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Tuesday, 6 January 2009
How Do You Think Obama Won the Election?
Topic: Blog Tours

Today I would like to invite all readers to leave a comment with your opinion.  The question is How do you think Obama won the election? What bought about this question is today's guest, Earl Hutchinson.  Earl has released a book entitled How Obama Won:

How Obama Won

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Middle Passage Press, Los Angeles

January 2009

Print available soon. To be notified when the print book is available, please visit and send us your name and email address to be notified.

How Obama Won is a provocative, hard hitting critical assessment of the issues, events, forces, politics, pressures and controversy that shaped and ensnared Barack Obama in his historic 2008 presidential campaign.

Political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson examines the impact of race and gender, campaign strategy, the key political players, the nature of presidential politics, the changes in the Democratic and Republicans parties, the importance of the black, Hispanic, youth, women and blue collar white worker votes, the role of corporation and special interests in American politics.

Hutchinson tells what the first African-American to win the White House means to America and the world.

How Obama Won

Hutchinson tells why:

  • Race was not a factor in Obama’s win

  • The Iraq war and the terrorism were not compelling issues in the campaign

  • Sarah Palin hurt McCain

  • Many blue collar whites and rural voters supported Obama

  • Obama was able to top McCain in fundraising

  • Ultraconservatives did not unite behind McCain

  • The economy ultimately sunk McCain

  • Obama’s win will and won’t change politics in America

    Earl Ofari Hutchinson is a nationally acclaimed author and political analyst.

    He is a frequent guest analyst on:

    The John Gibson Show

    O'Reilly Show

    Hannity & Colmes

    Glenn Beck Show

    PBS Lehrer Report,

    NPR's Talk of the Nation

    Various CNN News Shows.

    He is the National Political Writer for New America Media and a regular contributor to: the Huffington Post, and BlackAmericaWeb.Com


Later this week, I will be presenting a couple excerpts from this book, but for now, I would like to hear what you have to say. Leave a comment voicing your opinion!  You know you have one :-)

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:47 AM EST
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Tuesday, 6 January 2009 - 7:31 AM EST

Name: "Ron Berry"
Home Page:

Obama won because Bush is a loser. Bush is a republican and it was republican politics that created the rotten economy and the cause of the ultra high, totally unnecessary and idiotic cause of the high death rate of young Americans. Bush calls it the war against terror. It is, in reality our trying to impose our values on them that is causing these wars to go on and the murder of all our young servicepeople. I support the military personnel, but not the idiotic policies of sending us to places where we do NOT belong. While Bush does his Viet Nam thing, our young people get murdered overseas.

McCain not only is a Bush crony but had a female as second in command. A democratic female like Clinton would have won too. But Palin was too inexperienced, too Bushy. Lassie could have beat McCain.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009 - 10:32 AM EST

Name: "Danielle Cahloun"
Home Page:

I believe Obama won because he is young and fresh and related to alot of the people in this country who believe CHANGE is needed. I don't care if you're black, white or polka dot, if you have the courage to run for a government office amid racism and tyrrany, you can do anything! I voted for Obama, even though I am registered Republican. I can't stand what Bush and others did to this country. I always ask myself this, if the government is a Democracy, then why are there Republicans?

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