday, December 11 - Stop #7
Location: Straight From Hel Blog (Helen Ginger)
Blog URL:
Format: Helen re-posts her review of Owen Fiddler and Marvin posts an article on novice authors dealing for the first time with a dastardly candid and taskmastering professional editor.
**Friday, December 12 - Stop #8
Location: The Emerging Author Blog (Emma Larkins)
Blog URL:
Format: TBD
**Saturday, December 13 - Stop #9
Location: Pretty, Prosperous and Powerful Blog (Lacresha Hayes)
Blog URL:
Format: TBD
**Sunday, December 14 - Stop #10
Location: Morphological Confetti Blog (Stephen Bess)
Blog URL:
Format: Stephen posts an excerpt from the book that Marvin will select.
**Monday, December 15 - Stop #11
Location: The Quiverful Family Blog (Jennifer)
Blog URL:
Format: TBD
**Tuesday, December 15 - Stop #12
Location: The Daily Blonde Blog (Cheryl Phillips)
Blog URL:
Format: TBD, but knowing Cheryl probably something on the slightly mischievous and riske side (smile)
**Wednesday, December 16 - Grand Finale Stop!
Location: My Friend Amy's Blog
Blog URL:
Format: Amy posts the interview with Louis Seiffer on "Inside the Actor's Head Studio with Thames Lipton
I encourage you to stop by and check out the stops already made- some great stuff there!! Warning-keep all liquids far from keyboards during the stops (spew alert in effect, folks!).
In addition to all the great post, Marvin is offering PRIZES!!! Go here to see what he has in store for you guys!!
Marvin and Owen will be stopping in several times during the day tomorrow to answers questions, address commenters and just keep everyone thinking, smiling-or both. Opposing opinions and thoughts are as welcome as though in agreement--just keep in mind this is a family blog. That said, keep comments free of cussing, hate or name-calling-not difficult rules, are they? :-)
Now for the second special anouncement: Katrina Wampler ( ) is featuring yours truly at kat Logic this week. She did a rather extensive interview with me and you will find it in three parts (posted M, t and F). Katrina has a great blog going over there so please stop by not only to leave me a comment on my days, but also to check out her posts on the other days-you won't be disappointed!