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Tuesday, 6 January 2009
How Do You Think Obama Won the Election?
Topic: Blog Tours

Today I would like to invite all readers to leave a comment with your opinion.  The question is How do you think Obama won the election? What bought about this question is today's guest, Earl Hutchinson.  Earl has released a book entitled How Obama Won:

How Obama Won

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Middle Passage Press, Los Angeles

January 2009

Print available soon. To be notified when the print book is available, please visit and send us your name and email address to be notified.

How Obama Won is a provocative, hard hitting critical assessment of the issues, events, forces, politics, pressures and controversy that shaped and ensnared Barack Obama in his historic 2008 presidential campaign.

Political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson examines the impact of race and gender, campaign strategy, the key political players, the nature of presidential politics, the changes in the Democratic and Republicans parties, the importance of the black, Hispanic, youth, women and blue collar white worker votes, the role of corporation and special interests in American politics.

Hutchinson tells what the first African-American to win the White House means to America and the world.

How Obama Won

Hutchinson tells why:

  • Race was not a factor in Obama’s win

  • The Iraq war and the terrorism were not compelling issues in the campaign

  • Sarah Palin hurt McCain

  • Many blue collar whites and rural voters supported Obama

  • Obama was able to top McCain in fundraising

  • Ultraconservatives did not unite behind McCain

  • The economy ultimately sunk McCain

  • Obama’s win will and won’t change politics in America

    Earl Ofari Hutchinson is a nationally acclaimed author and political analyst.

    He is a frequent guest analyst on:

    The John Gibson Show

    O'Reilly Show

    Hannity & Colmes

    Glenn Beck Show

    PBS Lehrer Report,

    NPR's Talk of the Nation

    Various CNN News Shows.

    He is the National Political Writer for New America Media and a regular contributor to: the Huffington Post, and BlackAmericaWeb.Com


Later this week, I will be presenting a couple excerpts from this book, but for now, I would like to hear what you have to say. Leave a comment voicing your opinion!  You know you have one :-)

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:47 AM EST
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Monday, 5 January 2009
Do You Know the World's Best Lover?
Topic: Blog Tours

I am so excited this week I'm about to burst! I have two wonderful guests who will be alternating days this week, Dr. Ava Cadell, world renown Love Guru and Earl Hutchinson, well-known political commentator. I guarantee you will not want o miss a day!


Today, I want to announce a very special contest being run by Dr. Ava Cadell. Do you know the world's best lover?  If so, you have a chance to win!

World's Best Lover Competition

Love Guru Dr. Ava Cadell, founder of, invites romantics to submit a FREE entry listing why their lover is the best. They will receive a FREE certificate for their partner attesting to this loving tribute. This is a perfect Valentine's gift at no cost. Each person who submits an entry will also receive a FREE copy of the ebook 52 Sizzling Sex Secrets. Deadline for submissions is February 7th, 2009. The winner will be announced on Valentine's Day and they will win a $2000 scholarship for Loveology University or $1000 cash.

 Get those entries in folks!! While you are waiting to find out if you are a winner, please take a look at the following. 

The Tantric Sex Workbook & Audio and The World's Best Lover Competition:
In Loveology University's Tantric Sex Certification Course, you will learn the definition of Tantra and the different kinds of Tantra. Discover how to practice Tantra as a single person verses a couple and the best way to introduce a partner to Tantric sex. There are plenty of Tantric sex techniques and you'll understand how Tantra can help heal a hurt relationship and treat common sexual concerns. These sensual secrets are sure to please your mind, body and soul.

For women, Tantra can empower and fulfill their sensual needs. For men it can open up a whole new world to intimacy and it can give them the tools to become multi-orgasmic. For couples it's an opportunity to create a more meaningful and intimate connection. So, get ready to explore new sexual territory, expand your ideas about your relationships, intimacy and sex.


Dr. Ava will be here Wednesday and Friday, with more information on her great works.  Please drop by and leave her a comment.  Also, stop by Tuesday and Thursday to find out how Obama won the presidency!

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:26 AM EST
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Thursday, 1 January 2009
The Year the Music Died by Dwight C. Rounds
Topic: Blog Tours
 Even those of us too young to remember the 60s are familiar with the music from that time period.  Dwight C. Rounds has written a fascinationg book that will take everyone back to that time.  Let's take a look at the book and author.


by Dwight C. Rounds

A book covering exclusively the best era of pop music, 1964-1972

The book is filled with commentaries on the groups and songs, psychedelic drugs, album and single chart statistics, the music festivals and numerous opinionated lists. There are also unusual trivia and lyric identification questions. The book is different from any other music book.

It is written for non-musicians (which are the vast majority of music listeners) and gives a very different perspective than most other music books.

Secondly, there is some biting humor in it, as the author pokes fun of musicians and some of the events of the time, which most music books tend to revere.

If you enjoyed the music of that era, or want to learn more about it, this book should interest you.




Dwight Rounds probably can’t name the bands or songs on the radio today, but ask him to name two No. 1 songs from 1964 and 1965 whose lyrics were written before 1930, and he’ll answer you faster than you can change the dial.


Born in Wichita, Kansas, and raised in northern California, Rounds developed a fascination and eventual obsession with popular music when he watched the Beatles perform live on “The Ed Sullivan Show” on February 7, 1964, the official launch of the British Invasion. Rounds began collecting every Beatles album produced, eventually branching out to other bands such as the Rolling Stones and the Byrds. By 1972, Rounds noticed a marked decline in the quality of music on the charts and began listening to contemporary pop music less and less. To this day, Rounds only listens to bands from 1964 to 1972, an era that has defined his musical taste.


Rounds has compiled his knowledge of his true passion—popular music from the 1960s and early 1970s—into his first book, The Year the Music Died (Bridgeway Books, 978-1-933538-69-3, $16.95, July 2007). This collection contains insightful commentary and trivia about the music from 1964 to 1972, including charts and ratings, information on music festivals and commentary on the social movements of the time. The book offers baby boomers a chance to rediscover the music of their childhood and introduce it to today’s generation of listeners.


Rounds received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from DePauw University in 1976, earned his M.B.A. from The University of Southern California in 1978 and was a self-employed CPA for 22 years. He currently resides in Austin, Texas, with his wife and two children. When not listening to music, Rounds enjoys following baseball and playing golf (once with Alice Cooper) and tennis.

 Please come back on Sunday for more information on Dwight C. Rounds and The Year the Music Died.

Posted by joyceanthony at 11:58 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 2 January 2009 12:04 AM EST
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Sunday, 21 December 2008
Meet Crystalee Calderwood
Topic: Blog Tours

I would like to introduce you to Crystalee Calderwood and her recent book, Angeline Jellybean. Unfortunately, I can't share the cover photo with you today (see note after post), but let's meet Crystalee:

Crystalee Calderwood is a born poet turned children's
writer, small town girl turned big city dweller. Crystalee
moved from Altoona, Pennsylvania, to Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, when she was twenty-two years old to
attend the MFA in Creative Writing program at Chatham
University. It was there she took her very first class in
writing for children and adolescents, and she's never
looked back.

As a member of Literacy AmeriCorps Pittsburgh,
Crystalee has had the pleasure of interacting with children in
the community through the non-profit organization
Beginning with Books. She introduced children to great
books in hopes that they would fall in love with them the
way she has. She is currently teaching computer skills to adults.


And here is a look into what Angeline Jellybean is all about:

Angeline wants to eat nothing but jellybeans. Year round, from Easter to Christmas, she asks for her favorite treat. But a strange event teaches Angeline that there's such thing as too much of a good thing!

With colorful, delightful illustrations by Stephen Macquignon, Angeline is sure to win over hearts of young picky eaters everywhere.



For more information on Crystalee, please visit:

Blog:  Website:  
You can purchase this wonderful book at: 
Please come back on Tuesday, when we will be talking with Crystalee--
you won't want to miss this one!
Note to my readers:  It seems I've used up all my space here :-( I spent
nearly two hours tonight trying to upgrade, but Tripod is not cooperating
with me :-(  I will be moving this blog to another account tomorrow.  The
link will be left here so you can find me.  Please make a note of the new 
link and drop by the new blog and say hello.  Thank yu for your patience
in this and your continued support.  I will make the move as smoothly as
possible.  Joyce 

Posted by joyceanthony at 4:02 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 21 December 2008 4:05 AM EST
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Monday, 15 December 2008
Mark Tewart Shares on How to Become a Sales Superstar
Topic: Blog Tours

Over the next several days, we will be visiting with Mark Tewart, author of How to Be a Sales Superstar.  Sales is something each of us do, no matter what our profession. Mark shows us not only how to sell, but how to be the best salesman.

About How to Be a Sales Superstar: Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It

A handy guide that every sales professional or business person can use to become a sales superstar. These days, making the sale is tougher than ever. That's why sales professionals and business owners need more than just smooth talk to make it in the business. Selling is a job that requires an updated toolkit for real, lasting success. How to Be a Sales Superstar teaches salespeople all the specialized skills they need to be a superstar and shows them how to implement those skills immediately. Readers will master the people skills necessary to relate to prospects and read their meaning; the life skills needed to be successful at any endeavor; the marketing skills to draw in new customers and keep the old ones; and the sales skills to eliminate objections and close the deal.

You can become a sales superstar-and get rich doing it.

About Mark Tewart

Mark Tewart is renowned expert on sales, sales marketing, sales management and creating a high performance life. Mark is a motivational speaker, consultant, coach, entrepreneur and owner of four businesses, and author of "How To Be A Sales Superstar - Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It" published by Wiley which is available in book stores and Amazon. Mark has spoken to over 2,000 audiences in the last fifteen years. Also, Mark has published hundreds of articles in numerous trade magazines and authored numerous books, audios, videos and online training materials. Mark has had a top ranked Satellite TV show and been interviewed by magazines, newspapers, radio and TV shows across the world.

Mark Tewart's websites include:, and

To read the first chapter of How to be a Sales Superstar and to receive several FREE bonuses from Mark Tewart, visit

Full tour details are posted at

Posted by joyceanthony at 12:40 AM EST
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Monday, 8 December 2008
Owen Fiddler Shows His Intelligent Side (Yes, There Is One!)
Topic: Blog Tours

After Owen Fiddler had a run in with Amanda the kitty cat yesterday over at I wasn't sure he'd show up here today.  Not only has he showed up, he's put on his best thinking cap and given some thoughtful answers.  Let's hear what Owen Fiddler has to say!

(Hey folks, this is Owen-he cleans up well, don't you think??)

Joyce: Thanks for joining us here today, Owen! I'd like to take a few minutes to discuss the recent election if that's okay with you?  I'd shy away from politics with most people, but I know you don't mind a bit of controversy :-) I'd like to give our readers a deeper glimpse into your thought processes. Which brings me to my first question:

Most of the world sees the recent election of Barack Obama as an historical election because of his heritage.  I see it more as a move ahead spiritually. Tell me, Owen, do you see any spiritual significance in America's choice for president?

Owen: Hm. I don't know if I would say there is any spiritual significance in the peoples' choice. As a man, speaking of Barak Obama now, I don't know for sure really who he is. Nor do a great many of the voters. What we know is what we get through the media, and that is always packaged carefully to present us with an image. The image is not the real man. Close to election day, I once saw a clip from the Howard Stern show. I don't watch his show, but someone sent me this clip. It was very revealing and quite disturbing, about how misinformed the voting population is. They sent two people out into African American neighborhoods posing as news reporters. They would walk up and ask people who they were voting for and why. Everyone was voting for Obama of course. He's black. Gotta vote for the brother, right? Well here's the catch. When they claimed they were voting for him because of his platform and policies, the two imposter reporters would query them further about those policies, only they were using McCain's positions. Without exception, everyone said "yes" that's why they supported Obama, when if fact, Obama's position was the exact opposite of the position or policy they had been asked about!

Like they would ask, "So you are in favor of smaller government then, right?

"Yes. Smaller government. That's why I'm for Obama."

And then you are against abortion, against pro-choice, right?"

"Yup. I'm with Obama on that one too."

It was hysterical. In a way, and frightening in another. So much ignorance in the hands and minds of our voters. We hold the power to elect our leaders, but the truth is our leaders do not get elected by people with correct information. Not true of everyone, of course, some folks take the time to dig through all the hype and propaganda to know the real what and why of their voting decisions. But not enough to make me comfortable.

The only aspect of spirituality I see in the election process now is that I pray to God that Obama will be blessed and led by God to do a good job leading this country. He is now our president and that is a tremendous responsibility. So God bless Barak Obama and our country and our world.

Joyce: I'm hearing a number of opposing views on the recent bailout plan by this administration as well as plans set forth by the incoming administration.  The viewpoint that interested me the most is that America is moving toward a socialism mindset.  Owen, what are your thoughts on this?

Owen: You know Joyce, I'm really not in favor of putting so much power into the hands of government. I mean, if that's what everybody wants, higher taxes, bigger big brother government, and more socialism, then fine - I'll go along with it. We DID ask for it. But to me, government has never been the answer. Big government, small government, lots of programs, fewer programs, this country will not turn around and become a nation of true freedom and justice for all until we return to God. I would have never had this opinion before, back when I was a devil-may-care selfish irresponsible jerk, but I've seen the light. God is the answer. Loving each other with the love of Christ is the answer. The Golden Rule is the answer. Paying higher taxes and assuming now we will all get along and be all happy happy because everyone will be cared for by our elected officials is to my way of thinking just passing the spiritual buck along to our elected officials. It's the proverbial ostrich head in the sand lunacy. My author, Marvin Wilson, did a whole post about this very subject on Free spirit, titled, We the People. That's pretty much my stance as well.

Joyce: Last question in this area, Owen.  What changes do you foresee taking place in the future with the vastly different mindset of the incoming administration as opposed to that of the past eight years?

Owen: On the down side, we will have bigger government, higher taxes, higher prices (big business will be passing on their higher taxes to us in the form of jacking their prices - their profit margins will remain the same, count on it), so the cost of living will go up. Way up. On the positive side, there will be more programs to assist the poor and more money spent, hopefully, on taking care of our environment. I also think the majority worldview of Obama is at least so far favorable; he may be able to make strides toward a better image of America overseas, better global public relations, and God - I hope he and this administration can do something to help bring about peace. Pounding Muslim nations to death is not doing anything to lessen radical terrorist Islamic hatred of our country. Hate never conquers hate, Love conquers hate. Here again, however, governments are not in a position to be able to love their enemies and to do good unto those who harm them. People are. We the people. It's on us.

Joyce: Onto other matters, Owen. The recent Thanksgiving holiday had many people considering what they are thankful for in their lives.  Can you tell us, Owen - what is Owen Fiddler most thankful about today?

Owen: Oh, gosh soooooooooo many things. My daughter, Frenda. She's passed on, but visits me regularly in visions and dreams. Talks to me. Encourages me. My family. Mom, God bless her, she never threw me away all those years when I was such a disrespectful, spiteful, finger-pointing selfish jerk. I put that poor woman through hell but she never gave up on me. I'm thankful for her for sure. And Paize, my brother. I always was jealous of him, harbored ill feelings toward him for all his success and self-confidence. He knew it. But he never returned the animosity. In fact, once I had recovered from the coma and he saw the change in me he offered me to be partners with him in his landscaping business. I've leaned a whole lot about the right way to live from my little brother. And lastly but most importantly, I'm thankful for a God that loves me and has saved me from the pitiful state of being I had been in. Amazing grace. How sweet the sound!

Joyce: Owen, what do you think it takes to really make a person thankful for the things in their life?  Is there anything you discovered on your journey that might help others reaching out for that thankful state?

Owen: Well I think that oftentimes people have to lose what they have in order to appreciate what they have. What's that old 70's song? "Don't it always seem to go - that you don't know what you've got ‘til it's gone?" I never appreciated life until I nearly lost it. I never appreciated my wonderful wife until I lost her. I couldn't really be with my daughter much as she was growing up because of the divorce and then Frenda was taken from this world at such a young age. No matter what you think you don't have enough of in life, there are always others worse off. Just look around. Be thankful for and appreciate what you do have rather than whining over what you think you ought to have.

Joyce: Any other thoughts on thankfulness before we move on?

Owen: Just this. Thanksgiving, it's okay, I mean picking out a day to be thankful. But like all holidays, it is meant to be symbolical of how we should always be. Thankfulness should be a life attitude, not a goody goody feeling we get all stuffed on Turkey over once a year.

Joyce: We will be celebrating Christmas here shortly, Owen, and I was wondering if you would like to share with us some of your thoughts on this time of year.  Christmas started out as a celebration of the birth of Jesus (as opposed to Jesus' birthday).  Tell me, Owen, do you think we still maintain this purpose or has Christmas become something far removed from its original purpose?

Owen: At this point let's just get real. Christmas is too far gone down the road of consumer-driven materialistic madness to consider it a real spiritual event anymore. The madness starts the day after Thanksgiving with "Black Friday." Throngs of people clamoring all over each other at the retail stores to buy the latest baubles at discount. You heard in the news where someone had been trampled to death at a Wal-Mart by the stampeding storm shoppers? It's sick. And not sick like cool the way the young people use that word these days. Sick as in sickening.

So but anyway, Christmas is what you make of it. It can still be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. That's the way I celebrate it. Here again though, why limit that celebration to one arbitrary day? There is only one day, only one now, and the birth of Jesus should be cause for celebration in every waking here and now moment. And many people who are not Christians find joy in the Christmas holiday, and they act nice to each other and smile a lot and feel good and treat people especially well. Even if that's all it is, if it's just a good excuse to get the warm & fuzzies, then I'm okay with that too. Free country.

Joyce: Christmas isn't the only celebration this time of year, as you know, Owen. There is Yule, Hanukah and Kwanzaa.  I have often thought how great it would be if we could somehow take the best elements from all four celebrations and combine them into one grand celebration of life.  What are your thoughts on this, Owen?  Do you think humans are ready to put aside differences long enough to make something like this work?

Owen: I would LOVE that. But I'd be totally like, shockerood if it ever happened. The biggest divisive element of society is religion. Religion divides people into opposing camps and splits our unity apart into animosity towards one another out of ignorance and fear. If we as a society could become more enlightened and see through the constraining fetters of organized religion and become truly spiritual, we would see that there is a fundamental sameness in all the great Masters' teachings and while we all might still choose to follow one path rather than the other, we certainly could gather together once in a while and celebrate our sameness and the Oneness of All. That's a great idea, Joyce. You gonna start a movement? If so, where do I sign up?

Joyce: I'll let you know, Owen.  I'd love to see it happen. Now for an easy one.  How will Owen Fiddler be spending the Christmas holiday?

Owen: I'll be helping out Marv at our church's free food and clothing pantry all morning and until probably late afternoon. Then he'll be going back to Camp Shiloh to celebrate and have a nice meal together with the four young men he mentors there. Me, I'm invited over to Paize's house for dinner. He and his wife invited me and also Jewel to come over. I'm really hoping Jewel will come. I'm trying my best to get back together with her.

Joyce: One last thing before we go, Owen.  Would you please tell our visitors where they can find out more about you and purchase your book?  Also, is there anything else you'd like to share with us today?

Owen: Oh sure - thanks for asking. The Owen Fiddler info site is at Best way to get a copy of the book is through or

(By the way, that there on the right is the cover!  Great one, isn't it?) 

One last thing? Well, Marvin asked me to put in a plug for his blog, Free Spirit. Marvin has been offered a contract by All Things That Matter Press to publish an anthology of some of the best posts. It's going to be titled, Between the Storm and the Rainbow, and should be out early in 2009. And also everyone remember that there are still lots of great stops left on this virtual tour. For all the prize giveaways and a listing of the entire agenda just go to:

And thanks for having me on here, Joyce! My former self has been taking a pretty good beating on some of the tour stops, and rightfully so - lol. But it was good to be able to come on here today and let people know that the new Owen Fiddler ain't all that bad anymore.

Joyce:  It was truly my pleasure, Owen. I look forward to seeing what you and Marvin have planned tomorrow over at  Rumor has it Marvin is actually posting one of his humor pieces!!

I'd also like to remind everyone about the prizes being offered by Marvin (details here ). want to know a bit about this Marvin character? Okay, here goes:

Marvin D. Wilson is the author of two published books, I Romanced the Stone (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie), and Owen Fiddler. Owen Fiddler has been awarded the prestigious AVATAR  award for excellence in spiritual books. Wilson has had articles published in several Ezines, and has been interviewed on hundreds of blogs, radio and TV shows, both over the internet and on the airwaves. He maintains his internationally popular blogsite at: FREE SPIRIT ( Free Spirit recently was awarded first place in the 2008 Book Blogger Appreciation Week award contest, in the Christian/Inspirational Fiction category.

Wilson is a family man, married for thirty two years, with three adult children and five grandchildren. He has been around the block of life several times, through the ups and downs, and has survived in good enough spirits to desire to write about life, to write about living life on purpose. Wilson is a self-described non-religious dogma-free Maverick spiritualist Christian. He writes books that deliver spiritual and inspirational messages in an engaging, thought provoking, often times humorous, more than often irreverent, sometimes sexy and even ribald way, through the spinning of an entertaining tale.

Contact Information:




New Book Website:


Posted by joyceanthony at 3:15 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 8 December 2008 1:48 PM EST
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Sunday, 7 December 2008
Religion, Politics and Owen Fiddler (and a special announcement) all in one post!
Topic: Blog Tours

Tomorrow is going to be a real treat here at Books and Authors. Own Fiddler (the new, reformed guy) has graciously (and bravely, I might add) allowed me to interview him on a few subjects. Not many souls would be willing to discuss both political and spiritual issues-let alone in the same post!

Owen has been on tour with his sidekick, Marvin Wilson, and they are setting the Net on fire! Just check out this tour schedule, folks:

**Thursday, December 4, 2008 - Pre-Launch Event

Location: Diary of an Eccentric Blog, host Anna Horner

Blog URL:

Format: Anna posts her review of Owen Fiddle

**Friday, December 5 - Grand Kick Off Event

Location: Diary of an Eccentric Blog, host Anna Horner

Blog URL:

Format: Anna hosts author Marvin D Wilson and Owen Fiddler with a Q & A interview.

**Saturday, December 6 - Stop #2

Location: Katrina L Wampler's Blog

Blog URL:

Format: Katrina posts an interview with Owen Fiddler.

**Sunday, December 7 - Stop #3

Location: Unwriter Blog (Ron Berry)

Blog URL:

Format: Ron posts a collision between Amanda the cat and Owen Fiddler. Ron will be serving all visitors with coffee, doughnuts and Purina Cat Chow.

**Monday, December 8 - Stop #4

Location: Books and Authors Blog (Joyce Anthony)

Blog URL:

Format: Owen on politics, thanks and Christmas

**Tuesday, December 9 - Stop #5

Location: Zhadi's Den Blog (Dana Fredsti)

Blog URL:

Format: Dana will post a short review of the book, and a humorous piece written by Marvin with a preface written by Owen Fiddler

**Wednesday, December 10 - Stop #6

Location: Serena's Savvy Verse & Wit Blog

Blog URL:

Format: Serena posts her review of Owen Fiddler. Also she will post an in-depth article written by Marvin, a biographical overview of the transformation from the undisciplined "freebird" Hippie of yore into the structured disciplined writer "living life on purpose" type of person he is today, and how that transformation affected and was affected by his taking up the arduous task of establishing a golden years career as a published author.

**Thursday, December 11 - Stop #7

Location: Straight From Hel Blog (Helen Ginger)

Blog URL:

Format: Helen re-posts her review of Owen Fiddler and Marvin posts an article on novice authors dealing for the first time with a dastardly candid and taskmastering professional editor.

**Friday, December 12 - Stop #8

Location: The Emerging Author Blog (Emma Larkins)

Blog URL:

Format: TBD

**Saturday, December 13 - Stop #9

Location: Pretty, Prosperous and Powerful Blog (Lacresha Hayes)

Blog URL:

Format: TBD

**Sunday, December 14 - Stop #10

Location: Morphological Confetti Blog (Stephen Bess)

Blog URL:

Format: Stephen posts an excerpt from the book that Marvin will select.

**Monday, December 15 - Stop #11

Location: The Quiverful Family Blog (Jennifer)

Blog URL:

Format: TBD

**Tuesday, December 15 - Stop #12

Location: The Daily Blonde Blog (Cheryl Phillips)

Blog URL:

Format: TBD, but knowing Cheryl probably something on the slightly mischievous and riske side (smile)

**Wednesday, December 16 - Grand Finale Stop!

Location: My Friend Amy's Blog

Blog URL:

Format: Amy posts the interview with Louis Seiffer on "Inside the Actor's Head Studio with Thames Lipton

I encourage you to stop by and check out the stops already made- some great stuff there!! Warning-keep all liquids far from keyboards during the stops (spew alert in effect, folks!).

In addition to all the great post, Marvin is offering PRIZES!!!  Go here to see what he has in store for you guys!!

 Marvin and Owen will be stopping in several times during the day tomorrow to answers questions, address commenters and just keep everyone thinking, smiling-or both. Opposing opinions and thoughts are as welcome as though in agreement--just keep in mind this is a family blog. That said, keep comments free of cussing, hate or name-calling-not difficult rules, are they? :-)


Now for the second special anouncement:  Katrina Wampler ( ) is featuring yours truly at kat Logic this week.  She did a rather extensive interview with me and you will find it in three parts (posted M, t and F).  Katrina has a great blog going over there so please stop by not only to leave me a comment on my days, but also to check out her posts on the other days-you won't be disappointed!

Posted by joyceanthony at 2:47 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 December 2008
Dyan Garris--Does her talent have an end??
Topic: Blog Tours

As we finish up our visit with Dyan Garris, I can't help but feel disappointed that I was unable to share so much of what this wonderful woman does with you--there just wasn't time.  I'm going to mention a few of my favorite things tonight--please visit the links and take a look.

First there is the Doors to the Soul DVD  (don't forget it comes with a free CD!). You can find it here:

Dyan writes and performs wondrous music.  My favorite is Illusions

I featured Money and Manifesting here a short while back.  This is a book I have read twice so far.  You can read about it here:

Dyan's other products are featured here:

and by going here:

you can listen to a sample of the beautiful music Dyan performs and look at the Angel Cards she designed.

I want to thank Dyan Garris for visiting with us this week. She had trouble getting my blog gremlins to allow her to comment, but wanted everyone to know she can read comments. I know Dyan would love to have you leave her a quick note!!

Thank you, Dyan!

Posted by joyceanthony at 1:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 4 December 2008 1:28 AM EST
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Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Automatic Chakra Balance DVD--Peace Among the Chaos
Topic: Blog Tours

Dyan Garris has helped many people move forward in their lives with her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Dyan is a voice recognition psychic and trance channel. She became aware of her gifts early in life and has helped many people learn to use the power contained in their chakras to be the best they can be. She has created a CD series of music and meditation for healing, chakra balancing, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit. Each CD vibrates to a specific chakra and contains several tracks of music plus a guided meditation. She is the author, developer and artist of Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards. (©1994 - 2008) and “Voice of the Angels – Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking,” “The Book of Daily Channeled Messages” and “Fish Tale of Woe – Lost at Sea.” She also writes a “Daily Channeled Message.”


About Automatic Chaka Balance DVD (Balance your chakras in 10 minutes)

Part of the Spiritual Toolbox™ for relaxation, spiritual transformation, Automatic Chakra Balance™ help in sleeping and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit by Dyan Garris. Doors to the Soul DVD is completely mesmerizing and relaxing! It features a special version of the very soothing song "The Journey." The DVD is designed to automatically balance your energy field in ten minutes! Order now to receive your FREE CD!

Special offer! Receive an entirely FREE CD with your DVD order. Spiritus Sanctus Volume 2, which charted in the top 100 of the New Age Reporter billboard chart for over a year, and was nominated for multiple New Age Reporter Lifestyle Awards will be included FREE with your order with no additional shipping.



Tomorrow, I have the pleasure of sharing with you an article written by Dyan Garris.  In the meantime, view yesterday's video again--or for the first time if you haven't already-and imagine the peace you will feel from an entire DVD of the same :-)


For those who are ready to order this beautiful DVD now, please visit:


Posted by joyceanthony at 1:17 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 2 December 2008 1:33 AM EST
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Monday, 1 December 2008
A Peek at Dyan Garris' Chakra Balancing DVD
Topic: Blog Tours

Many of you have been with me for some time now and are familiar with the work of Dyan Garris.  For the next several days, I have the pleasure of welcoming Dyan back to Books and Authors. Dyan has added an Automatic Chakra Balance DVD to her already impressive Spiritual Toolbox.  This DVD is designed to automatically balance your energy field in ten minutes! Later this week, I will be sharing with you how you can get a free CD from Dyan Garris, so please stop back. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

For today, I'd like to share with you a video that gives you a glimpse at what you can expect from the Automatic Chakra Balance DVD. 


For those who are ready to order this beautiful DVD now, please visit:


Posted by joyceanthony at 4:28 AM EST
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